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Bad Times on the ARK


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So I figured I'd post this thread for people to share their not-so-pleasant times on the ARK.
Here's my story.

So a little recently I had joined a pretty good PVP server. Fairly good rates, awesome admins, that sort of thing.
Now keep in mind damage rates were normal too, so if I wanted to I could break down a door if I wanted. I did a little bit of raiding, and then I just focused on building my base, and eventually upgrading it from wood (I NEVER build with thatch) to stone.

I had gone to the beach for 2 days over the weekend, so I was unable to tend to my base, so unfortunately two of my four dilos went missing, the other two dead. My Anky and Phiomia were fine though, and I found out that PVP was now only allowed on the weekends. That sucked a little bit, but that's something I'm willing to deal with.

Finally the weekend rolls around and the time for PVP is announced; well, more specifically, on Friday, but I didn't care. I made myself a nice amount of grenades - 14, more than enough to deal with a reinforced door - and headed off to find a base to blow open on my trusty Pteranodon, Original Name. Yes, I know. How original.

I eventually found a good-looking base that was promising; it was partially metal, and partially stone, and there was even a spot where it was partially wood. Perfect.

Getting myself and my bird a safe distance away from the blast zone, I lobbed a few grenades at the wood part - which should have been more than enough to blow it sky high - and waited for it to detonate. And when it detonated...

...nothing happened.

Confused, I lobbed two more grenades at the wood, and even when they exploded nothing happened. No darkening of wood, nothing. So I walked up to the wood, checking how much damage it had taken, and.. it had taken only a hundred points or so of damage!? I figured this was a bug, so I focused all of my grenades on the reinforced door. It literally took at least 50 points of damage. All of those grenades for NOTHING!

So I reported my findings in global chat, and it turns out the admin had actually RAISED STRUCTURE RESISTANCE against EVERYTHING. So even my Pike would do a measly 1 damage against a thatch DOOR. What the raptor is the point of PVP and offline raiding if your grenades are USELESS?

Promptly, I grabbed my Giga (yes, a Giga - a admin tamed it for me) and proceeded to chomp on the nearest stone base. Even a giga was useless.

Also apparently it turns out I wasn't supposed to raid that base, so I lost everything.


Needless to say..don't play on PVP servers with raised structure resistance. It's pathetic.

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Wow that sounds horrible. My worst experience so far was joining an official PvP server for the first time. I spawned at South Z3 I believe and travelled along the beach. I came across someone's base and was instantly attacked by a wild raptor. I respawned and got of to a decent start. Of course some other new survivor on the server killed me while I was in the crafting menu. So I decided to just play single player and join a server when I had more experience.

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11 minutes ago, lucarmax said:

Wow that sounds horrible. My worst experience so far was joining an official PvP server for the first time. I spawned at South Z3 I believe and travelled along the beach. I came across someone's base and was instantly attacked by a wild raptor. I respawned and got of to a decent start. Of course some other new survivor on the server killed me while I was in the crafting menu. So I decided to just play single player and join a server when I had more experience.

Honestly, I stay far away from official servers. Not because of the community but simply because of the rates; I literally cannot wait 14 hours for a Brontosaurus. Like, what the raptor?

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Just now, d1nk said:

He was probably scared his personal base was gonna get destroyed lol



I'm kinda suspecting the same thing lol. But he's an admin, so he's got all kinds of dinos with modded stats and stuff. Plus, he helped me tame the Giga I got on that server, and i'm pretty sure it would take at least 1k rockets JUST to take down a metal wall.

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I would have quit that server immediately.  

It would be nice if there was red flag or something on servers or mods that go too far, or are very modded or altered in some way.  Like a warning that says "WARNING: This server is modded in a way that may ruin your ARK experience, please proceed with caution."

It's like if I were a car company and some aftermarket company was selling my cars with offensive paint jobs, or ridiculous "pimp my ride" type stuff going on; some things just ruin the image or vision behind the product.  Or if my salesmen were just complete a-holes.  I would not be happy if my customers were being treated poorly.   That's how I feel about it.


Better yet:

Suggestion:  Wildcard, make the server settings visible to the players!


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8 hours ago, d1nk said:

He was probably scared his personal base was gonna get destroyed lol





I joined a unofficial PVP server, my base got raided while offline multiple times. All dinos dead too.

I found out who did it. Admin tribe.

No problem. They are players too.


A while later we hit back, raiding them when they were offline, blasted through a LOT of metal, received a lot of turret dmg, lost some dinos in the process too.

A day later, irate admin on the chat, we scouted him from the forest. Well he must have had 'hidden' supplies, because he just repaired the massive dmg just like that.

And woosh, new dinopark in a instant too. all very high levels.

How it ended? We did it again, then we as a tribe got banned from the server.


Last time I play on a unofficial server.


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On the current server I'm on (before it's going to switch to the new Center map), the admins don't raid as they're just a neutral force in the server: You're allowed to raid them, but they'll only retaliate by trolling you until you calm down. Or at least that's their exact words on their ad.

(I'm assuming they mean like painting your entire base pink, or dropping dodos in your rex pen, or caging you for a little while lol. I'll have to ask)

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On 5/17/2016 at 2:55 AM, NukeZX said:



I joined a unofficial PVP server, my base got raided while offline multiple times. All dinos dead too.

I found out who did it. Admin tribe.

No problem. They are players too.


A while later we hit back, raiding them when they were offline, blasted through a LOT of metal, received a lot of turret dmg, lost some dinos in the process too.

A day later, irate admin on the chat, we scouted him from the forest. Well he must have had 'hidden' supplies, because he just repaired the massive dmg just like that.

And woosh, new dinopark in a instant too. all very high levels.

How it ended? We did it again, then we as a tribe got banned from the server.


Last time I play on a unofficial server.


I play on the D00MLAND server and the admin doesnt even have a tribe. He's got like one building and no dinos. Only time we see him is when hes hosting an event or helping someone find a lost dino.

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