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About SharkLordSatan

  • Birthday 09/15/2000

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  1. Where is Survival of the Fittest??? Will it ever come back??? You guys basically took it away without any warning
  2. Listen. I'm all for mod spotlights. I think they're great. But the community can't subsist on crunches that give literally ZERO information as to the progress of ARK as a whole - the multitude of other comments stating this fact in a much more aggressive tone have said what has already been said. Although, admittedly, I do wish we also could've gotten something a little bit more meaningful for International Women's Day other than a generic statement that is inevitably bound to trigger gamergate bros. What the community wants is COMMUNICATION AND TRANSPARENCY!!! Like, literally, you could be posting about the PROBLEMS you're having with Scorched Earth/The Center and I'm pretty sure it'd make a good portion of the community happy about it because we aren't being left completely in the dark about the development of the game, outside of you announcing release dates (and then proceeding to miss those release dates. Repeatedly.) And on an unrelated note... why is there transformation/inflatable/sapience? FETISH ART in the community crunch today??? I don't know how y'all pick out the art for the community crunches but it feels suuuper weird. Especially considering that the art piece wasn't even made by the person who posted it...
  3. From what I'm able to tell based on the info in the dossier, Rhyniognatha's going to most likely not have the following features the original suggestion had for it; - It won't be able to swim underwater and fly - It won't be immune to tuso grabs, nor will it be ignored by aquatic creatures - Can't roar to temporarily immobilize creatures when not holding something - Can't carry aquatic tames - Can't carry two medium-sized creatures or one large-sized creature - Can't inflict bleed with jaws - Can't push back several enemies at once w/ its legs - Doesn't produce light, and the glue doesn't act as a substitute to sap/honey/ambergris - Possibly no motorcycle saddle
  4. Honestly separating the UR5 upgrade for the OG game into a separate game makes sense, albeit is a bit poopty in my honest opinion. My main concern though is this; what about the people who already own ARK: Survival Evolved and its DLC? Will we be forced to pay for the game all over again to play Survival Ascended? Or will we get it for free if we already own the base game? This wasn't addressed in the article from what I could tell and while I'm assuming it's not the case I would really appreciate an answer on this. Also, is ARK 2 being released only for PC/XBOX a limited-time exclusivity thing where it'll be made available for Playstation at a later date, or is it just not getting put on PS5 at all?
  5. ARK 2 concept looks great, but I'm hoping we could get some information regarding the various bugs involving Survival of the Fittest. I crash very frequently from...basically doing anything, and I'm playing on PS5. Not to mention the Sinomacrops Glider doesn't work whatsoever, and I've heard that SOTF is causing issues for people playing outside of the gamemode, which is very concerning.
  6. I'm going to cry, this is the most amazing expansion ever?? Sucks that I have to pay for it, but at least it's 40% off atm. also wish that this content was available on the island as well if you buy the dlc
  7. SharkLordSatan

    Custom Dossiers

    Fan-made Dossiers of my design!
  8. I'm guessing it's some sort of herbivore or omnivore-based dinosaur or similar proto-reptile. (There WERE reptiles that had fur, which were called cynodonts).
  9. Frankly I'm thinking it's either a boss, or a skin that you achieve similar to the Bionic Rex. Either way, looks AWESOME!
  10. That actually makes sense, IMO. Though personally it dosen't really look like it could be made out of other creature's DNA (except for maybe a Ankylosaurus or Deodicurus.)
  11. Technically, this could be a sub-species to..whatever. I mean, think about it; almost everything on the island isn't really a "true" dinosaur (like for example the T-Rex, which is technically tyrannosaurus dominium, or the Brontosaurus (which in real life is actually Apatosaurus).
  12. To be honest, it looks a little bit like a tautara to me. Or a armadillo lizard.
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