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PVP discussion, PVE Discussion keep it civil


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PVP gamers please use more common sense when posting on a thread that is entirely about PVE

PVE, take it with a grain of salt. They have territorial issues.

Too many people go off topic on these threads and think PVP and PVE rules are cohesive. They are not. Please separate the two and stop bashing on players for having a different play style.

Forums should have a separate catagory for these two. Game Suggestions is where this is going as well. Please keep it civil. Survive and thrive.

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Guest DJRone89
31 minutes ago, ArkCreation said:

PVP gamers please use more common sense when posting on a thread that is entirely about PVE

PVE, take it with a grain of salt. They have territorial issues.

Too many people go off topic on these threads and think PVP and PVE rules are cohesive. They are not. Please separate the two and stop bashing on players for having a different play style.

Forums should have a separate catagory for these two. Game Suggestions is where this is going as well. Please keep it civil. Survive and thrive.

You created this post because you disagree with the valid points made on another thread discussing Official Ark rules vs mob rules. The core issue was the same regardless of whether those who commented played on either game mode.

The only bashing I see is your disagreement with the points raised because apparently morality plays a part in Ark even though it’s a video game and people can play as they like.

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9 minutes ago, DJRone89 said:

You created this post because you disagree with the valid points made on another thread discussing Official Ark rules vs mob rules. The core issue was the same regardless of whether those who commented played on either game mode.

The only bashing I see is your disagreement with the points raised because apparently morality plays a part in Ark even though it’s a video game and people can play as they like.

I'm sorry you see what I wrote that way. No I don't disagree with comments posted in the past, that's the thing. Everyone is entitled to say what they want and how they please and where. Yes there are rules within the game that are similar, like core rules, but its all an assumption you based on me.

Let me give you a brief history lesson, a little about my gaming experience, and why I posted this.

I have 3700 hours into this game. Ive played probably over 2 years. Took a few brief periods where I didn't play.  I do not post on forums out of some rage induce guilt or to prove anything to anyone. I am civil, I listen, and I try to take to heart when people talk to me on these forums that it's not personal.

PVP has rules where you do not have offline protection. PVE does. PVE you are not allowed to attack another person's base unless they agree to a declaration of war.  Some exploit alliances and then go to war with someone within the alliance, thus creating a war with all within the alliance and allowing you to attack someone you want. Rules of PVP are there are no rules. in PVE most like to make cool looking bases, breed dinos, get color mutations. The play styles are vastly different, thus if the rules were actually the same as pvp we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Mentality of players is also different between PVP and PVE. I've played them both. I've heard my share of player bashing PVE players in both discord channels and on forums. The PVP community is kill or be killed. Kill on sight regardless of what tribe that person is. Base Wiping, etc.     

PVE is where players can build and enjoy the game without all that. (yes i know there is still turf wars with pillars, etc, kiting of wild dinos to bases etc.) Mentality is still pretty pathetic in these regards as PVE wasn't built with this in mind and I would rather have the bashing stop in separate forums than players posts I see have to deal with it again and again.

People live in a real world, regardless if you think a game will keep you safe from the high morals or low morals of the players behind the screen you still have to deal with it. So I am curious if you thought to ridicule me and post about it, or if you actually have a better suggestion to figure out how to keep these forums civil instead of taking the time to bring up you're assumptions of a complete stranger.

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I do agree as person that only plays pve i do not know anything regarding PvP nor would I ever wish too. (I'd rather not raise dinos to watch them be killed,a large waste of time) same with a PvP only player who expects death and losses. So when the two people try to discuss the same topic there are alot of disagreements. So yea segregation!

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It really is sad that people are naturally selfish.  It would be awesome to play a PvE server without the unsightly appearance of pillars all over the map.   Last night on NA crossplay Scorched  Earth, we had someone kite a poison wyvern to red obilisk because he was unhappy about a few people who built near it.

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I almost never understand the PvP comments about pve players..one that stands out is how PvP players say...your playing pve what's the point ? Your dinos just sit there. Well I get to build as I want and breed what I want with no chances of a player destroying either.  I couldn't imagine the feeling of seeing weeks and months worth of work c4'd and rocketed. 

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The problem is no one really enforcing rules on official PvE servers. For the record: I play both PvE and PvP.

On PvP players can set up rules and enforce them by themself. It's the law of the strongest.

On PvE the server admin set up rules and enforces them. If players agree to some form of code, thats fine, however they don't have the means to enforce any rules. Thats entirely to the admin. If you exploit on PvE to enforce your own rules, you are in fact playing PvP on a PvE server. This is really the main difference between the both modes if it comes to rules. It's not about morality at all.

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4 hours ago, Thorium said:

The problem is no one really enforcing rules on official PvE servers. For the record: I play both PvE and PvP.

On PvP players can set up rules and enforce them by themself. It's the law of the strongest.

On PvE the server admin set up rules and enforces them. If players agree to some form of code, thats fine, however they don't have the means to enforce any rules. Thats entirely to the admin. If you exploit on PvE to enforce your own rules, you are in fact playing PvP on a PvE server. This is really the main difference between the both modes if it comes to rules. It's not about morality at all.

I agree.

The only fashion of life that people tend to discount is that morality, morals have nothing to do with gaming in these chaotic pvp pve worlds that Ark has. It is at the very center of it actually. If you ruin other players experience that they didn't ask to be treated this way, by grief play, kiting, and/or any tactics to exploit an advantage over someone you have low morals. If you have higher morals you set you're sights away from these kinds of things, retaliation and revenge are not a thing you do. So someone's morals is always being tested in this game whether you think these concepts are in a game or not. People abide by the laws in real life and some use them to their advantage, exploit people, blackmail, negotiate unfair terms, (if you don't move you're pillar ill kite a titano to you're base.) Threats and everything else.   I hope no one thinks that just because its virtual and just a game that the consequence of every action doesn't have a reaction. Indeed it does.

Someone would rather enjoy the game without these things then there needs to be stricter rules in place so players do not take advantage of each other. And if all they can do is report players for harassment..... Unfortunately not every case is escalated to where a GM call would resolve it.   Like for instance pillars all over the map. These players claim to hold resources and land against people who would build on choke points and paths that would hinder players from traveling. The whole game is a nightmare. I don't understand why some pass these issues by as its just part of the game deal with it. 

The cry of players that usually goes unheard. Quote, "I am sick of the land hoarding, justifiable words, and progression of a game that doesn't promote fair play. It only promotes this chaos, pvp or not. Its still there."

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Without chaos there can be no order. Pve tends to be worse than pvp because of the simple fact someone stated above without admins to control behavior you get one big troll fear that pve servers can't combat. Like zip lines over bases or metal piping through bases etc. there's going to be trolling no matter what server / mode you play (official servers) but on pvp at least you have a solution. Maybe once the devs fix all the problems with grieving in pve then we wouldn't have the conversation anymore but only time will tell 

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10 hours ago, Mjsechrest said:

Without chaos there can be no order. Pve tends to be worse than pvp because of the simple fact someone stated above without admins to control behavior you get one big troll fear that pve servers can't combat. Like zip lines over bases or metal piping through bases etc. there's going to be trolling no matter what server / mode you play (official servers) but on pvp at least you have a solution. Maybe once the devs fix all the problems with grieving in pve then we wouldn't have the conversation anymore but only time will tell 

Yeah, I can understand wanting to play PVP for this reason. You have an in-game solution. Still I like keep everything they worked hard on so PVE it is.

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