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perma x2 on release?


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rather hope so

with the upcomming re-purpose people have to destroy their stuff to be able to move (losing 50% of the resources) so a x2, for quite some time would help to more or less restore most things (if you even find a good spot to build on, every active server has it's own population allready that also aim for the good spots)

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They seem to care a little about PvE, and as a company they seem to embrace the grind in Ark, so I really doubt that will be the case. I also hope it's not.

For PvE players, if populace servers are at cap, why want faster rates? It just means servers are totally capped sooner. If you're WC, you don't want tame capped servers either, leads to lots people complaining they're at the cap.

For PvP players, it's a bit more of a gray area, but I think Alpha/Mega tribes benefit the most from increased rates (assume for the sake of argument there's no duping going on). Most are not in an alpha/mega, but if that's you I totally get why you would like faster rates.

For all, 2x and especially the recent 3x (for xp) pretty much make everything before metal irrelevant, even if you only kind of know what you're doing. Started a new toon over the weekend for S&Gs and it is absurd how fast I made it to 60, just playing the game not engaging in any specific leveling activity.

I actually liked it way back when it was half of what it is now better so I'm biased, but I think increasing it further permanently would be a mistake.


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