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Any good methods to tame a quetzel solo without another queztel


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11 hours ago, Raiuza said:

yeah well devs it too hard to solo a quetzel with bird and scorpion takes too long and 85% of the time the quetzel will die which equal that i waited time trying to tame it iknow that shorting from  flaying dinos might be a little op so why not just enable it for pve or another method like meke the quetzel land when it take like half health damg or something that just make solo tame quetzels possible PLS!!!!

The Quetzel is supposed to be hard to attain. That's the point. I play solo and I don't have one. If you want one solo, try hosting a non-dedicated match with your friends, everything you claim will cross back over to your solo game.

Making this nightmare creature an easier tame will only reduce the glory of actually attaining one.  Since this game is playable solo, there has to be a way of doing it yourself.  I'd recommend searching the GENERAL DISCUSSION section of the forum to see if anyone has any ideas on how to better tame this beast. 

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Can someone please tell me if it is still possible to tame a Quetzel by stinging it with a scorpion? I have tried this twice now with no success both times on the same Quetzel. It is a level 18 Quetzel, our server doesnt spawn the 100+ others do as the highest lvl dino i have ever seen was a lvl 50 before taming. The first attempt I took my lvl 50ish scorpion up and stung it dozens of times over the course of at least an hour or so not long after it would slow down after rushing away and never got it to drop. The next time I took a new Argent that had 700 more stamina than the last one 2100 overall so I could stay up longer without landing inbetween, took the same scorpion, now a lvl 70 with 195% hit damage since i read maybe the damage would increase the topor per sting, again I had to have just tried for well over an hour, getting dozens of stings in before I ever had to land for stamina and repeated this 3/4 times and I only just stopped because the Quetz was so bloody I was afraid I was going to kill it before it got knocked out. I had to have stung the thing close to 100 times over the course of the second attempt, what am I supposed to do? I am not getting lucky like one of the guys in the group of us who play whose got one from it flying into the mountain and getting stuck for an easy capture. 

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Pretty much just what @PhantomGamer mentioned. The wiki has details, called the "Parachuting" strategy. It's how I was able to tame mine.


Tranq. darts are the way to go, I think. If you need help figuring out how many you'll need check out a taming calculator. Here are three of them:




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Did the parachute method as well.

Used one Pteranodon and two argys on follow, they were mostly for defense once I got it down to defend against wild dinos.

First one I got to go down landed right on a rex and carno so... yeah... Was gone before I couldn't even get down there. Second landed in a forest around the volcano I think. Quickly set up spiked walls around it. Had some argys and scorpions come but my two argys took care of those.

Glad I'll never have to do this method ever again... :)

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10 hours ago, Franchi said:

I used the scorpion method for my first solo tame but that was pre nerf and the scorp had over 1k melee.


Has anyone done it post nerf?


Anyway if you go the scorp route find the lowest level Que you can.

I tried the scorpion method months ago. I spent a lot of time grinding to get it's melee damage high. I wasn't sure how much it should have, but I tried to get it to 1k. I didn't have much luck with that though as it more often than not killed the Quetzal I was trying to tame. 

Finding the lowest level Quetzal that you can is definitely one of the best tips for taming your very first one. The first one I tamed (using the Parachuting method I shared) was only level 10. The second one I tamed (post nerf and on the back of my first one) was only a little above level 20, I think. So, I'd recommend having about 20 tranq darts to tame a level 20 or below.

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4 minutes ago, Quizzle said:

I've technically tamed 4 Quetzals but one just disappeared which was my first but i tamed another one before that 

god i love quetzals to tame other quetzals all you got to do is get the platform saddle hop off shot the quetzal u want jump back on chase it hop off again shoot it again and repeat


Or you can build a purpose quetzal catcher, which is what i use structure on the back on one quetzal i use to catch other quetzals in, when you knock them out they stay in the catcher in mid air until tamed no worries about things on the ground just make sure to have enough narc's/kibble or meat to tame them as if you move the quetzal it falls out, plenty of youtube vids around to show you how.

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2 minutes ago, Quizzle said:

I've technically tamed 4 Quetzals but one just disappeared which was my first but i tamed another one before that 

god i love quetzals to tame other quetzals all you got to do is get the platform saddle hop off shot the quetzal u want jump back on chase it hop off again shoot it again and repeat


Or, you mount a cage on it, capture it, close it in, tranq it and tame it while you are in the air.

One of the verisons I have used is with 4 dino gates in a square pattern, a colmn to one side(left or right) and a few ceiling tiles coming off the column to partly cover the opening at the top of the 4 dino gates.

Then, you either open the front or back dino gate, maneuver a quetzal into it, dismount before it can fly through, get inside the cage, close the door, and tranq it.  It will be trapped when you dismount, assuming you position it correctly, so it cannot fly way; no more trips to 50/50.  When it goes out, you tame it there; do not try to fly it someplaces else; and there is usually no need.

This works best with kibble, since kibble keeps longer, but you can also do a fridge and genny, or preserving bins, to carry enough prime for the tame; plus some back up meat.

You can also use this for catching a ptera.

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Damn...I wish I knew that before I did all of those high level tames, by myself using a cage on a Queztal; the last 2 being 120s.  Should I release those two 120 tames back into the wild? 

All kidding aside, I have done this multiple times, and even used it once on a Ptera.  You have to build the right type of cages:  4 dino gateways, 4 dino gates, 4 columns, and 3 ceiling tiles.  


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Hello everyone, i was thinking about a new way to tame a Quetzal alone. I didn't tried it yet but i'm gonna try it later.

My solution is that you take a pretty fast pteranodon and you put it in agressive mode. Once that is done, you go search a Quetzal and once you found one, you get off of your ptera and you shot a grappling hook on your Ptera(Don't forget to take a parachute just in case if you fail your shot). If its work, your Ptera should attack the Quetzal, so once you are attached, you take your longneck rifle with tranq darts / crossbow with tranq arrows and you shoot the Quetzal while your Ptera is chasing the quetzal (Better to try it with Ptera because Argentavis do a lot of damage).

As i said i didn't tried it, i just thought about that, so guys you could try if you want. I would share for help people if its work.

Have a good day everyone.

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