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So what did you do in ARK today?


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19 minutes ago, gamatron332 said:

Aight set server settings to bby growth rate = 57

and imprint I interval to 0.018

this will get you a 40ish minute raise time on a pterodon with full imprints every 9 nine mins @Dinobros2000

Completely random response, but I have mine very close to yours. I'll try your settings, seems like yours is a teeny bit faster than mine. I have my growth at 50 and interval at .023

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3 minutes ago, gamatron332 said:

Umm the imprints don’t stack sadly. But you will get 20 percent faster.  If you want it at 70 you’ll new Ed to set imprint interval to 0.0145. And yes you will need kibbles if you don’t. Have cryos. Cryoing and uncryoing will reset what it wants 

Cyros? Thoes are expensive! At least for me, I don’t even have a fabricator or and argy or beaver.

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20 minutes ago, Ohma said:

Completely random response, but I have mine very close to yours. I'll try your settings, seems like yours is a teeny bit faster than mine. I have my growth at 50 and interval at .023

Yeah for whatever your growth timer is just divide 1 by that number and you’ll have your imprint timer

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Day 4: SUCCESS!!! Today decided the best way to get my pets back was to fly, so I got geared up with some narco-arrows, and shot the first pteranodon I saw, he looked fairly week sadly, so I made a chest and dropped off some loot and tamed him, mounting him with a saddle I pre-made, we took off, referring my map I go up the river, landing for a breath most commonly on a peninsula cliff, soon I saw my bird circling a troodon, but it was day so it had hybrnated under a rock. TBC

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Day 4(continued): I landed my bird and checked how my pets were, then noticed the Tapajahara that that had gotten trapped under a rock. I knocked him out, and feed him some meat, and I scanned the area with my pets. Only found a few raptors in a hole. Then the sun started setting, and the trodoon woke up, my pets swarmed home quickly. One must have accidentally scraped or bitten a dimetrodon. Suddenly we weren't the ones swarming. Finally there was only one left, but he was good at dodging. Finally Mesher grabbed onto him and both Dimetrodons fought, and Mesher died. Then the wild dimorph got caught by Cheep. Sad about the loss of Mesher I finished taming the Tapajara which I named Torji. I freed him from the rock he was trapped under. It was time to head home. Consulting my map, I saw four routes, one went along the river and the swamp and redwoods. Another was through the redwoods to the beach, maybe longer, but foreseeability less dangerous. The third was travel upriver more and make a big loop around the forest and redwoods, through slightly unmapped territory and possibly running into a colder area or a volcano, which I notice have bigger carnivores but if I flew right it would be least dangerous. And the forth was completely unmapped. I chose the redwoods, I wanted to get home fast. About 2/3 of the way Torpedo was tired. So we had to land, I chose a more rocky clearing spot. We were going down, and at the floor when it happened, something flew from the trees and some raptors, a carno and some weird birds circled us below, I urged torpedo to fly up the slope, where a peak was, and saw a good spot and torpedo collapsed. Behind Torji was here. Cheep was getting consumed by a large creature that had leaped from the trees. It sounds bad, but I wasn’t too sad, he was weak and I wasn’t attached. We flew ahead. Thing is, Torji is slower. He must have got caught up in some trees. I’ll find him later, but right now, it’s not worth it. We got back home. A long fingered bipedal herbivor was lounging by our base, I decided it might be a good tame. It’s fast! But I’m faster. I eventually got it knocked out, but I don’t think he’s too trusting, this might take a while.

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Day 4(non cinematic): geared up a little, tamed a pteranodon, he was only level 3 but he’ll work Named cheep. Flew out to my death beacon, got lucky, not too much drama, saw the same Tapajara glitched in a rock, Knocked out, started taming. Night came and the troodons attacked. Accidentally hit a dimorh, and My dimorph Mesher died, tamed the tap named him Torji, flew back, when regaining stam a thing that climbs trees Ate cheep, we escaped, and when going home, we accidentally abandoned Torji out of render. KOed a Therizino and am now taming, cus of my bossed rates should be only a handful of mejos and narcos. 

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Another day, another rex leveled. I can do almost 2 per day. I mean I could if I did nothing else but man, this grind.

After I finished the first rex of the day I took my thyla out to run around and farm party dodos. Found a very old Valentine's event trike that happened to be a 150 with great potential. Ran back home, got arrows and kibble. Happened to be talking to a friend while playing, stopped to answer a text. Pegos ambushed me and stole my meat and the kibble. Stupid thing ate the kibble in the 10 seconds it took me to turn around and kill it. Ran home, made more, then got the kibble safely back to the trike. Uneventful tame and I love cryos just for not having to take a super long walk back with a vulnerable new tame.

Trike has breedable stats and nice colors, love it. Someday I want to do a full breeding line of them, seeing as they're usually my early game companions these days.

Made a ton of chibis, added a bunch to my collection. Nothing super duper rare yet but I was happy to get a chibi argent.

Got the next rex mostly leveled but now I'm tired and Max Brooks' new book released today so I'm gonna go read. Devolution, it's about Bigfoot. Love me a good Bigfoot story and I recently reread World War Z so I'm super hyped now. Maybe I'll tame an ape someday and name it after him lol. Not today though.

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Day 5 (non-cinematic): While the Therizino was taming I KOed and Iguanodon and tamed that too, then headed home. Looking for a high level pteranodon I only found a 13. Finally, it was moving day, my base is nowhere near metal, or even smooth stone. I moved to the southern inlets with Beavers, Obsidian, Metal, Rich Metal, Crystal, and more all nearby. I had to leave bronto and Therizino at base, maybe pick the up latter when I have saddles? Found a realitivly fast island with an ARK font A of rock on it, which looked like a good place, started clearing it and placed some pillars to prevent respawn. Upgraded my pick, tamed a beaver (woody) and went on my first really metal run with Bipedal??? And Goofy. Got around 750 raw metal! Couldn’t find crystals, but I got a spyglass from a supply drop so.. decided to go out and tame a Argy while the metal smelts. Went the long way to avoid redwoods and swamp. Got there, and it had just turned night, and illuminated against the sky a giant giga shadow stood at the top of the mountain. I flew by him a few times, and he didn’t notice me. I bit him and flew off a cliff face, he walked in circles!!!! Eventually I got him down when it turned day, killed a few raptors and picked up 4 ENs so my Pteranodon had like 12 levels stam 350-650 ( : tamed an female argy now eaglet. Flew home, gathered some trikes and turtles for the saddle!

Pets day 7:

Bazooka - pteranodon 



Eaglet - Argentavis

Ark - Raft
Banana - Therizinosuar


woody - castoderous 

Ramson - Trike

Goofy - Parasuar

Screecher - Raptor

Yellow - Raptor

Bipedal??? - Iguanodons 

any name ideas for the bronto and the two pteranodon?


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Fed the dinos, bred the rexes and argies, horses too. Raised one of the frozen foals a bit, re-cryoed it. Incubated the eggs a bit, then put them in the fridge. Made some Exceptional kibble, made 10 chibies (nothing interesting, not even any sharks), made a new shotgun since I can't remember where I put the old one, 16-something % crafting bonus, the highest I've ever got!  Logged off. Currently trying to decide whether or not I'll try to log back in in time to get the foals - on one hand, it would be nice to not waste an equus breeding for once, on the other hand I'll have to just... Wait for it sort of, not doing anything too engaging in order to even remember about it, and I'm not sure I want 2-something hours of boredom instead of 2-3 hours of playing some other game and having fun.

Addition, which goes to this post because it was still on the same day: I finished hatching all the eggs, they were... Well, let's just say that I now have less bullets, more scrap metal, and no new rexes (or argies). I also did actually return to the game in time to get the foals, and, after claiming, intentionally allowed them to starve, as they were all male and without new mutations.

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Finished leveling 2 rexes today. I've worked out that it takes approximately 2.5 hours to level one up from where they are currently with the passively gained exp and all that. It could take as little as 2 hours if rng favors me with a lot of twins/triplets. Otherwise I can only do approximately 1.5 rexes per day because I only really have 4 hours to play after work, and I don't always just grind these things either.

Basically I get home from work, log in, plop my character in a chair and go make dinner, etc while the eggs build up. Then I pop them all, kill them, level the rex, and hopefully it's done and I can swap for a new rex. Then I idle some more to get a second big batch of eggs, repeat process.

Very dull and barely even counts as playing really, which is why I've been putting this off for so long. This game is absolutely not balanced for solo play at all.

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Day 6(non cinematic): I lost Bazoka and Eaglet to Therizinos. I went on a metal run, killed some Therizinos then went out for another argy more on that tomarow. Played Play as a dino after a little while it works this time. Played as an argy on Center, got 3 more argys, two died in lava, but now me and the other have like 200dmh

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A much more productive day than expected. The patch kind of threw me off since I had to wait for it. But I was happy to see they fixed the wyverns so fast.

Naturally I went to Crystal Isles first, cryo'd my baby tropical crystal wyvern and transferred it to my main character on The Island. Yes I know, technically breaking the Ultimate Ark rules. But, it's not a high level wyvern; it's barely midlevel. And it's bred but not imprinted to my main character. So its utility is limited, it's mostly there to look pretty and fly around on.

Finished another rex.

Once the wyvern grew up I took it out to do a little side project. I collected and tamed a pack of wolves, which I will work on breeding while I level up the rexes. It's something I thought of recently, that if I'm playing essentially story mode then it would make sense to gather all the Explorer Notes. Since wolves can sniff out notes, obviously it would be in my interest to have some. Thus, small pack tamed. Got some decent stats, really nice melee.

But alas, time is short and that's it for the day. Devolution is calling me, man I stayed up way too late last night reading. Gonna do it again tonight too.

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Today I haven't done anything yet, but the plans include:

1. Transferring my SE character to some Crystal Isles server (I gave up on flamethrowers, so I no longer need him near an easy-to-get sulfur deposit, so...)

2. Establishing a small base there.

4. Getting as many levels on him as I can.

5. Wyverns! Well, once the level is high enough. Basically my SE character will get one hell of a promotion from a mere sulfur gatherer to a mighty Wyvern Tamer.


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Today's plan fulfillment:

1. Transferring: DONE! Without any problem, and the server is mostly not laggy, except around the bases of wyvern breeders, but breeder bases are a bit of a lag-factory on any server and regardless of what's bred.

2. Base: Almost done! Just needs a ceiling. And a higher fence. The chunk of land I found is big enough, with a tiny lake nearby, metal's not far too.

3. Leveling: DONE!

4. Wyverns: progress 1/?. The first one is a Blood Crystal male, level 25 pre-tame. Named Bloodwind because he's almost entirely red and fast as... Well, as a crystal wyvern, but "Bloodwyvern the Blood Crystal Wyvern" sounds dumb. Uploaded, just gotta grab him back on Valguero now. Also, due to wyvs having a nasty habit of flying around too long, losing taming progress, I had to jump onto his tail, run up to his back and feed him crystals from there - can't lose progress if I'm right here, ready to feed him as soon as possible!

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1 hour ago, AllOfTheAllos said:

Today's plan fulfillment:

1. Transferring: DONE! Without any problem, and the server is mostly not laggy, except around the bases of wyvern breeders, but breeder bases are a bit of a lag-factory on any server and regardless of what's bred.

2. Base: Almost done! Just needs a ceiling. And a higher fence. The chunk of land I found is big enough, with a tiny lake nearby, metal's not far too.

3. Leveling: DONE!

4. Wyverns: progress 1/?. The first one is a Blood Crystal male, level 25 pre-tame. Named Bloodwind because he's almost entirely red and fast as... Well, as a crystal wyvern, but "Bloodwyvern the Blood Crystal Wyvern" sounds dumb. Uploaded, just gotta grab him back on Valguero now. Also, due to wyvs having a nasty habit of flying around too long, losing taming progress, I had to jump onto his tail, run up to his back and feed him crystals from there - can't lose progress if I'm right here, ready to feed him as soon as possible!


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The Island, private server, two of us...

Flont and I attempted the Tek Cave/Gamma Overseer last night.  We have never been so well-prepared and yet so totally destroyed.

We have spent the last month gathering, breeding, and leveling.  We had 18 Therizinos, 4 Rexes (2 male and 2 female for mate bonuses), a Yuty and a Pig all lined up outside the Tek Cave gate.  We had 10 sweet veggie cakes in each Therizino, we had the Pig loaded with cooked meat and cooked prime meat.  We had grappling hooks, medical brews, and lesser antidote (not necessary - no megarabies in this cave).  We had ascendent weapons with thousands of rounds of ammo.  About the only thing that we felt that we were lacking were ascendent Rex saddles.

The plan was for me to lead riding the Yuty with the Rexes following and scare out any hidden Purlovia with the Yuty's fear roar while Flont rode the Pig leading the Therizinos.  The Rexes could get all used up in the cave as long as we had most of the Therizinos, the Yuty, and the Pig for the boss battle.  The best laid plans of mice and survivors gang aft agley...

We had five minutes to get all of the dinos in the cave, so we rushed the Rexes and Yuty in one at a time, Flont getting them just inside the cave and me inside moving them deeper in the cave to make room for the next one that he was bringing.  The stupid cave gate has panels blocking the bottom.  It may look wide enough for several Therezinos to enter side by side, but their feet will not go through it.   Flont had all of the Therizinos following him into the cave and they all jammed up in the doorway.  We ended up getting about ten into the cave and the rest were stuck outside.  No problem, we will just take the Rexes into the boss battle also.

Inside, there were herds of Purlovia and Microrapters trying to knock us off our mounts.  The Yuty could scare some of them into lava, but we got knocked off many times.  Did I mention the lava?  One by one, our dinos dropped off the edges of the path into the lava either chasing enemies or just bad pathing algorithms.  I am not sure if any following dinos would make it without someone riding them.  Beside the little stuff, there were also lots of Centipedes breaking our armor (we were naked by the end), herds of Allos making stuff bleed (the Pig healed well enough to cover this), and Rexes and Therizinos just for lots of damage.  It was pretty much a continual battle.  After about 15 minutes, the only things that had not dropped into deep lava pits were the Yuty and the Pig and only because we were riding them.

We discussed what would happen at the boss since we seriously doubted how we could kill the boss with just a Yuty and a Pig, no matter how much ammo we had brought.  We decided to see how far we could go and see what we could see.  Hope springs eternal in the human brreast! 

Since we could concentrate on our mounts, we did fairly well for the next ten minutes or so.  The Yuty's fear roar knocked lots of the small stuff off the edges of the path into the lava.  The Yuty was tough enough to handle the Rexes and Allos with the PIg continually healing.  When our armor was finally all gone, a herd of Purlovias knocked me off of the Yuty and they killed me before I could get back on.  Microraptors and the rest of the rabble swarmed Flont and knocked him off the Pig and killed him also.

We respawned and made our way back to the entrance of the Tek cave to pick up the Therezinos that did not make it into the cave.  They had all been following Flont and it seems they kept following him even while we were in the cave.  As the Tek cave wound around, they kept as close to us as they could.  We came back to a lot of burning bodies in patches of lava that were closer to some part of the cave than the nice, rocky entrance where we had left them.  We retrieved a couple of saddles and some sweet veggie cake and returned to our main base to have a good cry.

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Finished 3 rexes today.

I adjusted my exp settings and I think I found the sweet spot. My exp is actually default but I cranked the kill exp multi up to compensate for the lack of shared exp and other tactics tribes can use that I can't. It's not instant or anything but it won't take another year to level this army up either. About a third of the way through them now.

However I did notice my supplies are running low, I can only make I think 1 more rex saddle, and I need 20 more. Obviously I don't need the saddles to level up since I can just pull one off another rex, but I won't be fighting any bosses with naked rexes either. So it seems I'll have to get back to that grind too. Ugh. Grind on grind.

Hoping to just power through as many rexes as I can over the weekend. I'll spend most of my time idle in game and just stack those eggs up, then kill them all. I wish there was a better way than slaughtering thousands of baby dinos, but there really isn't.

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I just tamed a second wyvern! Blood Crystal female, level 90 pre-tame. Black (or dark gray, not sure) scales, pink - oh, sorry, "light red" - wings, red fins. Not great, but tolerable. Post-tame stats not awesome, but at least she's better than Bloodwind - that guy got less than 2000 health and pathetic 130-something melee, Rose has over 5000 health and not-great-but-less-pathetic 190 melee. Now I just have to download her back on Valguero and try to breed some wyverns, hopefully with Rose's stats and Bloodwind's awesome colors.

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dang my story jsut got deleted.... guess ill retype.

     so yesterday started with a plan and a will to follow through. me and Era are working on taming an argent so that we could increase the metal we are harvesting. any how i had started to kite a couple of argents over to the base(note here this is important we didn't have a trap yet) while Era started to craft tranqs. got the argent over near the base and we both started tranqing them. well after about 3 deaths and 20 mins later we decided we were getting nowhere. i quickli ground out a trap but the argents wouldn't go in. the entire time Era is still tranqing the argents and they start running at the same time, but in different directions. we decided to go after the higher lvl one but rigght before we took off i had to go. leaving the argent in Eras hands i logged and headed out to work on our boat. later i get the text that a titanoboa had nearly killed Era and he had lsot the argent.  poo.

      the next day (today) me and Era decided to try yet again for an argent but be prepared this time. i built a trap he farmed tranq darts and in no time we were sitting pretty with our taming set. i set out to find another good argent and Era went to get some metal. after about 15 mins i was heading back without an argent in tow but Era had spotted one. Era and i went out together again to try and tame said argent. the trapping and knocking went well (being prepared helps some) but right as i had gotten some prime i hit the argent with  a barrel roll from my ptera and knocked a good 35% taming effect off .:( we set the argent up to tame and then went to see if we could find some blue gems as we wanted glider suits. Era went north and i went south. I found a griffin trench and it had all varieties of gems so i went in to try and get them. i don't know if they are glitched or are just meant to be pretty but i could pick them!! deciding that the nest might work i flew up to one , hopped of my ptera , and proceded to fall to my death... thank you fully imprinted pteradon ?. any how i spawned back with the idea to breed up new pteradon an as im spawning i hear a rex roar... now we had rexes spawn nearby before but not this close and never such a high lvl. after a hard battle our valiant trike killed the behemoth but not before losing our trusty phioma. after that i hatched 2 pterodons and logged. Era will finish raising them and imprinting so that we can try again next time.

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