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    Server 9085

    9085 the island server come try us if you think you've got it.we are alphas on all ark ! we are called WE TAKE TREN! No noobs were the best
  3. Today
  4. nice tlc for the bronto
  5. The usual: Drop game breaking patch end of workday, go home. Normaly they did that just before a weekend. Oh wait... Isn't it a holiday today? Busines as usual.
  6. No one in here knows anything about any report. But there has been an update so expect issues as usual.
  7. look at dino group. default is 0 if you have other, dinos not react on your whistles
  8. Thanks, that really helped. Wildcard managed to bust ark once again lol 🤣
  9. Change map filter to all maps! My server popped up for me!
  10. Try to click all maps it showed up for me when I did that!
  11. Oh no! I'm so sorry I hope they get them back up soon!
  12. Having the same problem as well, me and my duo were kicked at different times and now there are no official servers showing. I haven’t been able to sign on for hours and I’m gonna lose my babies soon:’(
  13. Same problem. Since the patch on PS5 yesterday, I can no longer see any official servers.
  14. @steakwhistle - There isn't anyway currently to export the map images by command line but the functionality is fairly simple if you have the lat/lon values. var imageSize = 1024; var markerX = (float)(wild.Longitude.GetValueOrDefault(0)) * imageSize / 100; var markerY = (float)(wild.Latitude.GetValueOrDefault(0)) * imageSize / 100;
  15. Oh good it isn't just me? I thought I was banned or something since I got threatened for a report lol so the scorched servers are just down?
  16. So I was threatened to be reported for wanting to invite 2 other players to our tribe in small tribes? Apparently that's teaming up? Of course if they wouldn't have waited until we were offline to raid us with the help they receive from the alpha tribe my other members wouldn't have quit on me and I wouldnt have been resorted to this..... however since they threatened me I now for the last 8 hours havent been able to log in, none of the scorched servers are popping up but the island ones do. These people that have threatened to report is have a mesh base you have to use a chair to get into so I'm not sure if their report is even valid considering I'm not cheating and we havent raided not one person since we have been on the server....I'm just confused did i get banned from scorched servers?
  17. Noricha

    Ark 2

    How can they go bankrupt when they keep finding ways to take your money?
  18. Just need a hammock that you can toss the shoulder pet into, then it could sit there swinging while it waits for you to pick it up again.
  19. Glad I'm not the only one, but when we're paying money to have a server, and then can't use it cause non of the servers are up its a bit irritating, especially since some of us work all day and have a very short window of gaming time
  20. Looks like they could have done something to fix the loot drop beams not showing up for us Xbox users. And no, we don't have the Global illumination option. Geesh Wildcard, come on guys....
  21. I can't get any sessions to load for the island on official, unofficial, or non dedicated servers but it loads for scorched earth.. how do I fix this
  22. First off im playing on my own server cluster.So i have played with the trains some now and the only real use i have found is to use it as a mobile forge and storage for going out on large harvest run for crystal and obsidian. On scorched I basically build a train line and on each end of the line i have a depot with teleporters. Then i move the train up and down the line with its industrial foges and two vaults. I then just use my anky arge method to go harvest everything and keep funneling it to the train. Move the train down the line and at the end the forge's and vault all dump out right where my teleporter is to move back to my main base to deposit into tek storages.I don't see any other use of the train besides this outside of just playing around. Teleports and the fact that it doesn't move on its own once your too far away from it make it not very practical.A easy fix to this imo would be first the train needs to be able to just go regardless of your proximity to it, and second have it so you can place a special track that acts as a destination track that you can then click on the train and then click on the special track and it will find its way there as long as the tracks are down.Let me know what you think and what practical uses you have found thank you.
  23. Servers are not showing. Every time i refresh, restart the game, or my console the servers dont show up. I have no way of playing the game because of this update.
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