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  • Community Crunch 391: Seasons Greetings and Happy Holidays!


    From the launch of ARK Survival Evolved back in 2015 to the reimagined world of ARK Survival Ascended in 2023, it has always been your passion as a community that has fuels our ambition and ignites our hearts. Your feedback has guided our taming hand, your creativity has inspired our wildest designs, and your love of ARK has been the foundational bedrock upon which we've built a community brimming with prehistoric wonder.

    Now that we’ve taken these first steps into the brave new future for ARK, we look to the next phase of your adventures. While we take a brief respite to sharpen our tools and replenish our dino-sized thirst for innovation, a treasure-trove of fresh content awaits your return. The new year promises your favorite maps reborn, beloved creatures old and new reimagined, and gameplay updates & additions that will make even the most seasoned explorer feel like a naked beach-Bob once more.

    May your feasts be bountiful, your tames loyal, and your raids victorious this holiday season. May the warmth of the Winter Wonderland ignite joy in your hearts, and the spirit of survival burn bright into the New Year for each and every one of you.
    From the bottom of our Wildcard hearts, Happy Holidays, Survivors! 

    With love and dino-sized hugs,

    The Studio Wildcard Team


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    Deck the halls with boughs of holly! Winter Wonderland is making a triumphant return with new presents and goodies for ARK survivors. The epic winter-themed holiday event is live until January 7, 2024 on Official Servers.

    RaptorClaus will be sailing across the star-filled night sky in his sleigh, dropping off presents filled with high-end loot as well as Mistletoe, and Coal for those naughty Survivors.  You'll be able to catch RaptorClaus flying across the skies at midnight (game time) on all maps.

    For full details, check out this post!






    Download & play new custom content created by players, including new maps, creatures, items, and game modes, through a dedicated new Mod-bowser directly within the game. Enjoy an endless stream of new ARK content as the creativity and talent of the community is fully unleashed for the first time across gaming platforms and stay tuned as we spotlight more Cross-Platform Mods each week!

    This video features:






    ARK: Survival of the Fittest is live for crossplay on PC, Xbox and PlayStation!

    Re-evolved from the ground up with redesigned mechanics! ARK: The Survival of the Fittest pits up to 60 combatants against each other in a fast-paced, action-packed struggle for survival, where players are ultimately pushed into an epic final showdown leading their Dinosaur Armies into battle.

    If you're unfamiliar with SOTF check out our older trailer from ASE to get an idea of the game mode. The trailer may contain outdated features but it should give you an idea of what the game mode is all about!







    ARKpocalypse servers have been wiped today!

    What are ARKpocalypse?

    • ARKpocalypse are monthly-wipe servers with higher than usual rates.

    Next wipe: January 19th 2024

    You can join them by searching in the server browser! Happy Surviving!




    Fan Art Gallery | Screenshot Gallery | Artist Feedback Form

    Help us discover your talent by tagging your art with #ARKPhotoMode or #ARKFanart on social media!



    Creator: KingDaddyDMAC

    KingDaddyDMAC learns how to tame the flames of an ultimate Wyvern's inferno. He also tames and breeds Doedicurus!


    Creator: Old Gamerz Never Die

    Follow this step by step guide to creating this compact PVE mobile base that has a nasty surprise for any of those murder whales that come your way! This build uses no mods, official structure collision and build limits.



    You don’t have to be alone anymore by @TekARK_01



    I’ll give my owner a present too ♪ by @rianeko_mabi



    Rockwell in a Krampus costume by @StudiosGoji



    cake eating cake by @falco_luna



    RaptorClaus is coming! by @k_ark_C



    TheCenter by BonnieFoxxx



    Restauration by Nalak-Bel




    I'll miss you (but only a little) by @EgoSilentium



    Can You Escape? by @AngelicVix3n



    They’re calling for help… by @Cthulh0opsVP



    My water pen home by dinodaprince



    Make sure to tell the kids some of your stories of survival! by @GPxGP



    Enjoy your weekend!
    Studio Wildcard

    Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark
    Discord: discord.com/invite/playark
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    Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark
    Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110
    Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark
    Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark
    Threads: threads.net/@survivetheark
    Official Wiki: ark.wiki.gg

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    On 12/23/2023 at 4:59 AM, Asiaotic said:

    I don't think it was a good idea to make this WW event competitive, especially on PvE. Like, why are we competing in a race to get to drops from Raptorclaus first? It'd be alright, if everyone attending a drop got their own loot!

    This has been my first experience playing this event (I never played it on ASE) and I was genuinely excited to experience it, but upon learning that it is basically a 'whoever grabs it first, wins', like your standard drops and seeing the individual material cost for the event items, I pretty much lost all interest.

    Completely missed the point of the holiday; people totally fight amongst themselves for gifts under the tree(!)

    The only interesting thing about this event, is the mechanic in order to get the Krampus Skin and the skin itself - that's literally it.

    My recommendations? Let everybody get their own loot from drops. Make it a community celebration thing open to all, not just a competitive race amongst flyers.


    @StudioWildcard -- EXACTLY:

    ""My recommendations? Let everybody get their own loot from drops. Make it a community celebration thing open to all, not just a competitive race amongst flyers.""


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    WC merry Christmas!

    Edited by Ikusu

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    Thank you! Please try to fix the tethering bug for non-dedicated, me and my friends want to try and enjoy are Christmas on ark. 

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    Greetings from Germany and all the best wishes to Both devs and Community.

    I love ASA and ARK in General totally. Enjoying the Game on PS5 and i am happy how Great it is!

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    I literally took a vacation from work to have time to play your scam of a game. On Christmas morning, your game crashes because I threw a cryopod. The save gets corrupted & I lose over 200+ hours of work. After I recover the save & login, I find I have been kicked from my own tribe & my own turrets won't let me into my house. All on single player for Christ's sake. I could've been doing something else with that time. I could've been playing a different game. do you feel comfortable contributing to the fall of society like this? I want my 45$ back

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    "It has always been your passion as a community that has fuels our ambition and ignites our hearts. Your feedback has guided our taming hand." I scoffed when I read that sentence in the article. What a lie from the bottom of their money hungry pockets

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    22 hours ago, ChekoSuave said:

    I literally took a vacation from work to have time to play your scam of a game. On Christmas morning, your game crashes because I threw a cryopod. The save gets corrupted & I lose over 200+ hours of work. After I recover the save & login, I find I have been kicked from my own tribe & my own turrets won't let me into my house. All on single player 

    Well, that's exactly why I only play single player these days; on this terribly broken and unstable game. Now, I don't know if A.S.A. single player works the same as A.S.E. single player? But, fortunately, in A.S.E. single player all these glitches and bugs can be fixed with cheat commands. To fix this problem, if it is the same as A.S.E., then just create a new tribe and then do; (cheat InfiniteStats) so that your turrets won't kill you; and then do; (cheat GiveAllStructure) on as many of the structure pieces as you need until you've gotten everything back. And of course do; (cheat TakeAllDino) or some similar cheat command to get all your dinos back; I think this command requires you to do the command while looking at an enemy's structure piece, so maybe take all the turrets first and leave 1 building not taken so that you can first take all the dinos and then take that last building. 

    I hope this can be of some help to you and others with a similar issue. 

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    16 minutes ago, FlorianWind9 said:

    Well, that's exactly why I only play single player these days; on this terribly broken and unstable game. Now, I don't know if A.S.A. single player works the same as A.S.E. single player? But, fortunately, in A.S.E. single player all these glitches and bugs can be fixed with cheat commands. To fix this problem, if it is the same as A.S.E., then just create a new tribe and then do; (cheat InfiniteStats) so that your turrets won't kill you; and then do; (cheat GiveAllStructure) on as many of the structure pieces as you need until you've gotten everything back. And of course do; (cheat TakeAllDino) or some similar cheat command to get all your dinos back; I think this command requires you to do the command while looking at an enemy's structure piece, so maybe take all the turrets first and leave 1 building not taken so that you can first take all the dinos and then take that last building. 

    I hope this can be of some help to you and others with a similar issue. 

    This did happen on my singleplayer world. I have two friends I play with non dedicated. Is there a command that just puts me back in the tribe? They haven't logged on yet to see if even they're still in it. If they are still in.. could they just invite me back? I haven't tried it yet cuz I'm too upset to even open the game atm. All that being said. Even if it does get "fixed," I probably won't play Ark anymore. I can't take this manipulation from Wild Card anymore 

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    pls bring back the option for a dedicated server on the create server page

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    On 12/23/2023 at 7:50 AM, Ljwebb said:

    Happy Christmas all. Just lost days and days of game play on single player. logged in and no save was present, have to start all again. so great job on this unplayable game which I love/ loved 


    I just got back from vacation and cannot play the game.. every time I launch it just crashes. The one time I was able to get in before crashing I noticed the save button was gone.. DILO is happening? Game is completely unplayable now for me(literally).

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    22 hours ago, ChekoSuave said:

    This did happen on my singleplayer world. I have two friends I play with non dedicated. Is there a command that just puts me back in the tribe? 

    I understand. The other way that I told you about with those other cheats is a little more stable of a way to do it if you were forced out due to the game glitching and crashing. (At least on A.S.E.)

    But, there is a number of other cheats for just getting back into a tribe.

    You could try: cheat ForceJoinTribe; which will make your character join the tribe of any structure or dino that your cursor is targeted on.

    Or you can try: cheat ForcePlayerToJoinTargetTribe 0; where the 0 is your player character's ID and it will make your character, or any character who's ID you put into the command, to join whichever tribe your cursor is targeted to a structure of. 

    Or you can try: cheat ForcePlayerToJoinTribe 0 Tribe Name; where the 0 is the player character's ID and the Tribe Name is the name of the tribe you want to make said player join. If you can do this, then maybe you don't even need to do the infinitestats cheat to get to your turrets.

    You can then also rebecome the tribe's leader by doing: cheat MakeTribeAdmin or cheat MakeTribeFounder

    A lot of these cheat commands though, for some reason, tend not to work if there isn't at least 1 other person still in the tribe. 

    23 hours ago, ChekoSuave said:

    They haven't logged on yet to see if even they're still in it. If they are still in.. could they just invite me back?

    If they are not also forced out, then this is a possibility yes. 

    23 hours ago, ChekoSuave said:

    I haven't tried it yet cuz I'm too upset to even open the game atm. All that being said. Even if it does get "fixed," I probably won't play Ark anymore. I can't take this manipulation from Wild Card anymore 

    I do understand this very much. I don't know how new you are to wildcard's Ark? They have been this way ever since a lawsuit forced them to sell themselves to their now parent company "Snail Games". I just don't have the time to deal with their nonsense anymore, which again is why I tend only to play on single player or non-dedicated with friends cause the game is literally unplayable without the option of having all those nice Admin Cheat Commands to "fix" all their broken nonsense.

    One very nice thing about Ark as opposed to some games I suppose, is that in single player there is a huge list of cheat commands that you can find by searching for them online which can fix pretty much anything that goes wrong. (Except for fatal errors that cause your save file to be unable to be rescued; which is why it is a very good idea to have multiple saves of your world on external drives) 

    Further; one of the biggest reasons why I stick to A.S.E. now and have little to no intention of ever buying A.S.A. is because since there now is A.S.A. it means that wildcard will have little to nothing to do with A.S.E. anymore; which means no more new updates which may break something. Now on A.S.E., I can feel comfortable that I likely won't have to deal with figuring out how to "fix" any new breaks and can just deal with the ones I already know.

    Something to think about; as despite Ark's many many issues it is still currently the best immersive interactive open world sand box survival dinosaur game out there. Or at least, A.S.E. is. 

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    13 minutes ago, MRSBUXZYBEE said:

    Hello all! Will the new years event be taking place this year? TIA!

    No I don't believe so.

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    Honestly this event was a bit.. to weard if i will say, the event was broken with almost super dinos for free with 50+ point in a single stat.

    Altho i like the new changes and vibes from the ase events i think they can do way better than that

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    Dont disspare if you missed the event as only 2% of  players can join in anyway as santa is too fast for all flyers exept the rhynio and all gifts dissapear before you can get to them

    Just like the last event having impossible dino to kill that only gigas and thylos can kill again only 2% of players could join in

    Total trash and not worth your time

    1.5 rates are also discusting for an event and this should be the normal rate at all times as the game is too grindy and boring as its not worth our time to raise breed or gather materials on 1.5 rates leaving nothing else to do in game and mite aswell not log in

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    I've been following Ark since launch back in 2015, it's my favorite game at the end of the day. Ascended has a list of problems longer than Rapuzels hair if you include the never ending incompetence from snail games and non stop broken promises from Wildcard but honestly guy, honestly I could forgive all of it...if you could fix the crashing. I'm not sure about console but you crash a bare minimum of three times while playing on PC a day. I didn't mind the first two weeks of release one bit but this is sheer neglect at this point. Fix. The. Crashing.

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    On 12/23/2023 at 8:13 AM, FlorianWind9 said:

    That's what wc's done since forever. Now me personally; I don't like cryopods and don't use them, because I don't like or use anything tek tier in Ark cause I don't want a sci fi game when I'm playing dinosaurs. BUT; this terrible kinds of decision making is what wc's done since always. They disabled speed on flyers in A.S.E. (Cause people in pvp were whining about it.) They disabled flyers being able to fly in caves in A.S.E. (Cause people in pvp were whining about it.) They increased damage dealt to structures in caves. (Cause people in pvp were whining about it.) They've disabled speed entirely now on A.S.A. (Cause people in pvp whined about it) They disabled the ability to force-feed knocked out players to keep them from dying and respawning. (Cause people in pvp whinned about it.) And tons of other decisions; including the Giga nerfs and now the Rhynio nerfs. For some of this from a server stability standpoint, I kinda understand. But, wc has always introduced cool new things into their Ark game, and then either taken them away or nerfed them to the point where they aren't immersive anymore or are just plain terrible; because someone in the pvp area of the game complained that it was too difficult to deal with. Well, isn't that the point of a "Survival Game"? To overcome the difficulties through determination and creative means? I mean, they introduced Alpha Creatures because people said the game wasn't challenging enough anymore; and then they nerfed Alpha Creatures to the point where they may as well not even exist anymore because people said they were too hard. Sure, no-one wants to get knocked out in pvp and caged and force-fed so that you can't escape. But, what happens in real life when you are captured by the enemy? It was immersive and entertaining and created great stories even if you were the one that someone captured. That was the point! Gigas were big scary murderous bulldozers. That was the point! But wc always waters down their game till I start to ask myself; what's the point?

    Everything you mentioned is irrelevant in pve so it shouldn't matter if it's nerfed

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    On 12/29/2023 at 9:12 PM, TheGoodSr said:

    Honestly this event was a bit.. to weard if i will say, the event was broken with almost super dinos for free with 50+ point in a single stat.

    Altho i like the new changes and vibes from the ase events i think they can do way better than that

    Because they want us to rush through this game and get to where we were on ASE as quickly as possible without enjoying the early game PvP which is the best bit about ark

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    I'm predicting gay Dino's in 2024 don't fix the game just give us gay Dino so they can adopt baby Dino's 

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    Total trash game in single player... doesn't even save the game. Bullpoop..

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