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BlueIris2 last won the day on October 9 2020

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About BlueIris2

  • Birthday 01/04/1996

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  1. Ragnarok because it was my first map I played on multiplayer. I know that map like the back of my hand. I could ride a non flyer comfortably to any side of the map. I like to run around on Yutys and Theris. I always start in the highlands and tame an Equus then roam around nomadically until I get enough supplies to tame a ptera. Then I build in the Redwoods which is my fav biome. Its only scary if you don't have all the Thyla spawns memorized. 😄
  2. Good Afternoon! I'm SwiftHawk of the tribe, ~The Roost~. I play on a beautiful unofficial PVE cluster called Jurassic Ark. I main on Crystal Isles. I play official and unofficial. Recently I ventured to Genesis to tame a couple of the blue-eyed demons called X-yutyrannus. These guys are much stronger than my line of normal yutyrannus. The first one (140 Female) I led into a trap. She almost murdered my yuty I was riding. I saw that as proof that I for sure needed her and her 145 mate. I had to rest after taming her. My mount, Hawk, had only 1/4 of his health left. After a while I started searching again, all throughout the snow biome on Genesis. I was about to give up after a few hours of searching, but he attacked us from behind in a terrible blizzard. His roar, defiant and proud. I wheeled Hawk around and glimpsed his stark white beauty. He was beautiful and he was strong too. Feeling giddy, Hawk and i raced away out of aggro to set up a basic 4 gate trap. However when I came back, he was no where to be seen. I quickly dashed where I thought he went. I saw a few Procoptodons running away from something behind the trees. We saw him! Aaaand he started running away from me. What the heck, I thought. We chased after him, determined to tame him. Finally he ducked under a rocky overhang...and couldn't move. HA! The feathered idiot got himself stuck. Quickly I dismounted Hawk, and started firing my 200+ crossbow. The blue-eyed demon only fell after 300 arrows. DireWolf lol! Now I am the proud owner of a pair of X-Yutyrannus. I just hope this line cooperates better than my normal yuty line. 😛 Thanks for listening!
  3. So when is the TLC update supposed to happen? And can you give us any information about it! Thanks in advance!
  4. The Origin of the Arks? So I was telling my husband (who’s never played ark) about how I’m not really sure if its aliens or what that puts you on the arks. I showed him what Rockwell Overseer looks like since he looks pretty alien XD. He has an interesting theory: “In ark the Rockwell overseer looks like roots and it made me think what if earth became self aware and had remembered everything that humans created. If the earth could will itself to more any part of itself and knew how to build by watching humans. If the earth could build on a grand scale and move materials from one part of the world to another and build the arks and brought humans to the ark and implanted a gem from a larger gem from its center giving earth a direct link to humans and letting them download information from the earth’s millions of years of watching humans creations be completed.” As always, his theories blow my freaking mind. It makes so much sense!! Gotta love my hubby ❤️
  5. No worries it works now XD my family forgot to download the map in the steam store ????. I died laughing when I found out.
  6. It works XD my family forgot to download the map from the steam store XD
  7. So far no bueno. Here’s what they said: I tried replacing the other server and just changing the map to Valguero_P but it just keeps kicking me back to the main screen after it finishes loading. I made sure I saved, like he said, and forced an update, and even reinstalled SteamCMD just incase. I've already tried connecting from a different workstation and it just does the same thing, so it's on the server's end, just not sure what's going on. All the settings are the same, I just switched the map and it stops working. I also tried creating an entirely new ark server instance but it does the same thing with that map. Did they have to download a different version of ASM? Im using version 1.0.345.1
  8. So far no bueno. Here’s what they said: I tried replacing the other server and just changing the map to Valguero_P but it just keeps kicking me back to the main screen after it finishes loading. I made sure I saved, like he said, and forced an update, and even reinstalled SteamCMD just incase. I've already tried connecting from a different workstation and it just does the same thing, so it's on the server's end, just not sure what's going on. All the settings are the same, I just switched the map and it stops working. I also tried creating an entirely new ark server instance but it does the same thing with that map. Did they have to download a different version of ASM? Im using version 1.0.345.1
  9. Unfortunately they have not been able to get it to work. Here’s what they said: Not yet, the server manager doesn't allow it as easily as they claim it should be. I may try creating a manual server if I can't figure it out, but those are a lot more difficult to change little settings so I'm trying to avoid that.
  10. When will Valguero be available for Server Manager?(pc) My sister wants to set up a private unofficial server:)
  11. Well I guess we’ll just have to wait and see:) I just hope it’s rideable XD
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