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Everything posted by Pipinghot

  1. Of course it will be just as buggy, WildCard is still WildCard, they haven't changed their company culture in the last few months. This has always been how they have done business, and it's always going to be how they do business. If you think they're ever going to magically change, they're not, the company is owned and run by the same people with the same values they've always had. Any other answer is just foolish wishful thinking.
  2. You'll need to answer the obvious questions before anyone can offer an informed opinion: 1) What operating system is he using on his computer? 2) What file system is he using on his computer? There will probably be more questions to follow, but those two need to be answered before anyone can offer you any useful information.
  3. It's amusing how you keep using terms that you clearly don't understand.
  4. You should have ended that sentence at "think", then you would have been right for a change.
  5. Translation: You can't come up with any legit arguments, so you pretend to ignore that all your arguments have been complete failures. Hey, whatever helps you sleep.
  6. Ahhh, so in addition to being a closet psychopath who thinks it's ok to run people over with cars or shoot them when you don't agree with them, you also deny the factual reality that homosexuality is not a mental disorder. Big surprise there, more science and facts that you don't understand.
  7. Not their genes what? Use your words like a grownup.
  8. It's hilarious that you focus in on that one word, and your own specific interpretation of that word. Straight people say that to each other too, but even to you it should be obvious that when straight people say it they don't mean "scissoring", clearly your interpretation nothing more than a manifestation of what you like to imagine. Feel free to put together a full, cogent, and logically consistent reply, no one cares about your silly and misguided sound bite.
  9. And yet evolution continues in spite of the number of leaders/conquerers/generals/victors who died without having children. History is packed full of people who were the hero of the story in their own lifetime and yet who did not pass on their genes. Evolution absolutely does not required that the main character has to be fertile, because evolution does not all happen in a single lifetime. Evolution is a process that occurs in species, with no regard whatsoever for whether any specific individuals pass on their genes. This argument is going to fail every time you try to use it. Evolution is for species, not individuals. Gay mammals and gay people have always existed, and yet the evolution of species continues to move forward regardless of what happens to specific individuals. Which doesn't matter in the slightest. Breeding in Ark only happens with dinos, not survivors. There are no baby survivors, every character that has ever existed in ARK is effectively sterile.
  10. And yet that's what you're doing in this thread. What you really mean is that you don't like it when people protest that you don't agree with. You don't think protesting is stupid, you only think it's "stupid" when other people do it. Oh, so you're a closet psychopath, well that explains a lot. It's nothing at all like that, this is some of your dumbest logic yet. In both cases, the street or the shooting range, I expect people who are controlling their deadly instruments (whether they're cars or guns) to hold themselves accountable for operating their devices responsibly and with proper restraint. I've been on plenty of shooting ranges and not once has anyone ever argued that it's ok to shoot people who are standing down range, regardless of whether it's accidental or intentional. Anyone who said something stupid like that would get kicked out the moment they flapped their stupid lips. Here's a pro-tip: if you're at a shooting range and you shoot someone, it's your fault no matter what they were doing. As the operator of a car or a gun it's your responsibility to ensure that no one gets injured by your device.
  11. Yes it is, at least be honest with yourself about it.
  12. All this shows is that you don't know squat about Australia. Australia, like the U.S., has immigrants from a wide variety of locaations, people from all over S.E. Asia and the western pacific have been emigrating to Australia for decades. Looking at someone's skin color in a society that has long standing immigration and deciding they "don't make sense" only means that you have a very limited imagination and prefer to see cliche, obvious character selection. Beyond this, there is an element that should be super-obvious. Australia also has inter-marriage which has been going on for generations. Even if you never look beyond the shores of the island there are plenty of Australians of mixed brown/white ancestry. It's not anyone "making a point", you're projecting your ideology on other people. You're working from the assumption that when someone else does so they're doing it to make a point. Authors choose characters for a wide variety of reasons, but by far the most common reason is that an author thinks the character will be interesting. If she was straight and white you wouldn't be suggesting that anyone was trying to make a point, and yet you assume that making her brown and lesbian is somehow making a point, which is pretty silly thinking. Likewise, her wife being a "blue haired pale white chick" has no more meaning than this is the character's background. Brown people live their lives differently than you do, lesbians live their lives differently than you do, blue haired white chicks live their lives differently than you do, and so on. None of that mean that the authors are trying to bring politics into their story, that's just you projecting your values and preferences on to other people. The only thing "absolutely disrespectful" is that you mis-interpret the show to push your political and social agenda while trying to pretend that you're not. Sometimes the hero of a story is Luke Skywalker, a standard white boy from the country, sometimes the hero of the story is an intellectually superior dwarf from a noble family, sometimes the hero of the story is a brown lesbian with a white wife. If you stop making your terrible assumption that only certain people are allowed to be the hero of a story then you will find yourself enjoying stories on their own merits rather than being offended by false narratives that you've falsely constructed in your head. Nonsense, this is you projecting again. The only reference they made was that the two of them are adults who have an adult relationship - just like every other show and story about adults does. No, it's absolutely not. The significant majority of the ARK player base are of age, you can drop your hand-wringing "for the children" arguments, that's nothing more than a lie you're telling yourself to justify your hand-wringing. This must be your first day on the internet, children have access to all of the porn on the planet, not one of them are being exposed to the concept of lesbians for the first time in their lives by the ARK cartoon. And again, your insistence on "scissoring" nothing more than you trying to use dog-whistle buzzword to pretend that this was some sort of excessive display of sexuality, which was absolutely not the case. If you see two women walking into a bedroom, closing the door and the first thing that comes to your mind is "SCISSORING OMGZ!" then all you're doing is exposing your own peculiarities (and probably your own sexual fantasies as well). There are thousands of example of shows showing adults walking into a room and closing the door behind them, there's nothing strange, excessive or bizarre about it happening on this show. That's up to their parents to decide, not you. If you don't want your kids to watch this show then don't let them, but I guarantee you that millions of parents around the world don't care one tiny bit about the very tame, very non-explicit relationship shown between those two characters. Standard network TV has lot's of more explicit sexuality than was shown in ARK, and all of the big streaming services have much more material that kids watch that is more sexually explicit than Ark. And there it is, there's the true agenda driving your socio-political diatribe that you're trying to pretend isn't one. Here's a puzzle for you, natural selection and evolution are both entirely real, and yet every species (of mammal) has homosexual relationships. If the existence of homosexuality is forbidden or prevented by natural selection, why does it keep occurring? The answer is simple (even though you're not going to want to admit it), it's because homosexual relationships benefit the species as a whole. Individuals who are homosexual don't pass on their own genes directly, but they do indirectly help to pass on the genes of their family group, which still benefits the species. If you're going to try to use natural selection as the basis of your (political) argument, than you need to make sure that you understand how it works. You're pretending that natural selection supports your (political) position, but it doesn't, natural selection and evolution demonstrate why your thinking is wrong. Translation: You are, in your own words, "transphobic racists or homophobic" but you want to pretend that you're not. No, you're pointing out your own irrationality. There's no law that says you have to like gay or trans people, your feelings are your feelings. But if you're going to attempt to use arguments like natural selection to justify those feelings then you're going to need to come up with arguments that can withstand the scrutiny of logic, and yours don't. Everything you've said here has been your arguing from the position of your own collections of irrationalities.
  13. If you're on official servers, submit a ticket, there's nothing anyone on the forums can do to help you with this. If you're on single-player you can spawn in replacements, or if you're on a private server you might be able to get the server administrator to spawn stuff in for you.
  14. It should never have felt like an early access game at all, there's no excuse for that happening.
  15. It depends on how you play the game. Some people like lots of movement speed, some people like lots of health, some people like lots of carry weight. Heck, there are even some people who like to add points to melee damage because they think it's fun to fight hand-to-hand. If you play PvE then there is no right answer, the only answer that matters is the answer that feels right to you. If you're playing PvP then the answer is a little different. Lots of people pump up their speed stat to make it harder to shoot or hit them. If you've ever tried to hit someone with 60 levels in speed you'd see how much it can help. But for PvE, the answer is whatever makes you happy.
  16. That sounds like a visual allegory for the entire history of ARK.
  17. In that case it wasn't a rathole, it was just a cave, those aren't the same thing. Mind you, I've seen holes in the mesh large enough to fly an argy through, but if you're certain that you were flying through legit air space and not flying through the mesh, well that does suck. Based on your new description I feel for you, it sucks to lose stuff because the game has hosed you. You might be able to get some stuff back if you submit a support ticket, but as we all know that's a painful process and they might not give anything back. I can see why you might want to walk away and play a better game.
  18. Yes, you lose all your stuff. No, you're not supposed to get warning because you shouldn't be taking advantage of ratholes anyway. Meshing is against the CoC an no one should be doing it, ever.
  19. You're not going to get a clear answer from the devs, at least not in these forums, this is not where they answer questions. Having said that, people talking about things doesn't mean much, people say all kinds of crazy stuff based on their own imaginations. Anyone can make up something and start a rumor, they don't mean much. So, unless you see an official announcement that says they're planning to do this, you should assume it's not going to happen.
  20. No we don't, that's just something that sounds good on a bumper sticker or a t-shirt. We know much, much (Much) more about our planet than any other. Yeah, that part has truth to it. We could be doing a significantly better job of taking care of our own.
  21. You either have to take care of them like Penguin said, or find a mod that will feed babies for you.
  22. [ Edited to correct some numbers ] When WC first published their intent to pursue this system the figure they gave was 50%, so it's a little bit encouraging to see that the creators are still getting 50%. But... my issue is that it's less than the industry standard across content platforms. If you publish a game Steam takes 30%, Epic takes 30%, GoG takes 30%... and so on. For now I'll ignore that even 30% is arguably too much already, and focus on the fact that anyone who claims that they're doing it to benefit content creators would make sure that the content creators get their industry standard 70%. But instead WC/Snail are sharing 50%, which is decidedly not something that one does if their goal is to reward and appreciate content creators. Instead WC/Snail are lowballing them rather than an honest revenue sharing arrangement. Throughout all of this WC/Snail have pretended that their primary goal is to help content providers, the fact that the revenue sharing for their content providers is a lowball number is just one more piece of evidence that this is a marketing lie designed to make people feel good about the new system. It doesn't matter whether it's it's new dino skin or clown costumes for the survivors or a map, if this program is primarily supposed to benefit the content creators then the content creators should get their 70% share of the revenue, which is the standard for content platforms in the industry. If someone is willing to do something for free because they love the game, that's a fair system, but the moment you build a system designed to harvest a percentage of the sales made by content creators, especially if they claim that this is all being done to benefit content creators, then that system really ought give them the industry standard 70%. Any other costs like paying OverWolf and Tebex should be coming out of WC/Snail's 70%. Content creators have not contracted with a publisher, or anyone else, they are a captive audience that has to go through WC/Snail's system, which means any fees beyond 30% are just rhetorical tricks for WC/Snail to make the content providers pay extra. WC/Snail are taking advantage of the fact that the content providers are (typically) not business savvy people, WC/Snail are preying on the naïveté of people who are just happy to get paid at all. That is not a system designed to reward and appreciate content providers with fair compensation for their work, it's a system designed to harvest content creators time for as much profit as WC/Snail can skim off of them.
  23. It's telling that you're incapable of addressing the discussion, incapable of offering any information or arguments of substance. Instead you just keep repeating your fanboi nonsense. If you could offer intelligent counter-arguments that's what you'd be doing, but you're not, because you don't have any. One assumes there are no mirrors in your house. Agreed, thanks for accidentally supporting my arguments and showing why your own thinking is wrong. No one is obligated to buy their products, which is why their ongoing series of bad decisions is hurting their business. If they don't care about their business then their bad decisions don't matter, but if they do care, if they feel an obligation to themselves and to their own business, then they're going to need to start making better decisions. Again, the sales figures and daily player counts tell the story, those are facts that aren't about your opinions or my opinions. WC/Snail are doing a bad job and they are reaping the consequences of those bad decisions. It's not about you or about me as individuals, the fact that you felt the need to make a point about decisions 'that I like' shows that you're failing to understand this entire conversation. The problem is that they're making decisions that lots of people don't like, and those bad decisions are hurting their own business. No matter how many times you try to make false accusations of people 'not understanding business' the results can't be argued with. WC/Snail are hurting their own business with their own decisions. Try to keep up with reality. Swing and a miss. No one has said anything about legal, illegal or breaking any laws. The fact that you tried such a desperate red herring shows that you either completely fail to understand the conversation or you know your arguments are bad but don't want to admit it.
  24. I'd be surprised if reapers are allowed in that fight, but if you can get them in that could be pretty cool.
  25. We just did it a couple of weeks ago on Gamma using 5 players, 1 yuty and 19 shadowmanes. The yuty was breed from two random Lvl 150 yuty's that we tamed. It is not necessary to do a whole breading program for an awesome yuty. The only reason we did the breeding is that we wanted the benefits of imprinting. Our shadowmanes were good, but not great, the bred stats were: HP = 38 levels Stam = 26 levels Melee = 36 levels Then we let them accumulate XP for a few days and put 25 levels in to Health for all of them (health matters a lot more than damage in this fight). Also, they were all fully imprinted because we use the nanny in S+ that automatically imprints them as they mature. If you're on an Official server or you have non-imprinted shadowmanes then you're going to need better stats. At the end of our fight we had all shadowmanes alive and the worst one was at 25% health. We have no plans to try Alpha, we're done with Gen2, but if I was going to breed shadowmanes for alpha I would try to have a breeding line that ends up with 40+ HP, and then let them accumulate enough XP that I could put 35 levels in Health after they matured. Again, this assumes that yours are imprinted. Even for tames that no one is riding the benfits of imprinting make a big difference.
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