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  1. The Dino Render Distance is just a bad joke.
  2. EU-PVE-Official-GenTwo930 04.09.2021 = 14 Crashes 05.09.2021 = 12 Crashes Today so far = 10 Crashes And this Clown Dev Studio working on a New Game 😂
  3. Oh wow Wildcard delay something. i really suprised...
  4. Ragnarok 196 is since some Houres Password Protected and kicking ppl by BattlEye.
  5. Its disappointing that Servers like 196 wasnt moved to new Hardware. It have since over a half Year really hard Performance problems like Downtimes each Day and the lag Spikes are 1 Min long.
  6. Server 652 show each 3 Mins that nice Stuff for the half Server...
  7. I was already worry that i cant make my Daily Downtime Post and my Daily Downtime Server Outsage Report. Rag 196 is down (Suprised what?) and Center 197 is down too.
  8. And its time for the Daily "196 is down" Post. Also 196 Rag is like each day down again. And its not because of the Event btw. this Server is each day Down since Months. And yes i do each time Server Outage Reports but they dont give a f***. This Server runs like crap and i saw a lot Server was moved to other Machines like 525 Valg and tbh 196 Rag works 10000x worse than 525 ever worked...
  9. And Rag 196 is down again. Oh and Genesis 652 is down too.
  10. Genesis 652 unplayable rigt now. Perma 255+ Ping, Rubberbanding, Lag, Kicking players from Server.
  11. OMG Wildcard ? They moved some Days ago my Valg Server to new Hardware... and now both Servers are on so we have right now x2 525 Valg Servers. ?
  12. Well now is Rag 196 Showed as PVP Server and Locked... Oh and it kicks you each 5 Mins.
  13. Ext 466 was now down for 81 Hours and is now by a Uptime from 51% in 7 Days and isnt even moved to new Hardware ?
  14. Most of what bothers me about the whole thing is simply this silence from Wildcard. I think it's always possible to make a short announcement and explain what's going on.
  15. Early Acc? What you talking about ? The Game is released since August 2017 There is no Point to do Outage Reports. This Thread is a lot better even when Wildcard ignor it too but at least some ppl from the Community know they are not alone with their Downservers and ppl see the Status of Offical Server is right now just bad.
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