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Everything posted by invincibleqc

  1. Well, I'd say his statement is more reliable than what you can see browsing the server list. I mean, a lot of players are playing single-player/lan sessions which is technically PvE. And since you don't have access to that data, while they do, I'm incline to believe this is accurate. Regardless, at the end of the day, nobody cares. This is the beauty of a sandbox game; everyone can enjoy it the way they want.
  2. Please refer to the following article: My character was erased! That said, ARK Data is linked to your account, not your survivor. Create a new one and you will be able to download your stuff.
  3. They are already limited in what they can add at this point. They have to remove existing features (e.g. ActiveEvent) in order to squeeze new content so no matter how hard the "community" wants something, it is unlikely to happens if it involves ton of assets that needs to be loaded by default. It works fine as a standalone mod, because a lot of stuff is removed in favor of those primitive items and structures.
  4. You can upload your images on hosting services such as imgur.com and parse the links into your ticket.
  5. Will this only affect character data or also items/dinos? If everything will be affected, will players lose what they have uploaded at that time? If not, will the expiration timers continue ticking? Perhaps adding a note about this upcoming maintenance on the main menu/in-game server browser could be a good idea (if only to reduce the inevitable forums storm that is incoming 😆).
  6. You would think, after all these years, the players would know to report outages using this form. 😉
  7. You can, because your browser have them cached. The links you used are not right for embedding. You pasted: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/arksurvivalevolved_gamepedia/images/e/ed/ARK-_Genesis_Part_1.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/291?cb=20190808181605 https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/arksurvivalevolved_gamepedia/images/3/32/ARK-_Genesis_Part_2.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/291?cb=20201018174051 Should be: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/arksurvivalevolved_gamepedia/images/e/ed/ARK-_Genesis_Part_1.png https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/arksurvivalevolved_gamepedia/images/3/32/ARK-_Genesis_Part_2.png For example:
  8. IKR! It's not like the name of the image was literally AkiraLikePoster_Promo_STA.jpg. That would make it too obvious for the forums detectives. 🙄
  9. Upload them on image hosting services such as https://imgur.com and edit the links into your previous post and they will be automatically embedded.
  10. That's a feature you can request to the developers of that app to implement. Remember, this is a third-party program that is not developed nor affiliated to WC.
  11. No idea. I just don't think the recent announcement and the increase of connectivity issues to be a coincidence.
  12. If I had to guess, I would say this is related to the Live Game Update they are working on and I'm sure they are extensively monitoring and working behind the scenes to prevent such false positives.
  13. If it is not back up already, report it using the Server Outage form and the server management team will look into it.
  14. That is intended. The rates have been doubled since March through the dynamic config (the Evo Events system) but now the rates have been doubled directly in the base game and the dynamic ones disabled resulting into the same exact rates that have been running since March. That update basically means that the rates are officially permanent that's all.
  15. Which makes it boring! This won't win me any friends but; they should make Mantas the "Dimorphs" of the sea and make them target riders. I think this could bring some challenging aspects of being in the sea regardless of the mount you have on both PvP and PvE. Imagine a pack of Mantas breaking your scuba tank before you have time to react. ?
  16. Looked further into this just now, and the only check the game is doing to determine whether a dino is tamed or not is the following: bool IsDinoTamed(APrimalDinoCharacter *pDino) { return pDino->TargetingTeam >= 50000; }
  17. Tried to look at their tribe ID? If tamed, their tribe ID would be a 10 digits integer otherwise would be a short index (that I believe identifies the spawn region they spawned at or something). Wild: { "DinoID": "9751250656956615", "TribeID": 12, "Species": "Pegomastax", "Loc": [ -202299.390625, -43369.39453125, 75247.4609375 ], "Level": 35, "Base Stats": { "Health": 3, "Stamina": 6, "Oxygen": 5, "Food": 7, "Weight": 3, "Melee": 5, "Speed": 5, "Crafting": 0 } } Wild (Thief): { "DinoID": "18058434149784246", "TribeID": 12, "Species": "Pegomastax", "Loc": [ -204957.46875, -41341.8671875, 75247.2421875 ], "Level": 35, "Base Stats": { "Health": 4, "Stamina": 3, "Oxygen": 7, "Food": 4, "Weight": 5, "Melee": 5, "Speed": 6, "Crafting": 0 } } Tamed (Thief): { "DinoID": "18058434149784246", "TribeID": 1180221974, "Species": "Pegomastax", "Loc": [ -202238.015625, -43390.59375, 75247.5 ], "Level": 52, "Base Stats": { "Health": 4, "Stamina": 5, "Oxygen": 11, "Food": 7, "Weight": 7, "Melee": 6, "Speed": 11, "Crafting": 0 } } I believe the game mark them as "tamed" as soon as they steal something so that they don't despawn with your loot if they run outside of their spawn.
  18. You should report it there and they will look into it: http://ark.gg/outage
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