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Everything posted by Yggdrassil

  1. I was in the same mind this would happen but wasn't all that bothered and actually thought it was a good idea due to the exploits, however, now I've committed a lot of time (1000+ hours) to taming, building etc.. Server wipe would likely be enough for me and many other to give up the game. I think if that was the intention, it should have been stated early on and most people wouldn't bother committing too much time.
  2. Wildcard said SE by December and i have full faith they will deliver on this promise as they have always done in the past.. oh wait..
  3. Someone has built in pearl cave on my server.
  4. I have also lost around 5 tames to them falling through the mesh, and a few dolphins that just jump out the water and die, and got stuck countless times inside most dinos.
  5. Yes i know, but it doesnt protect players from getting hurt
  6. I can't confirm, but, from my understanding of the wording 'console only server' would be both consoles mixed. Until release though i don't think you will know for sure as getting any confirmation on anything regarding this game is impossible.
  7. Also, in PVE, ORP doesn't apply to the player so wild dinos can also kill you, though the log will usually say 'Player was killed by carno level 10' for example.
  8. I think some player making ant sized characters make a difference too. But i think just general performance and latency is having the largest impact, best thing to do for now is hide in a little rat hole and look out at the entrance, waiting for the alphas zooming about on super speed dinos about to god mode you.
  9. What have you lost? you have not played yet, remember transfers are closed, you are on an even playing field because there are no crossplay servers yet, so everyone will start from scratch. When console launch so will crossplay servers, everyone starts on the beach so no reason at all to boost rates. For smaller tribes and solo players, the game is almost unplayable at times, my server can be down for hours at a time, have rollbacks every hour, 255 ping, progression is very slow. So does this mean PC players who spent more time trying to join capped servers, crashing and losing everything also get boosted rates? If you join a crossplay server, you know exactly what you are getting into, trying to compete with a PC from a console makes no sense to me, but if you do want that then its your choice.
  10. If so, it sounds like they tried to lower the tuso viability in PVP
  11. I dont think the intention is to penalize PS players or make them wait for no reason, from my limited knowledge on the matter, it seem sony have certain requirements, it may be resource usage, file size etc. that must be stricter than microsoft. My guess would be, wildcard are struggling to meet such requirements and/or certification takes longer. We know ASA is currently plagued with issues, they may have allowed more time to resolve some performance problems before setting a release date. I doubt it has anything to do with market share and trying to gain more money from one console than the other. Nothing above is from fact, so take it with a pinch of salt.
  12. I think if it is that much of an issue you may need to wait until mid/late next year because cryos will come with extinction (if they stick to the original plan)
  13. Same, pillar and foundation spam is everywhere. Pillars have changed a little, you now need 2 with a ladder... On most official servers you dont have long to 'claim' a spot, although with lower rates it takes a little longer until the entire map is covered.
  14. It's essentially the same game with an updated engine, however arks code is heavily modified from UE4 so large parts of the code are likely 'copy and paste'. It just is viable to rewrite all the code so therefore we end up with same code = same bugs. I'm still going to give them the benefit of the doubt because i'm hopeful a lot will be fixed, it may be wishful thinking but i feel the game is close, just need a few thing fixed before any additional content.
  15. Also, more players mean more strain on an already stressed server.
  16. Although i cant answer officially, i've had an alt account in alliance with my main for years on ASE and i cant see why it would be a problem, as long as you all legally own the game and if you play on an unofficial server they allow alliances then you will be fine. An alt account is no different to just have 2 people playing together, since official servers allow alliances then go for it.
  17. I play both PVE and PVP but i like to play PVE so i can build fancy designs using all the materials, i also have large 'open plan' areas where i keep dinos around, basically im a complete solo roleplayer, my argument is that currently i have to reside in a large stone box and try to cram as many dinos as i can in it so i don't log in to them all being dead, also to add to this, i built in a area which usually always has a titan walking about. We have someone on server who witnessed (and submitted a ticket) to 'tribe of human' destroying a base using a titan. I'm not actually completely against no orp but i also dont want to have to make a PVP style base with a deathwall just to keep my tames while im offline, especially as its hard to retaliate, i can't scout the tribe that did it and go grab my kit to get even, instead i have to log on to survive the ark dot com and moan instead 😛
  18. I've never known this to happen and i must have transferred thousand of eggs and dinos in ASE.
  19. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd8Xn6z_RP7fxGgH_86VZAKDzqmbDboanrC51GSpr_1v9_PLA/viewform
  20. I completely understand your disappointment with not being able to play, but if its any compensation, the servers are a mess right now, granted they have improved a lot since launch, but the game does need some optimization and improvements, i think consoles would struggle in the current state which is ultimately the reason for the delay, once a few more performance passes happen (which i have full confidence will be soon based on current updates) you should see a console release. As for rates, 1x roughly equivalent to 0.25x on ASE (if you played ark 1). I think the next rate boost will likely be winter wonderland, after a few patches and console release, that way everyone gets to enjoy higher rates.
  21. Have you check your settings? There are several dedicated to lighting which may affect it?
  22. I really hope they dont try to run an extra life event, as much as i support the charity event, server cannot handle boosted rates! Besides, have a low rate actually makes the game a little more fun for me, everyone start primitive and has to work for it, no tek bases day one, with extra life i already know i will start seeing tek everywhere. I also realize this doesnt answer your question at all, so, as Luizza stated, console will have dedicated servers so it really isnt an issue, if you want to join a cross platform, then you have to go into it with full knowledge you will be starting behind.
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