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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/19/2024 in all areas

  1. the artifact that sits above the redwood forest extending across the river is a map/texture tear caused by their broken lines of code. even though the Error tells them what lines are throwing errors ( line 873 of D3D12Util.cpp for example which is a constant error that crops up since day 1) they do not publicly announce they are aware, do not publicly announce they are working on it, and do not publicly give an ETA for when it should be fixed. WC/SG is by far the worst and LAZIEST dev studio. Customer service is nonexistent and they do not CARE that win10/xbox can't play the island right now. Lots of people say "just play SE" but im paying for a terrible server experience already via Nitrado, where my steam friends can still play the game so why should i say "oops sorry since WC/SG doesnt seem to care about my experience, im gonna remove all of your progress and make everyone start over on SE" Naw fam that aint it. ignoring the overall problem doesnt make the issue go away.
    2 points
  2. Its wonderful footsteps... I think it feels he is a man sometimes
    1 point
  3. You guys still haven’t fixed the single player crashing issue
    1 point
  4. Careful what you say Petja or you will get banned like i did off the ark official discord they don't like it when you talk about problems with the game.
    1 point
  5. Such thrilling news, absolutely love to hear it! But is there any update on fixing meshing, cheating and other game breaking exploits?
    1 point
  6. I’m kinda the opposite lol, but maybe that’s cuz I don’t really care about rag. idc if it gets another vote, and you have a point, it probably does deserve one considering we’ll have had the raptor for probably close to a year before rag releases either way though I would prefer if the raptor still gets moved over as it was intended to be unique to rag and I don’t see a reason to undo that
    1 point
  7. oh do you mean the copy paste reply they gave to almost every bug report? This one? We're currently looking into this issue, apologies for the inconvenience. They put that in most of the 1-2 day old bug reports about it. if you go from the last bug report page and count how many are about the game not working due to the update, you wont even get 4 pages before you lost count how many were all the same issue. They know where the issue is. It literally tells them the exact line of code in the exact file the error is occurring within the error reports. Is there any formal announcement about how they are aware of the issue and they are working on it with an ETA for when they hope to push a hotfix? ANY kind of PR about the issue? Any actual announcement? No. A Copy Paste reply is not what we are looking for. we give them feedback, but we get nothing in return. Not even a simple "Sorry everyone. An update pushed earlier this week has caused massive widespread crashes and some of you who are on Windows10, Xbox, and PC Game Pass are unable to load into The Island. We are doing our best to narrow down what is causing the fatal error, and we hope to have it fixed within X hours" But what do I know, right? And I guess everyone who has been having a terrible experience with this game since its launch must be happy to get a copy paste reply. Makes you wonder why ASE is still doing so well.
    1 point
  8. I am like most people that play ark ascended pve official servers that wish for the timers to be halved breeding raising hatching ect ect The rates are also not worth our time as hitting an obsidian node and getting 6 obsidian per node is actualy a joke I understand this is a survival game but when the servers are full of 70 players and everyone wants or needs obsidian then how is 6 per node supposed to be sufficiant for all 70 players If the rates can not be upgraded then all things we have to make with those materials should not be like my mosar saddle that needs 50k metal to make 1 saddle that would take arround 6 months for me to be able to collect enough metal to make 1 saddle the bp has been thrown away as its completly usless I understand wild card wish for us to spend lots of time playing on ther game but these timers and rates are having the opposite affect and detering people from playing ark ascended Its also my oppinion that those who dont want the rates to be better on officail pve or timers to be cut down are dupers and massive tribes actualy selling ingame resorces for real cash and maybe a tiny few that actualy like the tremendouse grind As the servers empty of upto 75% of the people when the rates are stopped then that shows how many people want better rates as they stop playing as its to much of a grind I only play the game when the rates are increased now but would love to be able to play more just like the 75% of people that leave the game when the rates are cut
    1 point
  9. As the title says, I have been looking through the forums for an update on the widely reported issues caused by update 39.24 client for Windows GamePass players. All I have found is that the "reported issue is being investigated". Can we get an update, for many of us the game is unplayable since the 4/16 update patch. (v39.27 (39.24 client) - 04/16/2024 - Minor version for servers and clients) Thank you.
    1 point
  10. Well... keep in mind that there are Binocular Mods that can see what the crates contain just by looking at them (without opening them, I don't remember if the TekBinocular Vanilla can do it too), the loot is modified upon opening only if a PG has active the Liopleurodon Buff. Has always been like this even in ASE
    1 point
  11. At this point, mentioning it in multiple places is the only other avenue that a lot of us see. There have been dozens of bug reports about it already. Some of them have a bunch of comments specifically listing what is being filtered, and how it is affecting words like managarmr and black and lol and the, and so on and so on. My take on the dev's non-response to this major issue is, they have no idea how to fix it, or they do and a fix would be very difficult involving a coordinated effort with Microsoft devs.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. after ages of searching and 300 rock elementals, I finally found metal on scorched earth. It was right next to the green obelisk which I never bothered to check before going mountain climbing
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Click the Custom Cosmetic icon, 3rd one from the right and looks like an eye, any cosmetic mods you have that are allowed on the server will appear on the right and anything they can be applied to on the left, just drag the cosmetic over
    1 point
  16. The biggest problem i see now is breeding rates. We have spent years to make perfect lines on ASE. You took it from us and now make us go through all of it again. It just shouldn't be that same slow this time. Most of people playing this game are grownups with jobs and families and no surprise most don't have same time to spend in game as 8 years ago. Harvesting is now fine as it is in my opinion tho (well, except for berries, but it's being solved with tons of crop plots and couple beetles) Give us 1.5 on breeding on a constant basis at least.
    1 point
  17. Why was my original post deleted? On official servers the 1x rate is incredibly slow, to the point that the game has most players minimally logging in until the next event or micro-managing their time and it's difficult to enjoy hatching and rearing. Wildcard has also continually had to address this issue, and "eventually" increases rates as players leave, or complain. On ASA official, our issues are performance based, predominantly, with horrific rubber banding, frame drop, crashes, lag, etc - and ethical with players exploiting pve for pvp like tactics, like theft, turning off generators, kiting dinos to other players bases, pillaring, and blocking entrances. Adding 1x causes all of this to be a bit overwhelming, and it feels like Ark has become a "full time job" and not a game. Even in huge 8 hour stints on the game, I find myself with having to cryo juvenilles and babies over the course of days, and having very annoyed friends and family and co-workers at my constant worrying about "feeding the dinos". It's embarrassing. But also humiliating. As I've paid money and unwittingly joined during a turkey and Christmas event phase to start my ark experience, I feel duped. For perspective I'm a design lead and am examining my experince from UX and data perspectives. The time requirements as a single player who lost two tribemates post holiday events, are a bit overwhelming. It currently takes over a week to raise a single dinosaur. Is ark planning on supplementing my income or hiring me to play their game? Or should I log off permanently and keep my job and social relationships? I am confused as a responsible adult why a game thats supposed to be fun, is so punishing to mine and others time? Is there anyone at Wildcard that can explain the logic behind 1x as official rates? That why a single person should spend two to three hours just gathering metal to make a 4th of what we were previously? Thay why a single saddle blueprint being made once requires 20 to 40 hours of real world time to gather for? Im unable to attract new tribe mates under these conditions or have the prior tribemates return. I have a considerable friend base in gaming, and not a single one what's to play this game on official in its present state. I look forward to your response, insights and explanations about 1x rates. In short the 1x rate is not that enjoyable. Of the 70 people on server NA official 5258, no one is enjoying it and I was repeatedly told "wildcard doesn't care. They always do this and then eventually raise rates. Just cryo everything and log in once a week and log back out until events like us". Thanks for listening.
    1 point
  18. the server rates are so bad its sad
    1 point
  19. i was playing ark evelved in 2015 on day 1 and if you was playing it too at that time you would have noticed that most players left the game because of the super grind and most players was complaining that playing the game was no fun and it felt more like a full time job many players today also feel like the rates are to low and would like to enjoy the game and have fun instead of feeling bored with nothing to do ingame apart from wait for timers to tick down and wait for events as the grind is way to grindy without them if you look at the servers you will also see how empty they get when there is no increased rates CLEARLY SHOWING PEOPLE ARE NOT HAPPY OR NOT HAVING FUN ON THE GAME WITHOUT INCREASED RATES regardless of what you say
    1 point
  20. Exactly, then why have a game designed to require you to stare at a dino and structure your life around hitting 8 hour timers. 1.5x was the best setting for official. 1x is abusive/dumb gameplay and the only people that enjoy it are the ones that literally live in this game.
    1 point
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