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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/2024 in all areas

  1. 6 points
  2. So many crunches dedicated to other people’s work, and so very little of your own. Great work WC. As a game developer, you do plan to develop your game at some point?
    3 points
  3. 3 points
  4. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I am so happy with how Gigantoraptor looks, acts and plays. Truly the best I could've asked for in terms of a faithful execution of my submission! For those still going "I want my maewings", I feel like it's important to mention the actual abilities of the big chicken (not the cryptic hype building teaser included in this crunch): Gigantoraptor can feed babies, you just need to have them be in the saddle baskets, and they'll eat food right outta its inventory. Gigantoraptor is more single target while maewing is more of a trough, but it's still better than nothing! It can also incubate eggs like an egg incubator! Capacity is limited once again to the saddle baskets, but by placing fertilized eggs in its inventory and clicking on em, you can transfer them to the baskets IT IMPRINTS YOUR BABIES!! While it may not be in the same way as my submission, I honestly find it way more fun and rewarding. Taking your babies on a little murder spree, watching their adopted parents fight, nets you an instant 30% imprint progress. And when Desmodus comes out, sanguine gives another 30% too, which means that Sanguine Elixir + Gigantoraptor would give you a relatively easy 60% imprint Imprint refresh is back! Should be well known enough by now, but just for people in the back, G-raptor's call refreshes imprint requests! Whatever your stance on big chicken, I love it, and that's more than enough for me! Just feel like not enough people know the full extent of the Battle Nanny's abilities. ALSO TSW MENTIONED LETS GOOOOO
    2 points
  5. Might not be the most interesting CC for everyone but I am happy to see my Custom Cosmetic being accepted for officials
    2 points
  6. Give the gigantoraptor the ability to feed babies.
    2 points
  7. So lots of customers arguing that the product makers are not prioritizing the features they want. If I was a developer, I would welcome this as free content development and feedback. Technically correct but, not a sound ethos to build a business on. If I was a developer, I'd rather customers complained than voted with their feet. A complaint I can do something about. Convincing a customer to come back is a lot of effort. and nobody is saying WC is doing anything illegal... The title of this post is "For the love of the game" and OP has postulated that comms are poor and the direction of content development is not inline with the player base's desires. This is what we are discussing. If you think that WC/Snail are making the right decisions and decisions you like, good for you. However, given that this dumb argument exists on pretty much all forums of all games of this nature, you might be in a minority. You're not obligated to agree with this opinion...
    2 points
  8. Where above is this information? If this is true then that would be good and would make sense, but nowhere in the above on this post does it say anything about that. If it had, then I wouldn't have questioned it. Do you mean what GP said? GP is not wc and also is not sg. Did wc/sg say something about this on an earlier post and I forgot? Did they say something in a tweet? Because I do have and love A.S.E. Because I'm very interested in the future of this game and how it plays out. Because I might get A.S.A. some day if things end up getting straightened out and worked out in the end. That's how informed customers ultimately come to the conclusion of whether to buy or not. wc/sg has already been pushing this mod stuff with A.S.A. hard and if future official main content were to be added to the game this way then I think that would finally 100% make up my mind not to ever buy it; which is why the concern and the questioning. My comment was not straight negative. It began positively by saying how cool I think the Gigantoraptor is. Nor is my comment slander, as none of it was baseless lies or outright stating that they did something which they did not do. The rest of the comment was questioning concern. It gives the feedback that me as a potential customer would; "Not want official main-game content to be permanently delivered and added in this way." More to the point, wc/sg has shown a long history of not caring about player feed back so giving them feed back would not be useful in the slightest. That is not a slanderous statement; that is an outright and long documented fact. A.S.E. didn't start off "big" because it started off as a surprise entry into the market from an unknown Indie team in the Early Access state with just a single map and only about 25% of that map's ultimate content to begin. A.S.E. grew somewhat steadily with intermittent bursts of new player influx every now and then. It really started to grow once Aberration came out; as it was then that Ark's story truly began to grow and present intrigue to the audience; also Aberration for many is still arguably the best map and it is when more "Sci-Fi" type creatures and landscapes began to be featured which brought in the Space Sci-Fi crowd alongside the Dinosaur loving crowd. The Extinction map overall disappointed people compared to the previous Aberration map, but its further development of the story alongside its "apparent conclusion" at the time ending to the story still increased viewership. Plus everyone loved the Snow Owls and, before they were nerfed, the Managarmr. The Genesis 1 Map brought first a wave of confusion over Ark's consumer base, as everyone figured that Extinction was the end of Ark 1's story (Since that's how the ending cinematic portrayed it) and that the company would begin working on whatever Ark 2 would be and that that's what we'd see a glimpse of next. Gen 1 being a DLC story expansion came completely out of left field and caused an initial daze. Once the daze had subsided, Gen 1 actually caused Ark's popularity to shrink considerably as it was designed very differently from the rest of Ark's content and was done so extremely poorly; especially for multiplayer servers. To this day, Gen 1 is considered to be Ark's worst map. Genesis 2 mostly fixed Gen 1's mistakes and then brought back a lot of the lost interest; especially from the Sci-Fi loving crowd. However, by this point, due to Gen 1's failure, wc/sg didn't have the faith that Gen 2 would bring back the crowd so before Gen 2 was even released they released the Trailer for their new game Ark II; having apparently given up on the idea to keep Ark as a forever DLC story expansion game. Much to their surprise, while Gen 2 did rekindle excitement for the game, their Ark II trailer actually turned a majority of their consumer base off; making Ark II something of an uncertainty even back then. The main reason for this is that they marketed Ark II as a Dark-Souls-Like game mixed with Assassin's Creed influences; which is completely different from what Ark was and not at all what the majority of the player base wanted in a game. What drove A.S.E. to become A.S.A. was financial insecurity due to bad company management; something else which is not slander but a long documented fact. Eh. As I've admitted before; the redesigned landscape and graphics do look better than the first game. (As one might expect.) However, I would truly not be able to say that it looks "a lot better". To me, highest graphics A.S.E. and medium graphics A.S.A. look arguably just about the same. Still some different design choices yes, but the actual graphics quality is just a slight notch up in my eyes; especially when it comes to the non-haired creatures. The major difference in appearances comes from the way that the updated Game Engine handles lighting and lighting effects. It's more a trick of the eye than a true jump up in quality. The idea is very nice on paper and could be great. 🙂 I hope that you can have some fun and make something really cool to add to the game. Which would be a lot easier if wc/sg would let us do so. Unfortunately, ever since their community response after their announcement on April 1st 2023 they haven't exactly done much if anything to allow that. That being said, it's not as if I am "Un-chill" or "Un-relaxed". More so I am "Disappointed" and "Deeply Concerned". Probably. I mean, I do really like that they did that and the new creatures mostly all seemed really cool; but personally I felt after Gen 2 that we were really starting to get crazy with the amount of different creatures and really didn't feel the need for any more. 😛 Ark has a larger and more diverse creature ecosystem than I think probably most if not all video games. Starts making it difficult to remember what each one does; starts making it easy to forget that some even exist; and starts to make some become useless and tossed to the side cause there's too many to choose from. I've been waiting, what is it 6 months now?; for A.S.A. to become something that I want to pay money for cause deep down I really want that to be a thing. I'll be willing to wait and watch for the next 60 years to see if it ever does. I've always wanted this to. When The Center first came out it felt a little lackluster that it's boss fight was just a copy/paste of the giant spider and giant ape from The Island. To this day it is the only official Steam achievement that I haven't gotten for the game; as I just never felt the motivation to do so.
    2 points
  9. We're getting the weekend started with boosted rates on Official Servers! Dive in to find about more about the Gigantoraptor which release this week, new cross-platform mods, and a recap of Garuga's "Lets Build" stream. Behold the queen of helicopter parenting, Gigantoraptor, with a love larger than life, this majestic creature fiercely guards its brood while exuding elegance and danger with its colorful plumage and razor-sharp claws. Get ready to witness the awe-inspiring presence of Gigantoraptor is live on The Island! Check out the Gigantoraptor dossier here! Download & play new custom content created by players, including new maps, creatures, items, and game modes, through a dedicated new Mod-bowser directly within the game. Enjoy an endless stream of new ARK content as the creativity and talent of the community is fully unleashed for the first time across gaming platforms and stay tuned as we spotlight more Cross-Platform Mods each week! This video features: The Sunken World Additions by The Sunken World Team Lady’s Feasts and Farming by MrsWerewolf Plaster Structure Set by Sandi_00 Gnome by asatron21 Plant Pots by Alex2607 Add Text and Icon to structures by Oli4 Gnome by asatron21 Plant Pots by Alex2607 Be sure to tune in this Saturday, March 2nd for Session #3 about going live! If you missed it Session #1, you can watch the past broadcast here to learn more about the visual aspects of modding. Session #1 Watch Past Broadcast Visual elements - starting a new character, setting up the animations, mesh, physics, etc. Session #2 Watch Past Broadcast Blueprinting - setting up the actual character BPs Session #3 March 2nd, 10 AM - 12 PM Pacific Going Live - getting the mod prepped, testing issues, uploading, etc. Watch on Garuga or on SurvivetheArk's Twitch channels! Fan Art Gallery | Screenshot Gallery | Artist Feedback Form Help us discover your talent by tagging your art with #ARKPhotoMode or #ARKFanart on social media! Creator: MrMEOLA Check out MrMEOLA as he embarks on his new modded adventure on the Amissa map! Creator: Phlinger Phoo Join Phlinger on a step-by-step guide to clear the Cave of the Pack. Pt 1 of drawing every dino dossier by cascadingcaramel Hi! Survivor! by @amaNatugame ARK Therizinosaur by dragon0415sk Angel Jerboa by TheN4STYR4BBiT Signal / OSD by Nalak-Bel Dilophosaurus Drawing by FalconSaurusArt My Maewing drawing is finally finished! by u/swordeal Someone had to do it right? by @TiiaAurora Some more shots from Z-Variant Mods! by @xSeamair Photo Mode by graviphoton Parent and Child Stegosaurus by @hamubarg No. 36 Albino by @king_ark1031 Enjoy your weekend! Studio Wildcard Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark Discord: discord.com/invite/playark Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110 Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark Threads: threads.net/@survivetheark Official Wiki: ark.wiki.gg
    1 point
  10. A bit underwhelming if you ask me... it's March 1st, the center got delayed and we haven't heard about Scorched Earth's release yet. If Scorched gets delayed, I seriously worry about the future of this game. Even the big youtubers are going back to Evolved because the Ascended content just isn't there. Boosted rates and a new official mod is neat, but it won't keep the game alive. Neither will cross platform mods.
    1 point
  11. You can not communicate too much. Patches, events, issues, bugs, etc….. you should pay streamers because your player base get 90% of game info from them while you ghost your community. Patch mesh holes. They are everywhere and cost players time and resources. Throw a rock or STOP sign over them if you can’t figure it out. Patch servers during off peak hours. Or schedule them well in advance. Players lose time out of their lives and Dino’s (personally lost at least 5 tames and kibble) due to lack of planning. Prioritize improving the game and not adding Mickey Mouse. I don’t play PVP but ban cheaters. Duping should be easy to identify. No excuse that this is an issue 8 years later. After playing 8 years, you can assume your player base will not be fans of 2x event rates, that use to be 3x. oh and did I mention to maybe communicate
    1 point
  12. The volcano mountain has waaaay too many spots where the anti mesh kills you, our tribe has died at least 20 times to it when we are simply grinding, we’ve lost tames, ascended gear, you name it, this really needs to be fixed. I spent 2 full days raising a giga to have it lost to anti mesh in a cryopod at our base. Please fix this, when things in this game take that much time and effort to do, there should be a team working on correcting this as I know we aren’t the only ones experiencing this
    1 point
  13. You didn't read above? WC is going to put it in the game as some point and take away the mod version. Your other comments can be used against any company. If you don't have ASA then why comment. People with comments that are just straight negative or slander should stay quit because your not helping. What you said doesn't give feed back to help improve the game in anyway. Your not the only one that has done or is doing it but the only way to help improve the game is by giving better feed back in which WC can use. There is a lot of players still and from my understanding ASE didn't start off that big, but grow and only got "big" when Gen 1 & 2 came out. That is when a lot of people really started to play the game. This was close to the end of the first game life cycle because even back then the newer players wanted more which is what drove ASE to become ASA. I am happy with the graphics and how it looks, a lot better then the first game. The mod program is nice, I'm trying to learn the devkit myself, and the community support is great. We just all need to take a chile pill and relax. The maps will come. I believe WC is working with the OG maker of each of the free maps to get their input and make each map better for all of us. We all wanted new dinos and WC gave us the chance to add official dinos to the game. One is here and that is good. Yes it is sad the map it was post to come out on, Rag, was changed to the Center and that map was pushed back. We don't have any information on why, just that the team helping WC needed more time, or when it will come out but I'm willing to wait. I just hope WC goes the extra effort and gives the Center, Rag, and Val their own unique boss fights CI, LI, and Fjordur have.
    1 point
  14. Thank you all for your replies. I started to implement the suggestions by first removing all mods. This enabled me to get to character creation, which I wasn't able to do before, so I think this solved the problem. It will be slow to test every mod individually, but I did have a thought on that matter. I had recently noticed a mod that supposedly added a new creature (Metal golems) was listed as removed for policy violations. I had never actually seen one of the golems, but potentially that was the mod that had stayed in my save game and was the cause of all this. I will still check all the other mods one by one, but that is my first thought.
    1 point
  15. Has been since they announced A.S.A. last year on April 1st. 😉 Notice how they're continuing the trend by saying they'll release S.E. A.S.A. on April 1st of this year. Now, I know that the Chinese don't exactly celebrate April Fools Day like Westerners do, but a large portion of their customers do so you'd think that any half-brained company would be aware of this and be cautious of it. 😂 Unless...this is all part of their genius plot to turn Ark into a Comedy instead of a Sci-Fi Survival Drama. 🤔 That would certainly explain the Steam-Boat Willie costume. 🤔
    1 point
  16. What we got instead of a full map is a dino which is essentially such a watered down Maewing it might as well be worthless. I don't know who was asking for a worse maewing that doesnt even feed babies if you're not imprinted + riding it, but I don't think even the bobiest pve players will get a use out of this garbage. Game is slowly dying and even ASE has more players on Steam. Wildcard showing its utter incompetence again, scary future for this game.
    0 points
  17. While that’s true, it doesn’t mean they can’t fix it for pvers. On top of that, have you seen the roadmap? Extinction isn’t planned to release until 2025 Feb.
    0 points
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