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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/02/2024 in all areas

  1. Ha u must of loaded the game then instantly gone straight to the forums to complain. Wildcard don't care what anyone wants or needs. I can all but 100% confirm no one at wildcard uses these forums because nobody there cares
    2 points
  2. Ah, well Happy new years eve. and my new years resolution is to grow more brain cells
    1 point
  3. "It has always been your passion as a community that has fuels our ambition and ignites our hearts. Your feedback has guided our taming hand." I scoffed when I read that sentence in the article. What a lie from the bottom of their money hungry pockets
    1 point
  4. That's what wc's done since forever. Now me personally; I don't like cryopods and don't use them, because I don't like or use anything tek tier in Ark cause I don't want a sci fi game when I'm playing dinosaurs. BUT; this terrible kinds of decision making is what wc's done since always. They disabled speed on flyers in A.S.E. (Cause people in pvp were whining about it.) They disabled flyers being able to fly in caves in A.S.E. (Cause people in pvp were whining about it.) They increased damage dealt to structures in caves. (Cause people in pvp were whining about it.) They've disabled speed entirely now on A.S.A. (Cause people in pvp whined about it) They disabled the ability to force-feed knocked out players to keep them from dying and respawning. (Cause people in pvp whinned about it.) And tons of other decisions; including the Giga nerfs and now the Rhynio nerfs. For some of this from a server stability standpoint, I kinda understand. But, wc has always introduced cool new things into their Ark game, and then either taken them away or nerfed them to the point where they aren't immersive anymore or are just plain terrible; because someone in the pvp area of the game complained that it was too difficult to deal with. Well, isn't that the point of a "Survival Game"? To overcome the difficulties through determination and creative means? I mean, they introduced Alpha Creatures because people said the game wasn't challenging enough anymore; and then they nerfed Alpha Creatures to the point where they may as well not even exist anymore because people said they were too hard. Sure, no-one wants to get knocked out in pvp and caged and force-fed so that you can't escape. But, what happens in real life when you are captured by the enemy? It was immersive and entertaining and created great stories even if you were the one that someone captured. That was the point! Gigas were big scary murderous bulldozers. That was the point! But wc always waters down their game till I start to ask myself; what's the point?
    1 point
  5. No better Xmas gift than nerfing and changing everything to appease the PVP players at the expense of the PVE community. Rhynio armor = nerfed Rhynio weight = nerfed Rhynio carry = nerfed Rhynio stamina = nerfed Rhynio health = nerfed Console commands to improve computer performance and game breaking visual glitches = nerfed Harvesting = nerfed (reducing the number of nodes you can hit at once IS a reducing the amount you can harvest, no matter which way you try to spin the language) Cryo fridges on platforms = nerfed Render distance = nerfed (then lied about, then admitted it, then went back to lying about it) Non-nitrado server list = nerfed That's just in the last month, and I left a bunch out.. so what will you guys take from us next to appease the PVP players who get owned and then blame the game for their lack of skill?
    1 point
  6. Another inane WC decision: Punish EVERYONE for select tribes abusing things. FIrst, take down the servers with NO warning, provide ZERO updates as hours stretch on, then BS folks with "Oh 8 hour roll back" while tons of people lost items, boss fights, and more importantly, WASTED HOURS OF THEIR TIME IN GAME for whats more like a 10-12 hour rollback. Absolutely hideous customer support and service. Its shameful that you guys treat everyone this way after folks were suckered into rebuying the what was once going to be free, ASA release. No offers to bump the event longer or raise the rates. Nope, EVERYONE suffers for the idiocy of a few.
    0 points
  7. I lost an afternoon of work today in single player, including my first Rex tame, after logging off the game momentarily. They really need to fix this game. This has happened to me several times.
    0 points
  8. I believe it's supposed to work the same in ASA with autosaves (at least, the same autosave setting is available in the GameUserSettings.ini file - default set to every 15 min but I set mine to every 5 min) but it just... doesn't do it. Pretty much every time I crash it just reverts to whatever was the last time I manually paused the game and hit save. I also feel a very slight lag spike when I save that I never get from any autosave, so I'm fairly confident it never does it. I also posted about this on Reddit and plenty of people are experiencing the same or similar issues when trying to play single player. Some can't even save the game at all, not even manual saves works for them so they simply can't make any progress at all in the game. Seems to me this is really a major issue for a lot of people.
    0 points
  9. I'm sorry but ORP is a garbage filled cesspool. On paper its meant for casual players but in reality its not. So many ways to exploit with it and every other toxic man child who couldn't hack official pvp wind up on these clusters exploiting, meshing, orp camping, stalking and harassing casual players because they can't offline them as they normally would. Getting rid of ORP is actually a blessing for all players and reduces Wildcard's moderation/legal ticket volume. Have you had your base camped 24/7 with enemy tames and players waiting who don't care how many times they get banned? Do you know tribemates/allies who have been doxxed, received death threats or ddosed because angry man children want to wipe your tribes completely but can't? The fact that bans are easily circumvented with new accounts is a whole other topic but the worst of the worst wind up on ORP clusters. Even normal pvp is ruined by two words, "ORP SPAM". Good riddance to orp
    0 points
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