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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/31/2023 in all areas

  1. Thanks for the definition of "forum". This topic is no stranger. Yes, we write about errors to WC / SG no reaction, we write on the forum about BS. No response since Lat. In fact, this forum can only be called a notebook. There is no person competent to answer our ASE or ASA questions. So far it's a big bulletin board, which is the least interested in WC/SG. Questions are often unanswered (not all questions can be answered by players, there are also questions directed to WC/SG.) After all, the topic is about ASE shutdown, New ASA and so on. answering each other is just disinformation, we don't know what will happen on August 31 or September 1. Knowing WC/SG's adherence to deadlines. If you noticed the link above the text you quote there is quite a lot of INFORMATION for players. Everyone would like ASA, which should be free of charge due to the failure rate of ASE. Paint the rest yourself Unfortunately, I can't say if this applies outside of the EU. And from what I knew there are a lot of EU players. The information given and quoted by me are not sucked out of your finger or from YT. In this case, they are state institutions. Now that you have this bulletin board at your disposal, search the web for resources relating to the issues I have touched on in the quotes. Unless you live in the EU, you have the same rights as others regarding these three quotes I have put in German. If you don't think this information is true, smack it straight across the bridge, instead of giving me a definition of a Forum that I've known for over a quarter of a century if not more. I didn't write this from myself, compile these files whole. I can't officially give you the sum But count it towards helping the players. What this does not apply to some, as they announced, they made it clear in their statements that they would buy ASA, which would also somehow be forced to modernize the equipment or replace the console. But not so expensive I guess. This convinces WC that a lot of players will give up and recommend to buy ASA anyway. EDIT: And that's why I wrote it this way, so that we would finally get information from WC/SG on our questions, because we won't be able to answer them ourselves!
    1 point
  2. He’s simply saying that “realism” is already dead. Once we have flying Whales there is no point in trying to keep the game “grounded”. And I agree.
    1 point
  3. Screw mods, us console peasants have been getting by without them just fine.
    1 point
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