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Everything posted by Xavanic

  1. Unfortunately not much can be done about the financial issues, NA as a whole are on the verge of complete economic collapse, prices are going up, so people can't afford to buy as much, but as such stores are making less money and to recoup the losses raise prices even more, not to mention companies like wal-mart take our money and then don't put much of it back into the economy, instead opting to send it to china for their cheap labour, on top of this billionares hoarding their wealth, capitalisim has destroyed us, and even those with money will eventually feel the consequences soon
  2. Improvise, Adapt, Overcome But realisticaly your best bet is to find an UO with ORP, but there is tons of tactics to develop a good base on Officals aswell just gotta realize that starting by building a base out in the open can and will screw you if your a smaller tribe
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