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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/26/2021 in all areas

  1. Here in Saxony it's still summer time, so we should have it by 19 hundred. When do we start, when do we start, when do we start! 👻
    1 point
  2. Anyone who expected an event to actually be released on the day it was announced for, hasn't played ARK very long.
    1 point
  3. In old Germany today is October 26th. 12:00 noon! When does it start? When does it start? When does it start? Will it take a long time?
    1 point
  4. No it wasn’t. It’s the bare bones truth. If ANYONE thinks that Ark 2 is not going to be anything but a continuation of the complete hodgepodge cluster f that Ark 1 is and has been for the last 6 1/2 years they seriously need their head examined by a full team of professionals. Why do ya think rockstar has taken a better part of 10 years to develop the new gta (I use that example because it’s the best comparison I can think of), or Red Dead Redemption? I’m mean hell WC can’t even get the global chat filter right! You can drop an f bomb in chat but ya can’t say “could”, what sense does that make? Basic fact that probably 90% of the people I play with from day to day have all agreed with issues like that…….ARK 2 SHOULD BE DELAYED FOR AT LEAST ANOTHER YEAR! Look what happened to gen 2. They postponed it, made sure it was as close to right as they could and for the most part it has been the best dlc release since the center map. That’s what the outcomes can be when some extra time is taken to make things are right the first time, it’s a 100% better experience all the way around.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. please consider adding a item to allow us to see the stats of gestating baby animals so we dont have to leave out hundreds of animals for mutations and we can put away the animals that dont have the mutations we want. it will help with alot of issues. thank you
    1 point
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