Continued with project anky and I'm now up to five melee mutations and four weight. I've also got a bunch more colour mutations, some I save in case I can make some funky colour combos (I promised (or threatened) my tribemate I would give her a rainbow coloured super-anky, and she'll get one). I have so many more than what I've taken screenshots of, like three different versions of purple, pink, white, green etc., but I thought it could be more fun showing them off when I have a complete set on one anky.
This was a double mutation I got (in the wrong stats, naturally), so I didn't keep it but it looked funky:
These two I kept for possible use in the rainbow anky (more blue than purple I think, it's a bit difficult to tell at times, because of the surrounding colours):
Other than that, I got rid of a bunch of rexes, due to the updated model changing the colours on them. It felt a bit sad getting rid of colour combos I've had for one-two years, but if I think they look like garbage, then there's absolutely no reason to keep them.
Also, I spawned in a tamed creature for the first time. I felt I wanted a flyer smaller than my wyvern and I wanted to check out the new argent model, so I spawned one in. I must say, I LOVE the new argents, they look so majestic compared to before (only thing bothering me are the tail coverts - it feels like they're end too soon making the tail look very long). I thought he needed a fitting name to go with his impressive statue, so I named him Squak:
The last two days, I haven't played much ARK per se, but I've played a lot of PixARK single player. As someone who loves ARK to bits despite all its flaws and who loved Minecraft back in the day, I was very interested when this game was announced. After watching some streams and youtube videos, my decision to hold off on buying it due to not trusting Snail Games that much (especially with how they're handling Dark and Light), crumbled. I really love it so far; it's like a mix of ARK, DnL and MC and the good bits at that. There are some issues, as expected this early in...erm...early access.., and we'll see how Snail handles the development, if they pull through on this one or not. I honestly believe the game has a lot of potential and hopefully, it'll be easier to handle for the devs as it's less complex than ARK I imagine.
I'll just sneak some PixARK screenshots in here, nobody will notice.
Me having tamed the two most essential creatures in PixARK; a firefly and a bunny:
Here I am escorting my dodo home on my trusty steed (the "claptrap" in the background is a quest mailbox-thingy):
Me, my ptera and my trusty head-warmer are out harvesting clay-cubes for my base when the sun rises (I'm trying to decide what I want to go with the stone I use, clay walls or sandstone walls):
Plan for the holidays, is to alter between Aberration and PixARK (yep, all four of us who are still actively playing ARK got PixARK as well, we're such suckers all of us! ) and I can't wait to play this together with the others! Oh and we're definitely going to get some rock drake eggs when we're on Aberration. I've decided this, just now in fact, and the others will just have to accept it.
Btw, please keep writing about your adventures in ARK. Even when I'm not playing myself, I always read about what you guys have been up to.