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No eggs when Dino on structure over water?


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On 1/13/2024 at 3:00 AM, Yetisteak said:

i build a plattform over the water to put some of my dinos on to let them lay eggs. but somehow they won't ley any eggs. within 12 hours no (or max 1) egg is in the Ovi.

Could it be, that dinos need to stand on ground to lay eggs?

When you say that you 'build a platform' do you mean you make your own platform using pillars and ceiling tiles, or are you using one of the other building objects in the game?

The reason I'm asking is that eggs can glitch through ceiling tiles (or glitch inside of foundations) when someone gets near your base and renders the base in. Can you take a screen shot of what your platform looks like? That might be useful to help you figure out what's happening.

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Build it on pillar and ceilings over swallow water (a stego would be not completly under water). the ovi that is set to collect (both) is a level 150 giga egg tame that is now arrounf level 260 (all mellee) so the range he collects the eggs when they are layed should be more than enugh.

I now put the yutis 20m away on the beach and had 7 eggs in 40 minutes. so defintly something wrong here

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hi, I suggest you do some tests manually, i.e. try dropping the eggs (from your inventory) onto the platform and check where they stay and if Oviraptor picks them up, then try dropping them directly under the platform and check if Oviraptor picks them up , then try to place a couple of Yuty on the platform and mate them, when it lays the egg check where it is positioned and if Oviraptor picks it up. If each of these tests works correctly then it's most likely just what @FeyGriffin  said (same inference I also had to your OP), otherwise one possibility is that eggs falling through ceilin (see @Pipinghot 's answer) could go to end up beyond the Mesh and not be picked up by Oviraptor since the latter needs a couple of seconds before picking up (and therefore now too far away).

Side note: Eggs generally have some issues right now, a recent patch fixed something but compromised something else (previously you dropped the egg and it was left floating, now it falls to the ground but first it rolls a few meters before to return to the correct position, and after this Patch the excrements get stuck under the ground instead of above, so there could actually be some strange problem in your case).

Let us know how your tests went ;)

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