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Need More Servers



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1 hour ago, Vixhanna said:

I was just wondering if more servers are going to be added for scorched earth. With so many players, 86 servers isn't nearly enough. Also, it took 3 hours to add it to my Xbox. By the time I am able to actually get onto the servers, I'm afraid I won't be able to find a spot to call home.

It's all a part of the process.  Every DLC map released in ASE was always accompanied by rage given so few servers were initially released.  Always took them 24-72 hours to spin up new servers.  Not excusing the idiocy mind you, just stating Snail/WC has been known for this from the start.

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It would be nice to get on scorched earth after I paid for Bob's tall tale but there is not enough servers. It's bull crap that we got 1208 servers for island but we have less for scorched earth there should have put up the same amount of server so others can play it's not fair to not put up enough servers for every player and then take there money. Should have put up same amount of server like island.

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na-pve the island has 170 servers yet you only put out 46 na-pve-scorched servers. 

meanwhile na-pvp-scorched were given 60. 

neither matches the total number of active island servers. 

i couldn’t help but notice pvp servers on both counts have less population per server than pve

also should be noted i encounter people coming in droves from pvp to pve. yet servers do not reflect that migration. which is not to say those people claiming to come from pvp are not still also on pvp as well as pve

after all we have a lot of players who sell in game assets for real dollars who have harnessed many more than one or two servers.


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those who had tek transmitters on their bases were the only ones through the doors of scorched earth. less than 2 minutes after servers came online the servers were at capacity.  those of us who had to go to obelisks found no access to any server. 

the goal of many of those who flooded the servers is to pillar the entire server.

how do i know? it is exactly what was done to every server on the island. in addition people openly brag about pillaring the servers and believe it is their right to control who can build on the server. you have to beg or pay real money for a spot. 

there are ways to prevent pillar abuse. conan exiles does it. pal world does it. but ark insists on an out-dated pillaring system to mark one’s “territory”.

pillaring the server, by the way goes far beyond  the use of just pillars and ladders. these days ceilings as well as foundation combos are widely and  purposely placed to prevent building, access to water, resoures and spawning of dino’s.

so well done snail games. those who already had widely pillared the island are extremely happy for the edge they were given in getting a complete foothold on scorched earth.

at 1126 12 more na pve servers were added yet were slammed to capacity within minutes. 

i am wondering why the island has 122 na pve servers but only 46 na scorched pve servers? 

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So I saw the pop up that new PVE servers were being added but no time listed.  When I went to join after reading that WC was only adding 12 NA server with each have a full capacity of 70 users allowing 840 additional NA players to play if they can log in NA, WC isn’t doing itself, it’s game, or it’s customer base any favors, all the servers, even the ones showing less than 70 out of 70 players were filled up (being notified of that only after the joining server has initiate (and the filters don’t work, PVP and Island is included in search results even when filter specifically set to Scorthed Earth Map),  on several.  No official notice of what time additional servers were going live, they were just added (quietly?) and filled up to 70 max.  But again, in NA alone, those additional servers only added 840 additional player seats on the 12 new servers when the player base is in the thousands or it’s it?- if it is, well then wow, should we be appreciative of those 840 additional player slots or what?

Additionally, rumor is that there are people pillaring Scorched Earth servers then selling the claimed land in game for real money.  Has Wild Card investigated that?  Another rumor is that bots are being used to take up Player slots as well.  Has Wild Card looked into whether someone is deploying bots that are taking up player spots vs real players logging in to play?

Edited by VillaNovan84
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There are currently 168 NA-pve servers on the island, and less than half of the new map has been released to the public. There are 46 NA-pve servers on the scorched map, and they are all full. As they cannot see that there is a lack of servers for players, they need to launch more servers, a number at least greater than the existing half of the island.

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They dont give a crap.  They deployed a few more servers today and patted themselves on the back.  WildCard has the worst work ethic and appreciation for its customers.  So awesome sitting here looking at screen full of servers because they can't automate a server deployment, you cant play with your tribe or your friends, when you do get in a few weeks everything will be pillared up and you will be playing catch up, if you even decide to come back to play.


Oh you could go play the island again, again, again.  Wild card is like here are some new colors, go breed them.

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I still can not get in after only sleeping very little and trying and trying and trying. I just want to Play this New DLC and even paid to do so. Please tell me why ever server says it is full and why you're not releasing more servers so that everyone can Play? Bu the time I get to play everyone will have tek and have beaten the boss. Please tell me how I can get past the server is full issue!!! Oh wait, maybe just ADD MORE NA OFFICIAL SERVERS!!!!

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Dear Wildcard, if you want my money for DLC then you should acutally make it possible to play the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is not possible as all SE servers are full... haven't you learned ANYTHING?

I can easily tell you how much official servers you need... anyone can do that...



Edited by Pathologist
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