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Nothosaurus - The Sea Lizard

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Hello Survivor !

We are happy to present the Nothosaurus, a giant amphibious lizard !

Behavior :
This is a large marine lizard, which regularly comes out of the water to bask on hot rocky beaches. This creature is found in shallow waters. He tends to be quickly aggressive, however he remains vulnerable during his naps. Apparence : Smaller than a plesiosaur, the Nothosaurus is relatively slender, which gives it incredible agility in water. Its front legs are equipped with claws allowing it to adhere to rockeries, as long as its hind legs equipped with large muscles allow it to jump out of the water.
Taming :
When he basks in the sun, it's time to approach discreetly to ride him by giving its fish. He will then rush into the water and a marine rodeo begins. It will be necessary to give its a fish to calm him during its spins at the risk of being unseated and at its mercy.
Utility :
The Nothosaurus is a pretty good and fast swimmer. Regarding the fight, it can both use its powerful jaw to shred flesh and its tail to inflict great damage. It is also able to perform torpedo attacks thus increasing its speed
.The Nothosaurus also has a gloatrum in which it will store fish liver oil, which can be recovered to make a fishing elixir. The latter then increases the quality of the loots caught. It can also preserve fish meat longer.

Dossier :
Wild : The Nothosaurus Giganteus is an amphibious creature, a bloodthirsty killer that can move both in water and on land. The anguish of strolling by the sea and seeing this behemoth emerge out of the water and bite off its poor victim. The only opportunities we had to observe the Nothosaurus were when it was lying on the edge of the ocean to rest. Their lifestyle is very close to the Seals. It is without counting on these teeth as sharp as razor blades. To see it so skilfully hunting fish is an incredible sight, but rare are the still living witnesses of this aquatic broom.

Domesticated : For the more courageous, taming a Nothosaurus Giganteus is an excellent asset for its tribe, despite moving slowly on land, it displays all its agility once in the water. Discovering the seabed on the back of Nothosaurus is an unforgettable moment, thanks to its incredible ease under water. Although he is a faithful ally, he is above all a fast and effective murderer, especially for the fish he will kill until his thirst for flesh is satisfied. A very ingenious device is located at the level of its neck, a kind of pocket which stores and preserves the fish longer then transforms them into a kind of oil very popular with fishing enthusiasts, I have even seen some taken enormously after being in contact with this oil…

Enjoy that creature which could be completely modify by Wildcard !

Special Thank to Skeel, Arwenn & Umbra for the dossier !

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(From @Jimmy_Yeet23#9668 in Ark Submissions Community)
Basically Nothosaurus is the top packhunting predator of the water being rideable and great for traversing in both water and land our first ideas was for it to have the ability spit out boiling water balls that on land can create mist and blind creatures. in its boiling sack you can make dyes and the new item bioluminescent dye! by putting in bio liquid/slime to make your own disco Dino’s. Nothosaurus also has a spiky big tail that can collect static electricity to stun creatures with. it would be both useful on land and in the water having a fish harvesting bonus


Design done by @Riskybiscuits#0485

and the boiler idea As for the taming method you need to kill its pack sneak up give it pearls for it to do a pearl check and if he want to play with it. when busy playing you need to feed it Tuso tentacles! But beware if it’s doesn’t like the pearl you give it and drop it don’t go up to it anyway it will get scared and taming effectiveness will be dropped. Just wait and look if he likes your play offer

Abilities: Notho has a fish buff with extra damage and harvesting against every fish in the sea To use Notho efficiently you need to warm it up in the sun by just placing it somewhere where the sun shines when fully warmed up Notho will show its beautiful glowing patterns and it will go from a dull gray dude to a bioluminescent colored up dude ( you’ll need to recharge it after every day ) Nothosaurus can pierce through armor with its boiling spit ignoring any creatures with armor and players with armor

Don’t let Notho go in the cold environments like snow biomes as it too can get cold and turn back in its dull grey version with low stamina and the cold itself can actually start damaging it! The tail needs to be charged up by brushing it against rock before use The bioluminescent regions on nothosaurus can be mutated as well ! Underwater it’s boiling bolts still work as the liquid is thicker than water it also glows cus of the bioluminescent slime in the spit! Notho also goes into its bioluminescent form when underwater and it has killed enough fish

Screenshot 2023-06-04 at 4.48.49 AM.png

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I voted for this dinosaur when it was supposed to have thr ability to find fertilized eggs in the wild. Overall I liked that idea more than another aquatic attack dino (as literally most water creatures' sole purpose is damage or mobility), but it's still cool I guess. Hopefully a more visually appealing mount than those already in game. Also think if it has no other special abilities (besides meat preservation) that it shouldn't be too terribly sluggish on land. Maybe the ability to use its powerful tail to launch it out if the water for some special attack to fliers over water? Alligators and crocodiles do this sometimes to catch unsuspecting birds in low mangrove branches over water. 

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1 hour ago, Kaimen said:

I voted for this dinosaur when it was supposed to have thr ability to find fertilized eggs in the wild. Overall I liked that idea more than another aquatic attack dino (as literally most water creatures' sole purpose is damage or mobility), but it's still cool I guess. Hopefully a more visually appealing mount than those already in game. Also think if it has no other special abilities (besides meat preservation) that it shouldn't be too terribly sluggish on land. Maybe the ability to use its powerful tail to launch it out if the water for some special attack to fliers over water? Alligators and crocodiles do this sometimes to catch unsuspecting birds in low mangrove branches over water. 


The first pic already reminded me of Joanna from Rescuer’s Down Under, and this egg ability seals the deal 😁

I now want a Joanna of my own. 😊

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On 6/4/2023 at 5:51 AM, Tweeezs said:

(From @Jimmy_Yeet23#9668 in Ark Submissions Community)
Basically Nothosaurus is the top packhunting predator of the water being rideable and great for traversing in both water and land our first ideas was for it to have the ability spit out boiling water balls that on land can create mist and blind creatures. in its boiling sack you can make dyes and the new item bioluminescent dye! by putting in bio liquid/slime to make your own disco Dino’s. Nothosaurus also has a spiky big tail that can collect static electricity to stun creatures with. it would be both useful on land and in the water having a fish harvesting bonus


Design done by @Riskybiscuits#0485

and the boiler idea As for the taming method you need to kill its pack sneak up give it pearls for it to do a pearl check and if he want to play with it. when busy playing you need to feed it Tuso tentacles! But beware if it’s doesn’t like the pearl you give it and drop it don’t go up to it anyway it will get scared and taming effectiveness will be dropped. Just wait and look if he likes your play offer

Abilities: Notho has a fish buff with extra damage and harvesting against every fish in the sea To use Notho efficiently you need to warm it up in the sun by just placing it somewhere where the sun shines when fully warmed up Notho will show its beautiful glowing patterns and it will go from a dull gray dude to a bioluminescent colored up dude ( you’ll need to recharge it after every day ) Nothosaurus can pierce through armor with its boiling spit ignoring any creatures with armor and players with armor

Don’t let Notho go in the cold environments like snow biomes as it too can get cold and turn back in its dull grey version with low stamina and the cold itself can actually start damaging it! The tail needs to be charged up by brushing it against rock before use The bioluminescent regions on nothosaurus can be mutated as well ! Underwater it’s boiling bolts still work as the liquid is thicker than water it also glows cus of the bioluminescent slime in the spit! Notho also goes into its bioluminescent form when underwater and it has killed enough fish

Screenshot 2023-06-04 at 4.48.49 AM.png

I love every bit of this. With this visual flare, it’d be one of my favorite tames.

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I do love this idea, but part of me kinda wishes that this creature would be on The Center and not Ragnarok. with The Center being pretty much 50% water and having rivers that access everywhere and the underwater air bubbles the Nothosaurus would be in its element throughout the whole map. i still hope this guy makes it though.

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Much of the island Rognarok is on doesn't have much big water areas except for that canyon, the desert lake, and the ocean surrounding it.

But if it were to be added, an ideal habitat for it would be the southeast of the map in the ocean. There are rocky underwater plateaus with very little land above the surface and chopped off logs for whatever reason.

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9 minutes ago, MockOx said:

I do love this idea, but part of me kinda wishes that this creature would be on The Center and not Ragnarok. with The Center being pretty much 50% water and having rivers that access everywhere and the underwater air bubbles the Nothosaurus would be in its element throughout the whole map. i still hope this guy makes it though.

Speaking if which, since the ocean is so vast all around that map, I think, should it not make this vote but may so for The Center, I see it as being easy transportation through the water instead of waiting to grind too much for the already in-game water/amphibious dinos and boats.

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