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Everything posted by Scribelordd

  1. Yes they are and thanks lol, I definitely dont want them on par with the likes of the Gigas and Carchars, but its still a noticable thread
  2. Dossier Wild As if this place couldn't get any worse today i have discovered a new species - Lythronax interemptor, a very large and powerful therapod roaming the wastes These predators are fierce, larger than the likes of a Rex or Spino, but smaller than a Giga and Carchar, these beasts live up to the title of Gore King, covered in Spikes makes them lethal both Defensively and Offensively, pair that with their razor sharp teeth they use to rip apart and bleed out prey or use its body spikes to ram into the target stabbing them I've also observed the creatures going into a frenzied state when attacking and consuming the element ridden corrupted creatures where their veins glow a bright red and their eyes turn a pale white, understandably it causes nearby creatures to fear for their life causing a sort of "fear aura" around itself While very rare I have also encountered few larger variants that are more infused with Element much like the other creatures adapted to survive element infusion, although not controlled they are in a permanent state of frenzy and are far more dangerous, they primarily arrive around the Orbital Drops drawn by the corpses of the corrupted creatures although they can be found very rarely in the wild. Tamed If you can manage to tame one of these ferocious creatures then you'll have the perfect creature for harvesting flesh and limbs, they can gather twice as much parts with ease compared to normal creatures and that doesnt stop at flesh as it makes them excellent for stripping the element from the corruption ridden creatures in the waste It's also been observed that when in their element frenzy they also cause a sort of "fear aura" that slowly begins to induce fear into surrounding creatures, making them excellent for scaring off or hunting creatures Also thanks to the Spikes adorning this beast it not only makes fighting your Lythro difficult but it also provides its Rider protection as well as deterring the likes of smaller creatures from attacking the rider I've also seen this beast fight off a Giga, normally its razor sharp teeth would tear apart anything however the spikes protected it from the Gigas razer sharp teeth first of all big thanks to Narutomaki for making this art for me, please go check out his Deviantart so what can you expect? Well let's talk what they are capable of more in depth and what uses you could have with them 1. They are very useful at gathering from Creatures, sure meat gathering is something that applies to alot of creatures but something that isn't is doubling Creature Trophies, this will help gather the required tributes for Bosses much faster and it not only applies to Normal and Alpha drops but Boss trophies as well making it much easier to beat Extinction since you'll have the backup trophies for either retries or for the next level of the King Titan fight and the spikes will keep pesky creatures like Icthyornis, Pegos and Microraptors away 2. And that also means they can be brought into Boss Arenas unlike the Giga and Carcha and will be a powerful new addition to any army looking to take the bosses and their frenzy mode will keep minions away Also I want to talk about its moveset, it will have a bite attack A Tackle attack And it can grab ahold of creatures similar to a Kentro with its bite and shake them around, the player holds the bite button in order to use this attack All of these abilities inflict bleed and of course the creature has reflective damage to physical attacks thanks to its spikes dealing damage back to its attacker
  3. Its admittedly abit more jokeish but I mean surprisingly nobody posted one for Helicoprion so I thought why not
  4. Jokes aside I'm amazed NOBODY put this creature up from what I've seen, it's a pretty cool creature and fits right at home Plus it's a chainsaw shark, that's badass
  5. So I decided to make this too, what's the appeal? Big saw Saw real good, get good meats and resources Tear through tek like a Cookie Cutter Shark through a Whale Bioluminescence because glowing things are cool
  6. Thanks, I wanted to not just add a creature but change the way people played the map
  7. Would love to see another flyer to the game, pretty good and I like how it uses all the different types of flying
  8. Thanks and yeah I like the idea of it being able to damage with its roar, we have roars that boost but none that do damage
  9. In my time here on The Center I have never encountered a creature more feared by the native coastal tribes, yet one would think they are a myth due to how rare they are. I myself have only encountered the Creature once on a Expedition documenting a tribes attempts to hunt the beast, within the lands of The Center the Kronosaurus is held as a beast of burden but also of fortune, being highly ravenous the Kronosaurus has devoured it's fair share of treasures beyond a survivors wildest imagination, whether that be from some unfortunate traveling survivors or devouring the same people seeking out the treasures these beasts have, while extremely difficult I have seen the tribes that amassed fortunes from hunting one and even mounting their heads as a trophy to signify they are a tribe to be feared and respected. I have also heard they can rarely be found in the deepest depths of the ocean with survivors claiming they have seen eerie lights emanating from a massive creature, whether this is a Kronosaur or not however remains a mystery as none were brave enough to approach it For creatures so massive they are surprisingly elusive, a hunting party could never hope to track one down, so instead the tribes took note of the creatures ravenous appetite and killed several creatures in the surrounding area, the corpses gained the creatures attention drawing it out for the hunting parties to face. The hunting party I was with had all but been wiped out, not even the Electrophorus could stun it or the Megalodons could bleed it since its scales were too thick and the beast was even taking down Mosasaurs with not much of a fight, the beasts roar still lingers in my mind, it was so loud it was hurting the tames and survivors hearing it disorienting them and if underwater created a powerful shockwave infront of it, I was lucky enough to escape with very few survivors to a nearby island. Domesticated While the Kronosaurus is hunted by most there are rumors of a Survivor who had managed to somehow tame one of these monsters, with the story going he had to hunt the most dangerous alpha predators in the sea and offer parts of them to the beast, after taming it he apparently equipped the beast with a highly advanced oval shaped platform saddle that created a barrier that acted similarly to the Tek Moonpools, if it is true then I can only imagine he is living deep in the ocean right now with his Kronosaurus. Also if it has devoured countless treasures I can only imagine the yield it has when it devours creatures for the survivor who tamed it While I haven't seen a tamed one myself I can safely say whoever controls a Kronosaur controls the ocean itself.
  10. So considering Aberrations more subterranean theme a Trapdoor Spider would fit really well into the map So first off what does it do? Well the big predator lies in wait and ambushes anything that gets near, there it'll slowly start to drain its victims dry, similarly to a Bloodstalker you can tame one of these beasts by sacrificing tames Once its tamed then you have a all Round powerful mount by your side that can crawl on walls, burrow underground and can inflict a potent venom that will slowly kill whatever its attacked until the debuff either runs out or the victim dies The creature has powerful jaws and a strong pounce that can deal heavy blunt force trauma to its victims (dealing a good amount of torpor) The Spider would be around Allo sized, so a fairly big predator that can hunt most creatures but not the largest creature in Aberration, definitely an all around solid mount to have especially with how Aberration lacks flyers having a new tame that can scale the walls would really benefit in this map
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