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Ragnarok boss fight


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Well on gamma with those rexes and saddles maybe. The dragon is the problem as he take a percentage of their health every time he uses his breath. So if you try get him down first and fast. I recommend using Therizinos with veggie cakes and a yutyrannus though. We also use rexes with tek saddle to shoot down those stone golems but not necessary imo. 

We did it on alpha a couple of months ago that way. I do have a vid of our approach but thats a bit older but still the same. Watch it if you want. Good Luck!


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5 hours ago, zerpwnz said:

Ragnarok boss fight

I watched a lot videos on youtube but did not find anything suitable. I have 19 rex and 1 yutyrannus, Rex stats: 30000 health 600 damage + basic gray saddles, can i kill gamma dragon and manticore on ragnarok map or better not even try?


I once did the island gamma dragon with 19 rex and 1 Yuty.  I play solo and my rex stats were closer to 35k health and 1500 damage, all had the basic (primitive) saddles.  I won the fight, barely,  and I think I lost a more than a few rexes.  I did not expect to win and was prepared to lose everything.  It was more for experience and education than anything.  I even took that group against the alpha after they healed so I knew what to expect.  I lost very quickly.  Anyway, I have never played on Rag and don't know how it compares to that dragon or the manticore.  I think the biggest question is if you can do enough dps before the dragon does.  So If they are similar I would say you could win if EVERYTHING goes right but more than likely no.  At best, you should still expect heavy losses.  And if the fight drags on and the dragon goes back into flight and has the chance to toss more flaming stones your way, I don't think you will like the outcome.  If you are going to do it with rexes you have to be able to put up large amounts of damage very quickly.  I would say damage is more important than health in this case, especially since the dragon's attack will take a percentage of health from carnivores and not just a set point value.

I did the Alpha today with therizinos and was successful.  Easier than I expected. 

Good luck.

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You'll be alright as long as Manticore lands. Gamma is pretty easy. Dragon  takes more damage than the Island version. 

We used 9.9k hp, 385 dmg hatches our first time. Loss none. Avoid Golem's if you can with those Rex's. 

Yuty may take a nap so watch the torpor and be prepared to bail and mount a Rex if it's about to collapse. 

Practice with whistle commands. Have fun. Good luck.

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