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Ark: Primal Survival


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Here is a little snipit from community crunch 93 where jat replied to a few people in comments, includes a date when he said this. (may 22nd)

On 5/22/2017 at 5:53 PM, Jatheish said:

We don't really work on ARK Park, just creatively consult so not sure on the timeline for that and I don't really have any news to share about Primal Survival at this time when I do I will. Right now the team is just focused entirely on the development of the main game and wrapping up it's content.


I think this might be the most recent mention of primal survival.

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Thankyou Cataclisto, and yes I agree with arko. I completely understand the need to get the main game running smoothly on top of the DLC releases such as free content Ragnarok and upcoming Abberation. I mean I play on Ragnarok, and given it's more laggy then usual thanks to August 10 update... In general following the recent full game release on platforms (I play on PS4) it does need some fine tuning. With that being said, who doesn't want to be a F****** dinosaur!!! I've been eaten at least 1000 times. I want to roam the beaches in a PVP server, and slay some noobs lol. I feel like that is the perfect way to blow off steam as long term/sometimes frustrated survivor. Not to mention the importance of Player dinosaurs in a PvP Server. All of those Alpha tribes all of a sudden would have to deal with actual intelligence accompanied by the power of a wild Dino. That's the best way to keep the alpha tribes at bay. Of course server stability has to be better before we will see it happen though.


Even if we got a false release date on Primal Survival, it would do my Ark heart good to hear that they still have the intentions of following through with this one. I mean this had a lot of hype, especially after the way they announced it. PLEASE!!!!!! Throw us a bone!!!!

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I'm in the same boat of wishing for more info as well. But for now, we are stuck on a 'until further notice' deal with Primal Survival. Me thinks WC is hesitant about even bothering with it because SOTF flopped...

Even when Aberration is out, I have a gut feeling that they won't even bother with Primal Survival, just cuz they are nervous of it failing...a shame because I really wanted it myself. The Isle doesn't do it well imo (it's too boring with not enough to do), and ARK's version of play as a dino looked a lot more promising and fun.

Hopefully they'll take a chance. So many players wanted it and they seemed like they had a bunch of things finished already. We still want this game mode WC!!

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They will not touch Primal Survival nor SOTF till all DLCs are done. Did you notice the amount of significant updates dicreased lately? Entire WC is working on DLCs. The Center ( and Primitive+ probably) doesn't recieve bug fixes, because modder is working on Abberation map. 

Thankfully, they finally realised side projects do not make main game better at once. They took a lot of time, resources, money and it is not guaranteed they won't backfire. They did a mistake starting working on SOTF when the main game was not even done and SOTF required such basic thing like optimisation to have a chance to succeed.

When SOTF was released it seemed a lot of people really wanted to play it, but playerbase dropped rappidly. There might be the same issue with Primal Survival if devs doesn't treat this mod seriously.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah I agree that they spread a little thin in the past. I'm not sure of the fan base that was behind SOTF (personally I don't care about SOTF even tho I play PVP) but I think it would be such a loss to the company if they didn't follow through with Primal. I won't dog the devs because I love what they are doing with Abberation. The new player mobility with wingsuits and grappling picks, that's raptoring awesome!!!! Not to mention the flying camo tech dino in the trailer!! But think for a minute, could you imagine actually being that dino??? Especially having the option to start a family of those. We're talking a whole new level of PvP. Limit the amount of player Dino's per server and match according to human player numbers. Also if they cut down human numbers they could raise the build cap, or keep it the same to reduce server lag. I just think it opens up so much more PvP possibilities, then SOTF can be made. With player dinos, think of the left for dead games. All that fun you had smashing people as a tank. Instead set up dedicated matchmaking and throw in a tribe of 4 ppl. Also some player dinos, smaller ones to start. Random map effects at time intervals like mentioned for SOTF. Players prepare to defend or hunt without knowing what the mega dino is they will fight at the rounds finale. Or set it up like Evolve, where players start off equipped with weapons and tech, and hunt 1 player playing as a boss. So many options for this, I hope after dlcs that they put some thought into it and decide to take it seriously, I think ARK has potential beyond what they currently see.

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