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Mindwipe tonic can now only be applied once per level up.


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1 hour ago, ranger1presents said:

Still, I doubt you're going to need to worry about never being able to modify... but you're likely never going to be able to constantly min/max your character for every task you undertake again.

You dont understand my playstyle, im nowhere doing "min/max"'ing i actually experiemented almost 2 years constantly with the right setups for the right tasks, you can do a cave run with max speed and nothing else, yes, ofc, but did i do that? yes, a couple times, but it was so ridiculous that i changed my setup to sth. with stam, some HP, some dmg, a lot of speed still ofc. but not plain min/max poop, i was experimenting every day...

And still, hows it your business how i play my game, or others play their game? Dont wanna respec all day? Dont do it.
For PVE (i never talk about PVP, the game modes should be STRICTLY separated) it absolutely doesnt matter and its everyones individual decision how to play the game.

You know... where before i had some very versatile gameplay, being able to respec to enjoy much much much content of the game within a MINIMAL timespan (im not talking about EASY im talking about DIFFERENT KINDS OF CONTENT!) every day, i simply cant do that anymore, the current state of the game makes everyone who does not regulary play in a tribe (oh yes, i AM in tribes, but we prefer to play alone most of the time, and we all have our own solo tribes on specific servers) being stuck on a "average" char build that is BAD at most of the tasks to do in the game. (even IF you are in a tribe, youre forced into your role you pick...)

Mindwipe didnt make the game more easy.
Making 100000000000 Alt-Chars via Upload Mechanics circumvents the Mindwipe.
What other players do in their gameplay isnt other ones business in PVE, the rest is just having serious social issues (like forcing your "opinion how it should be played" on eeeeveryone), being jealous or other issues...
(the above sentence ofc. excludes the obvious: griefing, but thats a thing we can report, and WC will deal with it)

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On 22.6.2017 at 1:17 PM, GP said:

The Patch Notes state: Mindwipe tonic can now only be applied once per level up. It doesn't suggest it stacks.

this is the best example of why the person that came up with the idea has to be breaindead... so i can consume one mindwipe per level up ... why on earth would i want to mindwipe at lets say level 2 ?! i guess theres a certain level or point of advancement in the game where people might think about re-statting because they regret a decision they made early in game so basically all the possible mindwipes i could have had up to that point are wasted ... so everyone arguing theres 100 chances of mindwiping and restatting are as braindead as the dev / game designer that came up with that idea in the first place.

while i do agree that doing wipes 10 times a day is kinda overkill i think you should reconsider it and for example make the possible mindwipes stack up to 100 or even better make it have a cooldown of like 24h+ or make it have a high cost ... as there was stated before other games offer the possibilty as well but usually they are wasteful or costly.

at least put some thought into such huge game changing decisions.. but hey theres not much time left til aug 8th so i guess we will see some more of those rushed decisions.

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5 minutes ago, methylphenidathydrochlorid said:

You dont understand my playstyle, im nowhere doing "min/max"'ing i actually experiemented almost 2 years constantly with the right setups for the right tasks, you can do a cave run with max speed and nothing else, yes, ofc, but did i do that? yes, a couple times, but it was so ridiculous that i changed my setup to sth. with stam, some HP, some dmg, a lot of speed still ofc. but not plain min/max poop, i was experimenting every day...

And still, hows it your business how i play my game, or others play their game? Dont wanna respec all day? Dont do it.
For PVE (i never talk about PVP, the game modes should be STRICTLY separated) it absolutely doesnt matter and its everyones individual decision how to play the game.

You know... where before i had some very versatile gameplay, being able to respec to enjoy much much much content of the game within a MINIMAL timespan (im not talking about EASY im talking about DIFFERENT KINDS OF CONTENT!) every day, i simplay cant do that, the current state of the game makes everyone who does not regulary play in a tribe (oh yes, i AM in tribes, but we prefer to play alone most of the time, and we all have our own solo tribes on specific servers) being stuck on a "average" char build that is BAD at most of the tasks to do in the game.

Mindwipe didnt make the game more easy.
Making 100000000000 Alt-Chars via Upload Mechanics circumvents the Mindwipe.
What other players do in their gameplay isnt other ones business in PVE, the rest is just having serious social issues (like forcing your "opinion how it should be played" on eeeeveryone), being jealous or other issues...
(the above sentence ofc. excludes the obvious: griefing, but thats a thing we can report, and WC will deal with it)

I understand what you are saying, but it IS WC's business to set whatever boundaries they deem necessary for the sandbox that is ARK to function properly.  If they don't want players to essentially be able to have unlimited access to all engrams available at their level on one character, that is their call.  Likewise if they want your choice in stats to have consequences, at least until you reach the next level, that again is their call.  As much as players might think an "I can do everything now" button would be pretty cool to have, in official game play it would ultimately make for a poor gaming experience... as well as sharply limit the games longevity in most cases.

I will completely agree with you that there is nothing wrong with wanting to experiment with everything the game has to offer, which is why so much modding support is available for unofficial and single player modes.  That way you (or a group of like minded individuals) can experiment with the game to your hearts content without jeopardizing game balance on official servers (you know this will be modded in short order).  But if WC wants to make those decisions have consequences (even for a little while) in game play on official servers that should be pretty understandable as well.

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7 minutes ago, ranger1presents said:

I understand what you are saying, but it IS WC's business to set whatever boundaries they deem necessary for the sandbox that is ARK to function properly.  If they don't want players to essentially be able to have unlimited access to all engrams available at their level on one character, that is their call.  Likewise if they want your choice in stats to have consequences, at least until you reach the next level, that again is their call.  As much as players might think an "I can do everything now" button would be pretty cool to have, in official game play it would ultimately make for a poor gaming experience... as well as sharply limit the games longevity in most cases.

I will completely agree with you that there is nothing wrong with wanting to experiment with everything the game has to offer, which is why so much modding support is available for unofficial and single player modes.  That way you (or a group of like minded individuals) can experiment with the game to your hearts content without jeopardizing game balance on official servers (you know this will be modded in short order).  But if WC wants to make those decisions have consequences (even for a little while) in game play on official servers that should be pretty understandable as well.

It was wildcard decision to do early access.
It was their decision to ask for feedback.
Nothing else im doing here.
I give them feedback about they completely ruined the game for me.
I doubt there will be any change that can suit my needs.
And private servers are no choice for me, i told ppl so often.... but the way to go today is "i only play PVP" = fully accepted, "i only play unofficial" = fully accepted, "i only play official PVE" = oohhhhh you FOOL, how STUPID one can be
Show me a private server cluster without mods, vanilla gameplay and about 1000 active players and i promise you ill jump on it instantly.

You mentioned the term "sandbox", combine that with "PVE" and there we go...
You ALSO didnt even speak ONE word about that the change to mindwipes can be FULLY nullified with using the upload mechanic for characters, dont wanna say anything about it? Since it was also wildcards decision to make it possible to have multiple chars available in upload (if not, there would be no LIST of survivorS).
So please tell me how that change makes sense in any way?

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5 minutes ago, methylphenidathydrochlorid said:

It was wildcard decision to do early access.
It was their decision to ask for feedback.
Nothing else im doing here.
I give them feedback about they completely ruined the game for me.
I doubt there will be any change that can suit my needs.
And private servers are no choice for me, i told ppl so often.... but the way to go today is "i only play PVP" = fully accepted, "i only play unofficial" = fully accepted, "i only play official PVE" = oohhhhh you FOOL, how STUPID one can be
Show me a private server cluster without mods, vanilla gameplay and about 1000 active players and i promise you ill jump on it instantly.

You mentioned the term "sandbox", combine that with "PVE" and there we go...
You ALSO didnt even speak ONE word about that the change to mindwipes can be FULLY nullified with using the upload mechanic for characters, dont wanna say anything about it? Since it was also wildcards decision to make it possible to have multiple chars available in upload (if not, there would be no LIST of survivorS).
So please tell me how that change makes sense in any way?

Sandbox doesn't mean completely unrestricted game play.  Every game ever made had limitations placed on what is and is not allowed, no matter how "open world" or "sandbox" oriented it may be.  it's what makes the game function to begin with.

If you choose to do the same thing as you have always done but with multiple alts, more power to you.  I think you'll find that it's not really what you had in mind, but if that's your choice congratulations of making this point of contention a non-issue.

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8 minutes ago, ranger1presents said:

No problem.  This one.  :D

well actually this threads topic is about how the change ruins people's gaming experience. and obviously i was talking about the time before the change.

On 22.6.2017 at 0:36 PM, Sphere said:

So does that mean that once I reach level 100, I have to now do tek caves to mindwipe again? What is this stupid crap? =w=

OPs post asking what this stupid crap is ... cant be more obvious that this started as a complaint...



oh and btw is there actually any in any way wildcard associated person in this thread thats not trying to convince people the change is good but actually collect the feedback and pass it on to the devs / game designers ?!?


after all this is still EA and usually EA is so people are able to assist in finishing the game ... be it a huge beta testing bug finding support or simply giving feedback on game mechanics or other things..

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8 minutes ago, Gluupor said:

well actually this threads topic is about how the change ruins people's gaming experience. and obviously i was talking about the time before the change.

OPs post asking what this stupid crap is ... cant be more obvious that this started as a complaint...

My point is that this thread has illuminated something that many players didn't realize.  That some players were taking full advantage of a sloppy game mechanic that allowed complete and instant customization to deal with literally any situation or opposition they may face.

Survival games generally rely on making a players decisions a crucial part of their gaming experience, with significant pro's and con's connected with those decisions... even if only for a short period of time.  The fact that so many people are having such a serious issue with tightening up this mechanics is a pretty strong indicator that it has been used as a crutch to avoid said consequences.

In official game play WC seems to have decided that mind wipe with no restrictions is a problem, which is a fully understandable and reasonable call.

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1 minute ago, ranger1presents said:

My point is that this thread has illuminated something that many players didn't realize.  That many players were taking full advantage of a sloppy game mechanic that allowed complete and instant customization to deal with literally any situation or opposition they may face.

Survival games generally rely on making a players decisions a crucial part of their gaming experience, with significant pro's and con's connected with those decisions... even if only for a short period of time.  The fact that so many people are having such a serious issue with tightening up this mechanics is a pretty strong indicator that it has been used as a crutch to avoid said consequences.

In official game play WC seems to have decided that mind wipe with no restrictions is a problem, which is a fully understandable and reasonable call.

i do agree on the last part but the way they tried to solve the "issue" is half assed at best ...


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9 minutes ago, ranger1presents said:

I think you'll find that it's not really what you had in mind, but if that's your choice congratulations of making this point of contention a non-issue.

Me? I will deinstall soon.
I was just asking you in a more general way... i really wanna know your opinion about "mindwipe" vs "multi char" because multi char was possible before already, but surprisingly ppl did not do it, even when it was WAY easier than farming TONS of prime meat to make TONS of mindwipes... today you make a new char on SE, take your 1200% dmg rex, kill a billion deathworms at the bugged spawn, be lvl 80 in a couple hours (adding notes + BOL ofc), and from then whenever you need a different build, you get it withing a couple seconds, no farming needed, no respec, its there, for free, instantly, as often as you want...
How does that fit? Please try to explain it to me... i beg you.

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12 minutes ago, methylphenidathydrochlorid said:

Me? I will deinstall soon.
I was just asking you in a more general way... i really wanna know your opinion about "mindwipe" vs "multi char" because multi char was possible before already, but surprisingly ppl did not do it, even when it was WAY easier than farming TONS of prime meat to make TONS of mindwipes... today you make a new char on SE, take your 1200% dmg rex, kill a billion deathworms at the bugged spawn, be lvl 80 in a couple hours (adding notes + BOL ofc), and from then whenever you need a different build, you get it withing a couple seconds, no farming needed, no respec, its there, for free, instantly, as often as you want...
How does that fit? Please try to explain it to me... i beg you.

If it's easier to make an multiple characters, then this is a non-issue regarding a redundant mechanic that has been toned down.  No discussion necessary, although I am assuming you realize that there are more changes (as well as new mechanics) inbound.

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1 minute ago, ranger1presents said:

If it's easier to make an multiple characters, then this is a non-issue regarding a redundant mechanic that has been toned down.  No discussion necessary, although I am assuming you realize that there are more changes (as well as new mechanics) inbound.

If it is not an issue, why nerfing it then?

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Just now, ranger1presents said:

If it's not an issue, why not?

Effort, confusing, money loss, causing riot, more bugs (and yes, there ARE bugs caused by the new system!), other stuff gets screwed/delayed that is WAY more kind of impacting the game in a negative way... should i continue?

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1 minute ago, methylphenidathydrochlorid said:

Effort, confusing, money loss, causing riot, more bugs (and yes, there ARE bugs caused by the new system!), other stuff gets screwed/delayed that is WAY more kind of impacting the game in a negative way... should i continue?

If you wish, but you'll probably want to substantiate your stance in some way.

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1 minute ago, ranger1presents said:

If you wish, but you'll probably want to substantiate your stance in some way.

Do i? Look at the ppl who got mindwiped multiple times while losing their WHOLE inventory forever when transfering via drops. And theres many more bugs, i dont need to do your research mate... and for riot... you see this thread? Good...
That it takes time, effort and thus money to change the code of software is just a pure physical reallife base fact, so ... you need evidence for reallife or what?
Its natual ppl can only do one thing at a time, thats also a physical law... so while they implemented an already nullified change, all they did was NOT working on more important stuff in that time that actually WOULD have impact.

Need more? 

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2 minutes ago, methylphenidathydrochlorid said:

Do i? Look at the ppl who got mindwiped multiple times while losing their WHOLE inventory forever when transfering via drops. And theres many more bugs, i dont need to do your research mate... and for riot... you see this thread? Good...
That it takes time, effort and thus money to change the code of software is just a pure physical reallife base fact, so ... you need evidence for reallife or what?
Its natual ppl can only do one thing at a time, thats also a physical law... so while they implemented an already nullified change, all they did was NOT working on more important stuff in that time that actually WOULD have impact.

Need more? 

My research?  No offense, but it's your case you are trying to make. 

We all know there are bugs in this game, large and small.  This patch alone is a huge laundry list of them, and in WC's opinion this one was important enough to make the list.  I don't have a problem with that, you do.

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1 minute ago, ranger1presents said:

My research?  No offense, but it's your case you are trying to make. 

We all know there are bugs in this game, large and small.  This patch alone is a huge laundry list of them, and in WC's opinion this one was important enough to make the list.  I don't have a problem with that, you do.

Ye but YOU want to discuss that with me, or why did you answer me and started that discussion? Now i showed you enough facts that show that im right you try to spread the topic, change it, make it look like "its their decision, stfu" etc., you basically are no longer able to discuss that with me because youre out of arguments, cuz i nullified everything you told me by bare solid facts...

Btw. "skill system", you wanna see a skill system? I mean a REAL one, not like that flat, simple, made for simple minds only?
There you go:


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5 minutes ago, ThzNutz said:

everyone is gonna take it down a notch in here, or im gonna have to pull this car over--

stay on topic and stay respectful

Are we not on topic? i thought we are discussing the mindwipe change... the new "skill system" (that is obviously the reason for that change) etc.

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17 minutes ago, methylphenidathydrochlorid said:

There you go:


Oh, very nice!  What game is that, I can't make it out?

I've never thought ARKS skill system was complicated.  Far from it in fact, which in some ways I find refreshing.

As I mentioned earlier, I'm 13 years down the skill tree for EVE Online.  Not that anyone will ever complete all of the skills in EVE, as it just keeps growing bigger with time.

And that's okay too.

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