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  • Evolution Event: Cross ARK Transfers & More!


    Saddle up Survivors, as we’ve got a couple of important updates we’d like to inform you all of.

    First of all, before we get into the nitty gritty of all the details of the upcoming changes, allow us to say this. Over the past few days, there have been a lot of hot-topics of discussion around the community. Some of these topics have not had an immediate response from the development team, this is not because we are choosing to ignore, but because we want to have time to deliberate and consider our options before responding, or taking action. We try to read all the feedback you provide, whether it’s positive, negative, or indifferent and take action where we deem it viable. ARK was launched into Early Access with the idea of creating a game together, and we are still sticking to that plan, every single day. Sometimes decisions are needed to be made that require a bit of thinking time, but we’ll make those choices. Other times, we’re going to do things you don’t quite agree with, or you’re going to suggest things that we don’t quite see as a viable option for the game - but we will take into consideration what you’re saying, and make compromises or reevaluate our plans where necessary. Today’s announcement will help shed some light on our thoughts, as well as the route we plan to take going forward.

    Evolution Event: Cross ARK Transfers!


    As of Friday the 18th of November at 12PM ET we are going to be activating the following evolution event:

    2x Harvesting Rates
    2x Taming Rates
    2x EXP Rates

    This will run until Monday the 21st of November 12PM ET.

    We’ll also be introducing a new permanent change will be coming to your CrossARK Clusters: 

    Complete transfer of Items, Tames and Survivors through all MAPS on the Official ARK Network (separated by game mode).

    Please note that this will not affect Player Dedicated Servers. This is just an Official Server change

    Previously, you were only able to transfer Survivors TO Scorched Earth servers, and everything FROM a Scorched Earth server. Now, you’ll be able to have absolute rights when transferring and can go from Island to Island, Center to Center, Scorched Earth to Scorched Earth, Island to Scorched Earth, Center to Scorched Earth, and Island to Center without any limitations, and the reverse of course. Please remember that these transfers are still based on the cluster (mode) you play on; PvE can only go to PvE, Hardcore can only go to Hardcore, Primitive can only go to Primitive etc.

    When we first announced the ARK Transfer system with the Launch of Scorched Earth, we stated that it was something critical we wanted to experiment with in Early Access and to see how the game would progress once we introduced that new gameplay mechanic. Following what we’ve seen, and based on the feedback we have received, we would rather allow more freedom, where acceptable of course, than impose further limits.

    Alongside this change, we are now going to introduce a new mechanic:

    Once a Tame has been uploaded and downloaded onto an ARK, it will suffer a 12-hour cooldown until it can be transferred again. Transferred tames will also display on the HUD from which server they were last uploaded from (if you’re on a different Tribe, you will only see this indicator when the Tame is dead).

    We want to provide the opportunity for tribes to scout each other across the ARK, as well as limit, -- to an extent -- tribes from storming in and then storming out immediately with their tames. By enabling the complete CrossARK transfers, it should also provide the chance for existing players to scope out new servers of the same type, meet up with friends, and find new opportunities or adventure, with no PvP server being unassailable or off-limits.

    With all big changes, we understand that this isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. I’m sure I’ve said that before, though keep in mind these changes may not be final. We want to see how things play out, whether this was the right move, how we can further improve the system. Something we’re considering down the line is introducing more limitations on what can be transferred, such as only Baby Tames or Eggs can be transferred, perhaps we limit Scorched Earth transfers to Scorched Earth base/raw materials only. Your feedback following today’s change will be critical as it enables us to continually develop and expand the game, as well as provide the opportunity to explore further options. 

    Update number two..

    Stance on Exploiting


    Let’s be clear about this, no one likes cheaters. We don’t like cheaters, you don’t like cheaters, your friends don’t like cheaters, cheaters don’t even like each other. We want to do everything we can to ensure that the ARK is a fair place for everyone to play with one another. It is why we worked to get a strong BattlEye system for ARK which is constantly receiving updates and will continue to do so because we want to stomp out cheats.

    However, I don’t think it would be unreasonable to say that we have been lenient when taking action against people who are exploiting game bugs. Previously, we have felt that the bugs are on us and we have to do our best to resolve them and fix them, so we try not to punish survivors in this instance and make changes that will benefit the community as a whole, in the long-term, even if in the moment it seems a bit unfair. We’re going to change that up a little bit. Going forward, we will be taking a stricter approach when it comes to exploiting game bugs. If there is malicious intent, we will take action, be it destroying your tribe, structures, tames, and where necessary straight up removing you from the ARK and adding you to the global ban list and requesting a VAC ban. Consider this your warning to those of who you would rather exploit than report. Cases such as duping, or building under the map for instance, will result in such actions. Of course, it’ll be case by case, accidents happen, sometimes you’re curious - but it is pretty clear when there is indeed malicious intent and that’s where we’ll be taking action.

    ..but wait, there’s more!

    Primitive Servers

    Primitive Servers were something we introduced fairly on to the game at the request of the community, they hadn’t really been part of our game plan but it was clear that a lot of you wanted to experience this. Every now and then we introduce updates to the game which impact Primitive in a not so great way, primarily because that particular game mode isn’t quite set up to deal with the vast changes of the ARK. We’re going to make some adjustments to alleviate some of the current problems that exist and we’ll try and pay better attention going forward. Similarly to all changes, nothing is ever final and a lot of it is experimenting. A big concern that has been brought up is the power of some particular Scorched Earth dinos. Going way back when we introduced the Giga to the game, we made some changes to weaken it’s damage specifically on Primitive servers. We found that worked pretty well, so we’ll be taking a similar approach now.

    Tamed Wyverns will deal 70% less damage and take 70% more damage.
    Tamed Rock Golems will deal 70% less damage and take 20x more damage.
    Alpha Wyverns will deal 67% less damage and take 67% more damage.

    These changes are only going to be made effective on Primitive servers, and again we’ll be seeing how things go. For now, the other dinos (other than the Giga, Ptero and Argent) remain unaffected. For a complete and more filling Primitive experience, we really recommend you guys try out Primitive+ - which has some pretty cool updates on the way, stay tuned for tomorrow’s Crunch. ;)

    So there’s quite a lot to take in, and you may not completely agree with all our changes, be it Primitive, Cross ARK transfers, or even a heavy-handed approach to exploiters, but we’ll see how things go and will make more adjustments if necessary!


    Now for some great news. Very excited to share this! Lately, the team has been working pretty hard on tracking down this darn Dino Spawning in Bases issue that has been plaguing us for such a long time. and we think we’ve cracked it! Here’s a heat map of Dino Spawns that have taken place on an Official Server, indicating new wild spawn distance from bases & tames:


    Blue = Dino Spawns
    Red = Buildings
    Green = Tames

    Pretty nice eh? ;)

    (The Areas where it still appears to overlap are underground Cave spawns!)

    So as always folks, thank you again for your commitment and passion that you show towards the ARK. We really value each of you and are grateful to have such an active community. Your feedback has proven to be an absolute game changer, ARK itself has evolved so much from where it originally was, a lot of plans have changed and the scope of the game has gotten a lot bigger than what we first intended it would be thanks to being able to work with you. Hopefully, this is another step forward towards making the ARK as great as we know it can be!

    All the best,


    Wildcard Jat and the ARK: Survival Evolved Team


    Edited by Jat

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    Ok guys... good and good the pvp thing crossover.. but why the raptor u allow chinese to dupe once again?  THE DUPING IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW 

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    Why is this not working properly? Just lost 11k ingots in my inventory transferring to scorch to buy dragons. 


    I don't know why I even expect anything in this game to work properly. 

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    The difference between an alpha tribe on SE and an alpha tribe on a center or island server is so huge.  People are just loading gigas into se servers and wiping everything.  There is no plant x.  Do you realize how impossiable it is to stop 1 giga let alone multiple storming yourbase with nothing more then turrets?  They wait for a thunderstorm and just steam roll everything.  This is game breaking, i know multiple tribes on multiple servers who will be done with ark once and for all because of this.  You are killing your fan base rapidly my employing such drastic pvp changes.  We have close to 50 wyverns on offical pvp.  They will be nothing in comparission to the giga armys that are fast approaching.  Not to mention being able to pull them from air drops.  Wth is wrong with you guys!?!?   "Hey, anything good in the drop?"  "Oh, just a giga, nom nom" .  You relize you let air drops fall straight into peoples houses, bases and even there perimeters.  This is Madness.  My tribe and i have been playing since day 1 and without question have put up with all your krappy decsions thus far,  but no more.  30+ people from my tribe alone, will never play again.  Way to go, Ark will die before it was even relased.  "Applause"

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    44 minutes ago, Blackjs said:

    The difference between an alpha tribe on SE and an alpha tribe on a center or island server is so huge.  People are just loading gigas into se servers and wiping everything.  There is no plant x.  Do you realize how impossiable it is to stop 1 giga let alone multiple storming yourbase with nothing more then turrets?  They wait for a thunderstorm and just steam roll everything.  This is game breaking, i know multiple tribes on multiple servers who will be done with ark once and for all because of this.  You are killing your fan base rapidly my employing such drastic pvp changes.  We have close to 50 wyverns on offical pvp.  They will be nothing in comparission to the giga armys that are fast approaching.  Not to mention being able to pull them from air drops.  Wth is wrong with you guys!?!?   "Hey, anything good in the drop?"  "Oh, just a giga, nom nom" .  You relize you let air drops fall straight into peoples houses, bases and even there perimeters.  This is Madness.  My tribe and i have been playing since day 1 and without question have put up with all your krappy decsions thus far,  but no more.  30+ people from my tribe alone, will never play again.  Way to go, Ark will die before it was even relased.  "Applause"

     SE tribes got bully on Islands ones and now they are crying about it is 2 ways now. The changes are heavy and it hitted all sides. I believe that the game mechanics has changed and thats the real point. No tribe is supposed to stay only in one server now if they want to be someone. SE map is a harsh environment and hard to establish but high rewarding one. You should stay on island map and use SE more like a hunting/farming ground as it is not safe even for PvE gaming( cant deal with the golens/wyverns lures there). The changes was really needed, was not fun at all to join a server with an specific alpha tribe controlling it for months or a year. No way to play there no fun for the alpha too. New threats , new life, more pvp, more dynamic power chain and healthier servers in long term, more power balance.

    Yes, i know that someone or alot of ones are losing something right now, but thats the point on a survival sandbox game. When things changes at least one lose something but is needed as we had official servers only for old alpha tribes.

    Edited by ZulunSurvives

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    Why must we have the server transferring? Wasn't the game fine before this transferring bulls**t?

    I am just very concerned about this game and its future.


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    @Jat The server i play on has been kept peaceful and friendly (although it's pvp) for the longest time and we have worked hard to maintain a community of good honest players who help each other out where possible and eliminate trolls and hostile tribes. due to this no one but the alpha tribes has felt the need to get serious about defence. with one update you've changed the game for us completely with only a weeks notice to throw up whatever defence we can manage. i don't like to be that person who moans about things like this but we AT LEAST needed some more notice about a dramatic change such as this... i've been forced to spend many sleepless nights this week grinding turrets and pill boxes etc to attempt to save months of hard work on a server that has always been peaceful. (without the use of many of my tames who were murdered by a super turkey that spawned inside of my base less than a week ago) a tribe has already turned up declaring war on the server. sadly i feel like my time on the ark may be coming to an end :( 

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    I think there needs to be more limits or regulation on big tribes but also doing it in a way that helps make the game better. I think there should be a personal vault system that is available on any one type of server( like all pvp official server) and in this vault you get 6 slots that can house any item or dino. But wen you remove a item from vault there is a 10day cool down before you can place another item or dino. Also if you join a tribe you cannot use your vault and must use the tribe vault which  is limited to 10 slots. Also limit the type of dino... instead of a 10 or 6 gigas transfer in to a Scorched server, limit them to only on of each kind. Also limit according to the item type, like structures can only by multiplied by 10( ex. 10 metal walls) vs armor that can be multiplied by 2 ( ex. 2 riot helm)This alone will balance things by making a Alpha tribe choose wisely in what they transfer, are you gonna bring dinos and no gear? or are you gonna bring a small metal base? or are you gonna bring armor?Also on another thought have a tribe public history. A system where you can look up any player and see there tribe movements. See if this person is from a alpha wiping tribe and determine if this person needs to be killed on site. Also another thing would be to find a way to introduce my ideas to the game. My idea to indroduce this is by making a NCP city on every server/map. In this city even on a pvp one you can safely interact (without thinking about yourself getting killed lol) with other players. A city with a trade post and transfer vault. Stores for blueprints that are bought from items found by doing boss fights.  But ya you get the idea. Oh also by having a vault system, it will help small tribes and solo players in the event they get wiped on their server. They can use the items and dinos they placed in the vault as a way to not start off fresh. Idk tell me wat you think can this help and if so can it be done in game???

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    @Jat So my prediction came true... all my tames (except the ones you killed with super turkeys around a week ago) were killed, seemingly for fun, while i was asleep by a tribe from another server... and i can't even go to their server to take revenge because they didn't use any tames that would leave evidence. congratulations on ruining the game for me and many others like me... months of game time made pointless :'( 

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    well sallutations also. we managed to unify the whole server against raider , that until yesterday when the whole server got attacked by some duchebags from server 45 shooting rockets left and right with a few tames. we found them we wiped them even if we lost some valuable stuff and tames in the process and the next thing we do is blocking all 3 obelisks which is already done and blocking all air drop locations , already blocked 30+ and ill block them in 1 by 2 boxes tnl i waste all my vault full of metal


    This change only ruins your game . If our delay boxes dont stop more server attacks we will be done for good . And by the way the worst stupid decision you could have ever made was to allow transfer from a stupid air drop What the actual **** are you thinking devs? want to see your game dead? fine by me keep it this way you are on the right path

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    On 11/24/2016 at 1:23 PM, Blackjs said:

    The difference between an alpha tribe on SE and an alpha tribe on a center or island server is so huge.  People are just loading gigas into se servers and wiping everything.  There is no plant x.  Do you realize how impossiable it is to stop 1 giga let alone multiple storming yourbase with nothing more then turrets?  They wait for a thunderstorm and just steam roll everything.  This is game breaking, i know multiple tribes on multiple servers who will be done with ark once and for all because of this.  You are killing your fan base rapidly my employing such drastic pvp changes.  We have close to 50 wyverns on offical pvp.  They will be nothing in comparission to the giga armys that are fast approaching.  Not to mention being able to pull them from air drops.  Wth is wrong with you guys!?!?   "Hey, anything good in the drop?"  "Oh, just a giga, nom nom" .  You relize you let air drops fall straight into peoples houses, bases and even there perimeters.  This is Madness.  My tribe and i have been playing since day 1 and without question have put up with all your krappy decsions thus far,  but no more.  30+ people from my tribe alone, will never play again.  Way to go, Ark will die before it was even relased.  "Applause"

     You say that dragons are not match for gigas do you remember that you got the lighting and poison wyverns? They can attack from the sky safe from the giga's attacks while building up their madness level which will make them rampage and attack the other gigas if they are to close who will then attack back in an infinite cycle of madness that might kill their riders. Now correct me if I am wrong but once they get out of rage mode they will not continue to doe  what you ordered before they went wild, so if their riders die they would have to go back in order to control them again and in the meanwhile you cant make them follow you somewhere were their riders wont find them until. If they don't die from hunger and they find them at least you will be able to slow down the enemies (suggestion do not use fire wyverns because not only their range is small but fire does not make them go rage. Also you said that you do not have x plant species? WELL you can't do anythin, (cough)bring seeds (cough) from the island?you ever thought about that? Hope you can understand that. 

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    Also, it would be much easier if they could make upgrades like this for the cross ark system:


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    This is really cool it just sucks at the same time because old alpha tribes now being called Ultra tribes are co Inc back and wiping servers. I have been wiped on 3 different servers in the same week so there a way we could find a way to do transfers but protect servers

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    Well, this update ruined the game, alphas have been going from server to server wiping them, just for fun. Ive even heard of whole servers turned to slaves by alphas from other servers, ex: (we want 600 polymer by the end of every day, or you get wiped). Way to go wild card, you guys ruined your own game. Add me to the number of people you'v lost to this update, im done. We got attacked by 4 different tribes from other servers, until we got wiped. Battlefield 1 here I come.

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    On 11/18/2016 at 1:38 PM, Edgar Button said:

    This is turning into a massacre 

    We may be in trouble



    I'm starting to believe that this is what the devs wanted.  This way they can wipe all servers for official release.  

    Only problem is that they are going to run off all the beginners that aren't part of some huge tribe...

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    8 minutes ago, JBH said:


    I'm starting to believe that this is what the devs wanted.  This way they can wipe all servers for official release.  

    Only problem is that they are going to run off all the beginners that aren't part of some huge tribe...

    I think most beginners start with single player (at least they should in the current environment). 

    I would guess instead of completely abandoning the game as some say they have here, most players turn to a private server. Maybe that is the actual goal of WC here?

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    11 minutes ago, wildbill said:

    I think most beginners start with single player (at least they should in the current environment). 

    I would guess instead of completely abandoning the game as some say they have here, most players turn to a private server. Maybe that is the actual goal of WC here?

    I've been playing for about a month now, and I've held my own with only two of us in my tribe.  That was until this update.  Server jumpers have come over and wiped my base 6 times in the last week, then just jump back to their server without a trace.  Ark may get some newbs to buy the game, but player retention is going to be nonexistent.  

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    2 hours ago, JBH said:

    I've been playing for about a month now, and I've held my own with only two of us in my tribe.  That was until this update.  Server jumpers have come over and wiped my base 6 times in the last week, then just jump back to their server without a trace.  Ark may get some newbs to buy the game, but player retention is going to be nonexistent.  

    You may not know this, but there is a huge number of unofficial servers out there. Way more than the officials.

    My first play on a server (not single player) was on an unofficial. They don't have the feature of cross-ark-transfer (at least not to official servers) that is making PVP so hostile these days. I don't know the numbers, but have heard some say 10x the population on unofficial as on official. 

    These unofficial servers are open to newbs also, same as they were to me a year ago. I don't really see why everyone thinks this is catastrophic if they could just look past there own personal situation. Most players out there are not being affected. 

    The official servers are the test systems for ARK. If you don't want to be exposed to the latest bugs and problems, you have other choices.

    In closing, I do sympathize with all the PVP players on officials, I feel your pain, but it is not the end of ARK. 

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    @Jat hey I guess you aren't listening to what people are saying. . . The primitive game is being ruined. 

    There are large tribes going around wiping primitive servers. I was wiped about a week ago for supposedly "trolling" even though I hadn't been on primitive for a month as I have been enjoying the cluster server but hey cool that's ark now days. 

    The issue is they came back this weekend and wiped the server, now this was facilitated by a lack of foresight on WC part. Not only do you allow full dino transfer but you remove flame arrows. . . now you have tribes filling up servers with 240+ gigas and wiping everything. 

    Do you even play primitive? If so how would you defend against 40 people with 30 gigas and 10 dragons, please give us some tactical advise because there are a lot of people that could use it.

    I get it is pvp but let's see who agrees with me by the likes that this game already requires pretty much an unhealthy gaming obsession to have any form of success but even as much time as I waste on this game or how good of an alliance my little island server has of the 5 active tribes and 25 players. . . We can't compete with these mass server filling raiding parties. Oh and FYI the 12 hours cool down doesn't matter, there isn't anything left on the server. Lol

    i have attached a picture where you see players stating in chat they are wiping all primitive servers. The conversation  is with a single man tribe on my old server, the guy works, has kids and enjoys some ark. Been on the server since launch. Guess what he is playing right now? 

    GTA because the whole server got wiped! Now maybe I am the outlier but I just don't think this current setup is good for ark. 

    Sorry I am a bit worked up but i just can't comprehend how nobody from WC can see and realize how this is hurting the game. 

    It is kind of like the team is a bunch of Kardashians, lol out of touch with reality. 

    Well I guess we all are as the game isn't real.


    p.s. And before wildbill post some none sense about ark official servers being test servers sorry about the pvp wipes, they already tested it on pc and the same thing happened  lol


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    I understand it is PvP and the ability to transfer tames, character's, and items is fun. To balance server take overs and players blocking drops. If I can make a suggestion have passage tokens that can only be obtained on that server to allow a player to transfer off that server. These would only be allowed to be used in obulisk.  

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    As we feared, a chinese super tribe came and wiped us tonight while everyone was asleep transfering battle dinosaurs from other servers to do it

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    On 12/14/2016 at 4:31 AM, Edgar Button said:

    As we feared, a chinese super tribe came and wiped us tonight while everyone was asleep transfering battle dinosaurs from other servers to do it

    I wish that Chinese super tribe would come to us :(

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    The super tribe wiping servers is just crazy, they fill up the whole server and you all get offline raided:(

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    How about splitting it 50/50 half the PVP servers allow for transfers half don't allow for transfers, so players that don't care to be steamrolled from dragons don't have to be, whilst the players that think it is fair game can go right ahead. Keep more of the variety so it suits a broader fanbase when EU and NA have 160+ servers varying the options shouldn't be too difficult. Also OC  need more servers

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    A few months ago I started playing this game, we had internal problems with Russian raiding our base, after politics and a few wars things settled down, we built, tamed, had fun, small time pvp. Almost beginning to get abit boring but in a good way, this game was perfect. I didnt have to be online 24/7 guarding my base, feeling that I have to be online 8pm cause of raids like WoW or any of those other really crappy games out there that basiclly forces you to be online if you wanna be a part of the game community and grow ur character, MMO's rearly allows for casual gamers to grow. ARK did, but then a messege came, "Total server transfer of all Dinos"... Full character transfer.... 1 week later we had battlerafts comming in with lying people, kidz, russians, chinese, socially missplaced, you name it. They killed of our Wyverns we had tamed by having multiple characters, on one SE, one on Island, transfering milk. All dead, weeks of preperations and work, all gone. Battlerafts comming in on european servers in our time 4 o´clock in the morning on a thuseday, killing the server gigas when we where sleeping. for a few weeks we fought them, we killed their gigas, we killed their Wyverns, we killed their lvl 300+ pteras, over and over but as we killed them a new one took its place, we couldnt even determin what server they where from, all came from diffrent servers. One by one the big tribes fell, months of breeding/years died along with them. 20-30 people could come in any time and attack, any time of the day and night. I just feel that as parent and a person with a full time job this game is no longer for me, I like pvp, fair pvp, pvp when u atleast have a chanse, I like building, Im okay with farming cause the reward will come. But there is no more reward, the reward is to see ur hours of ingame time destroyed, the social community broken, people go of to private servers, single player or PVE. All my game friends leaving me. ARK is broken, ARK is not fun anymore.

    The chats are filled with [][][][][][][][][][][][][][] on almost all the servers I enter, all are earopean servers, those that are not filled with cubes in chat have spikes on the spawns, "we die entering, we tried sending messege to devs about it" but the people are just trying to protect themselfs from ARK madness, I cant blame them. We tried rebuilding on other servers, today we got destroyed again. Russians...again... they destroyed the alpha tribe during the night, took their name and stating killing of the tribes again. One by one I will see them fall, again.

    ARK is broken, what ARK did on a whim destroyed hours,days,months of community laughs and friendsship. ARK say they dont like cheaters, neither do I, neither do the raiders, its not cheating thats the problem, its the helplessness created by the ARK developers. Those of us that do care, the raiders dont care, they laugh if you call them a "Idiot", they think its fun to "Lie", they think its fun to destroy our bases and killing our Dinos even after they destroyed and plunderd the vaults, they just want to destroy, like a litle boy that like killing small animals. And they are good at it, We never stod a chanse, we never will, this is fun for them, this is madness.

    Thank you ARK development team...

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    SOOOOOO I get that you want to make the game you want but that doesn't always sell listen to your peers CHANGE the dino trransfer system as it is completely unfair and a big disadvantage I was playing a island only map to see scorched dino walking around? I don't even own the expansion and then new guy came flying down on a wyverm and read off a list of 10 commandments to follow other wise be killed is this the atmosphere your going for in your game? as of now I enjoyed ark before you could just magically teleport your dinosaurs this should have a down time the same time it took to tame the creature? BROKEN IMO please please make it playable again other wise I will no longer support a team who does not listen to the peers

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