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Jen last won the day on December 18 2018

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  1. Eight

    Hi Jen.  You were the only one to give me a reliable answer in the past so I wanted to come to you.  My base is in the south just a little west of the rock island. Whenever I take my Quetz north to try to go to the volcano area, as soon as I hit the swamp area I get a black screen and it goes directly to the Xbox home screen.  Any ideas?   Thank you

    1. Eight


      I haven't opened any single player.  I did up my quetz movement speed.  I also notice now that it's when I sprint and the map in front of me hasn't loaded, it's just land no trees.  So could it be a load issue with my Quetz sprinting now and the map loading in?

    2. Jen


      We have has some issues with volcano area crashes, that may be the cause of your issue. 

    3. FangedCupid209


      Jen, i have this issue i hope you can answer for me.

      I was building solo on xbox1(the center), i went to leave the solo tribe i made to join another tribe, and all my stuff sais its owned by m but my old tribe, i cannot access any of my stuff is there anything i can do to get my stuff back?

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