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Everything posted by GrumpyBear

  1. http://ark.gg/outage this is the page you report servers being down at.
  2. How are you scanning for the server? Some people only use battlemetrics to keep an eye on their server status when rejoining. Problem with that is, sometimes the server changes IP addresses. This will create a new server in the list. If you dont' redo the search, you won't know this has happened and you will keep thinking your server is offline until you think to do this. Servers rarely get rolled back to day 1, they can however roll back several days if the save files are all corrupted. If you moved to the server in the time that gets lost, then you lose everything.
  3. Breeding rates are a great way to send half the servers into a tailspin crashing repeatedly. No thanks, 2x breeding plus 1/2 the time down is worse than 1x breeding.
  4. 2 days of posting to the max limit allowed. you know you've reached the limit when you notice you can't post anymore. That limit will go away once u pass out of early birds.
  5. early birds has been in place since the beginning.
  6. not even virtually, straight up unplayable. I spent time farming up mats to make my base, and i've had to do the same thing 3x now for the last hour and a half. putting down 10 pillars isnt' asking much is it?
  7. gentwo on pc official pve is unplayable. Server 998 has been down more than it's been up the last 10hrs at least.
  8. as if having out 25 featherlights is worse than having these setups all over the map.... People had dinos wiped for eating up the tame count w/ "easy tame" dinos. How can one not argue that having 24 gacha + 48 snow owls out 24/7 doesn't eat away at the same server limit. And that's just one base, there's probably 4+ just like it on every map.
  9. You weren’t in the vicinity of the tame when it finished. This seems to happen with wilds that were set for despawning , but you find them before that could happen.
  10. meks despawn if you don't feed them w/ element while they are left out. This happens to pretty much everyone 1x until they learn to put element in it when left out. Also, flyers have a nasty habit of walking off. THey usually move in a straight line, but they can go around in circles as well until they pick a path and then move straight. They are not guaranteed to be straight ahead of the direction you parked them facing.
  11. This isn't just complaining about crashing, it's kicking players w/in a minute of logging in, join failed for 5+minutes, finally letting players in , then kicking them w/in a minute. I dont' even care about gen2 anymore, gen1 is pointless. gen2 is just a few months away from becoming unplayable as well at this pace.
  12. The thing about PvE on extinction so far up till now was , PvE* with the asterisk being that other players would use the corrupted to attack you, but you could do little to defend yourself. Traditional defenses do lower damage to corrupted creatures. You would need gigas to defend against corrupted gigas for the most part. They were flying the corrupted to your base ontop of their skiffs..... They could drop them wherever they wanted on your base. If your base was up high, they would take corrupted pteras and break out the foundations your defenses couldn't reach, or take out the cliff platforms your base was situated on. They could teleport corrupted wilds from above your base and drop them into your area or on top of your tames and base, there would be 2 or 3 of them doign this. WHile you were trying to decide how to proceed defending and saving your stuff, they were going right for the bags of your broken cryo fridges. You were faced w/ this quick moment of, how do i record video of this? or do i focus on that or do i try and unpod some gigas to go after the wilds, but while doing that, you are watching 3 people hop off their snow owls and proceed to clear all the bags of your blueprints and pods..... it's a maddening process that WC has failed to address for years now. Their solutions were all poop. They could have simply copy pasted the meteor shower boundry to corrupted class dinos so they couldn't do damage inside the domes and city, adding a caveat to block off the sunken forest and they would have been done. But nooooo, don't listen to the advice we gave them on this long ago. They just put a patch that we'll see how the map works going forwards, maybe I"m wrong and nothing annoying will come of it. But this solution , to me, seems like it is a band aid that will have to be revisited after they get done w/ gen2. My bet is this was easiest solution to avoid spending resources on the problem while they try to finish up gen2.
  13. not quite. I've been to many a drop w/ orp structures surrounding the drops. They didn't blank when we finished the OSDs. I can only imagine, but some people will find some way to make this harder for everyone else.
  14. Yea, I'm not convinced this corrupted fix for PVE is an end all be all solution. What about how OSDs work going forwards? Now people can just build around the drop points and leave bases at each one to dominate them? There's gonna have to be some sort of DoT to structures in the wastelands or some other mechanisms to keep the areas cleared.
  15. I’m sure this feature of the game onii pop y helps to propel us to breed ever increasing amounts of dinos since we can’t be sure they will survive transfers . it’s a viscous cycle, servers lag because we raise too many animals, we raise animals to replace the ones the transfer system eats, hence the servers lag some more...
  16. nope, basically the server running like poop really meant that every server save was corrupted for the past week. There was a problem with the server, we complained , they did nothing, and now we lost all the late nights, early mornings we spent on this on our holiday.
  17. I just lost 652.7% melee bloods, the 640 melee one is now still raising. Not to mention, every trade I carried out - just lost every thing from the last week. Over 2k tek structures at least lost.
  18. feels like halloween 2018 all over again. 1 day event completely lost everything gained by this same thing. Only this is more epic in fail.
  19. I've reported it over 11 hours ago, and I'd check the outage list like mod Eli stated to do , but Eli never included a link to the list of known outages. 562 reset to day 1 after the patch last night and it's only on day 10 still, so I'm assuming all my work on blood wyverns there is just on pause indefinitely? Just reached the 20th melee mutation on them a few days ago. This is a pretty RAPTORY way of rewarding everyone on the server for the end of Christmas event. Here I was about to get 653% base damage blood crystal wyverns out to the world....
  20. What's up with the servers? I'm getting booted randomly now. I've only been on for an hour, but I've had to log back onto the server 3x already. This is just as bad as Genesis has been for the last several months. I sure hope this doesn't become a permanent feature of crystal isles. I was enjoying it being one of the few maps that was "relatively" stable to play on for the last few months.
  21. We suspect certain players are ddosing the servers to chase away other players.
  22. can you still access the purple drop if the spikes are there? cus I'm pretty sure you can still reach it.
  23. I've been waiting some time now, and now that the Network Status says Healthy, I'm assuming it forgot about this server.
  24. the charcter # is on the animals you have imprinted. In future keep a copy of your implant after dying. but if you are a solo player, getting these details might be impossible for you.
  25. if it's not on either server and not in cloud, it's gone.
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