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Posts posted by Onimusha759

  1. 23 hours ago, Calico45 said:

    Sheesh. I want things fixed, too, the single play ascension character deletion in particular, but come on. I am looking forward to the stream and it is for a good cause. There is no reason to feel bad about that.

    I tested it out 2 months ago, ascension is safe.

  2. 16 hours ago, SaltyMonkey said:

    Remember when PvP’rs used to Pteranobomb people’s bases which fast tracked the inevitable flyer nerf? You’re right, you just don’t see that level of creativity any more so I agree with you wholeheartedly. People act as if their way is the only way to play and that any suggestions made, even if there are mechanics in place to support it, are wrong and impracticable because PvP’rs say so.

    Pity about the flier nerf though...Maybe to much creativity lol.  Have to admit it was brilliant at the time XD

    @StudioWildcard how is polishing hlna and making rifles appropriately dmg armor worth 3 gbs of data?

  3. On 8/20/2019 at 10:08 PM, DVSR said:

    - Reduced Tek Tapejara Saddle projectile damage by 30%

    Both of the Tek Tapejara nerfs are quite overboard. I'll start by saying that Tek Tapey zergs have a very cheap and effective counter that only require 1 or 2 people to perform. Yes 1 or 2 people can stop 50+ guys flying in on Tek Tapes. Plant Z will single handedly stop a tek tape push in it's tracks. But that isn't the only thing, there's also Yuty fear, Rex roar, mek shield, and some other creative means. These active counters exist but there are also other passive counters such as good building practices. Layering buildings with metal, vault dropping, spacing tek turrets further apart, batteries in heavies, extra tek gens, backup gas gens, etc, etc. Wildcard I understand that people are complaining about Tek Tapes but there are several counters that exist in game that currently deal with Tek Tapes, both passive and active. It's up to the player base to use these counters as they exist to protect themselves. If Tek Tapeys were inherently broken as this patch seems to make them out as being there wouldn't be as many failed Tek Tapey zerg as there has been. I believe if a tribe doesn't build correctly or defend correctly they should be punished for this, that's the nature of PVP servers. Outright nerfing effective raid tactics because people refuse to build proper defenses or adapt to current meta is really annoying and overall damaging to PVP servers.

    I agree with you 100% with basically everything youve said but i want to point out this part in particular.  Pvp players want things nerfed when the only real problem is how they build and their lack of imagination/refuse to use already in game mechanics to counter things.  Forgive me for the pokemon reference but if you know and worry about power herb xerneas then its your own darn fault if you dont get a ho oh or steelix to wreck it every time you face one.  Same thing with the mana, it may of needed some nerfing, but ive played around with 1 and im so underwhelmed by it.  I have no idea why pvpers are crying so much over this trash.  Even if its hit and run freezing causes trouble, having smart base building and using microraptors will screw a mana over.  Granted ive had 'discussions' with pvpers and its like talking to underdeveloped people most of the time.  So its easy to see a laziness/lack of imagination with these people as well as a cry baby mentality because they dont want to evolve.  Heck some of them when they are a lil more evolved then others will tell another cry baby to shut up and get good, then they refuse to evolve themselves with something else.  Im glad to see someone else with reason and intelligence.

    • Like 1
  4. I just had a great idea.  Why doesnt wc just get modders to do their work for them?  No, im not talking like Center or Rag, or with how the pc players get all the nice things.  Im talking post a request and a reward for creating a 'mod' that fixes bugs.  Example:  wc posts a $100 reward for someone to create a fix to the ascension bug.  Dude goes and creates a mod fixing the problem.  Uploads it to wc.  Wc checks the coding to make sure its safe and doesnt break more things.  If it passes they 'buy' it for $100 and implement it into the game as a patch.  Boom, problem solved and more people buy because your game starts having better quality.  Frankly ark is so unique and amazing at its core that it would probably still be number 1 if it was properly put together.  Heck, can the reward, im sure theres a modder out there that loves this game that would gladly create a mod to fix this for free.  @Jatheish @Cedric

  5. 56 minutes ago, Lycan187u said:

    Consoles are still potatoes  when it comes to ark. Save buy a pc soooooo much better game play even the windows 10 version runs 100% better than my one x will ever run...

    Isnt it funny tho?  A consoles sole purpose is to play games.  I feel like if you directed all the potential into gaming you could get pc quality gaming without the cost of a pc.  Think about what all a computer is used for, imagine all that cost and energy being put into gaming.  For what a gaming console is it makes no sense a jack of all trades is out performing a specialist.  Note im not referring to a computer that is a specialist at gaming, just your average computer.  Seems even an average computer out does a console.

    • Like 1
  6. 21 hours ago, ThePryBar said:

    So I'm spoiled because I work hard to buy the toys I enjoy? Or I'm spoiled because I understand what saving is? If you don't have a couple hundred or thousand in your bank, then maybe you need to revalue your time, probably shouldn't be spending extra on a luxury like online gaming.

    Oh no, i wasnt actually aiming that specifically at you.  I get hard work equals more money, after all i have a home and bills too.  Thing is if you live in a crappy place, with lil to offer, money isnt easy to come by, even with hard work.  These places bleed you, the few that have money bleed those who would try to save, and without money you cant get a proper education or leave.  You spend most of what you have on bills and use the lil scrap you got left in a small pleasure that every human needs to simply survive.  Then someone who has had more opportunity then you or just was luckyer tells you to get a job and grow up.  Like everyone should have this much...World doesnt work that way.  It is a kinda spoiled because your sitting there taking for granted what youve been lucky to have and forcing a slightly snobby attitude and ideal on others.  My response would be, you give up all you own, move to a small mining community after obamas war on coal,  and try to see how far you get from scratch.  Youll see that whatever education you have wont get you far, all the positions are taken, and how nearly impossible it is to get a new education or move back out of the boonies.

    The point kodking made that i agree with is how the game industry bleeds people and treats its customers poorly.  Its to be accepted that pcs are better then consoles.  I dont blame wc for a lack of mods, its microsoft/sonys fault as well as the lack of system power.  I also dont know if more people own consoles then pcs.  I know i have a console but no pc.  The part i was aiming at with spoiled was how people with a lil bit of money are so willing to blow it, despite whether its actually worth it or not.  Just throw money at it.  Then you expect everyone else to do the same, and if they cant, theyre trash to you.  That is a rich boy snob attitude, like the lil dik kid from cartoons that just throws money around.  Whats worse is despite you working (note: these yous are general yous, not pointed specifically at you) still dont seem to appreciate the actually value and instead of demanding better and helping to achieve a more fair situation for everyone, your money blowing just inflates the industry's abuse of position and gives them a metaphoric its ok to butt rapé us.

  7. 8 hours ago, AcyanidePancake said:

    because Microsoft is a b*tch of a company and they fret over every microscopic string of data to cross there servers. its not wildcard that's stopping progress. its Microsoft with all of there restrictions on what can and cant be put on there consoles. steam doesnt  have all of thoes restrictions so its easier to put stuff on pc than anything else


    7 hours ago, Aylana314159 said:

    These are exceptions. And mods for these on console are extremely limited and completely separate from PC.

    Lets nor forget that microsoft is about 100x more lenient then sony when it comes to mods.  Many pc mods for fallout and skyrim have  semi dumbed down versions, created by the same author, on xbox.  Most of those dont even make it to ps4, and the few that do are super dumbed down.


    3 hours ago, Kodking194 said:

    again i am in ausralia, the easiest pc i can get which can run ark in an ok state is 2000$. its fine for u people caus eu get all the good stuff, also i live 2 hours out of town and my parents are numb skulls who think i have to be 17 to get a job, again in australian money it cost a F*** tone for the game and maps. and since it is rarely on sale for PS4 i am not gonna waste more money just to get it for PC.  it cost more than 120$ for the game and its maps. all i want is a game as polished as the PC version, i am also sick of u PC players thinkin u cn comment on us consolers complaining, so hear is something for u's to do, buy a console, buy ark and its maps, waste money on xbox gold or PSN. play on the console ark for a year or two. THEN U CAN FREAKIN COMMENT, until then shut up and dont comment, i have the right to complain, u do not have the right to tell me to grow up. i have an entire discord server full of console players who want console ark to be as respected as PC ark.

    Actually i think hes Canadian, not europian.  Doesnt really matter tho, your making a good point.  I cant stand spoiled people who dont understand the value of money.  Hundreds of dollars isnt exactly something most people have lying around and the number that do is dwindling.  Then throw in how the gaming business as a whole bleeds you at every turn and charges you repeatedly just so you can enjoy your single product is just sad.  And now its an accepted standard to put as lil quality or customer service into it as possible.

  8. 4 minutes ago, WhySoParanoid said:

    Shiiiiit. This right here is patriotism on an American lvl. Get your facts right ???

    I know it looks that way.  Truly though im actually the type that will slander my own country if given the chance and right stage because i think its a major F up now days.  My tone is in reaction to an unfair prejudice that others are having.  Which gets under my skin regardless of who its aimed at.  Just happens to be me and mine this time.

  9. 19 minutes ago, pistachio said:

    Though I get what u r saying and agree, central America belonged to Spain and Portugal

    True but by the time of the american revolution spain had already been knocked out of the global empire stage.  The french indian war essential was the point france was too.

    You think UK wouldnt of tried to invade there eventually?

  10. 2 hours ago, EntwinedPuppet said:

    Well put? i'm excited for it. New clothes!!!!!yaaaa!!!!!

    But I don't agree with your other comment. Canada didn't gain independance from UK when US did. And when it did, it wasn't any thx to the US. As for that global disaster... US wasn't the only ones in that fight, and I highly doubt that they woulda been successful if they were..  

    Zup puppet.  Im not saying that canada got their independence when we did, just that without that if we hadnt of fought the UK out of our part that the Canadians would of had lil chance of succeeding or at least of had a massively harder time.  We were the 1s who destroyed the death grip of the UK, not saying it was released, just very poor hold afterwards, which left room for canada.  Imagine if the usa was instead serveant to UK and how that fight would of went if you take all the bartering we did and resources we forced them to use plus having to actually fight us plus the UK.

    As for my WW portion, in both wars we did the heavy lifting.  I wont say we could of won single handedly, its doubtful, but in both cases we were needed.  Especially in WWII where literally all of europe was falling and UK was getting bombed all to ****.  That was a signed and done deal that was completely flipped by the US.  Thats putting it nicely when you consider D Day and how all the other countries stormed far less fortifide beaches while the US was sacrificed to normandy and still won that fight.  Then throw our tech researching and such, we wer the the iron and steel.

    I dont discredit any country involved in those wars, we all did our part and all bleed.  It just feels at times we arnt credited and worse are hated when the majority of the time we help people.  Then these people look down on us.  They gripe about any lil pride or credit we get, thus my 2nd post you seem to agree with.

    Forgive me if my tone comes off rough puppet.  U know i like you and we are friends.  Im not wanting to fight with you, make you look bad, or anger you.  I dont look down on other countries either, just dont like getting hated on for no reason.

    • Facepalm 1
  11. 31 minutes ago, Jordieh4 said:


    It's not anti American when they call it summer bash and have it only relate to a single country. If any other country was to do this everyone would have the same reaction.

    I suppose thats fair, but then lets consider the context of summer bash.  Considering the name and party mentality stereotype given to americans, id almost guarantee it originates from the US, or from US citizens vacationing somewhere.  This likely be around the 4th of july.  Different view, whos summer bash are we looking at?  Arks?  WC?  Either way their summer bash is USA styled.  Usa company.  It be like griping at toyota/mitsubishi/subaru ect for taking part in a japanese festival.  I bet if any of us played a japanese game and they do some event about japan no one would flip out on that.  So why are people giving an american company a hard time for the same thing.  Its an US company doing a US summer bash 'party'.  It their party, you can either fly over or get hateful of the usa and not.

    Chinese new year, oh thats cool.  Mexican day of the dead, oh thats cool.  4th of july, BOOOOO BOO BOOOOOOOOOO.  Not anti American my AZZ!

    • Like 1
  12. 22 hours ago, Ormagodon said:

    They know other countries play Ark right? Why would we want Uncle Sams hat and American flags..
    (Currently Canada Day long weekend/152 birthday) 

    -Face palm-


    20 hours ago, btb556 said:

    hisses in Canada
    I get that you guys are American but :/ 

    Im not big on united states patriotism, but you Canadian's aught to be thankful of our holiday considering what it achieved for the whole of north america.  If it wasnt for the US kicking the UK outta north america you guys would probably still belong to the UK and probably central america as well.  This could maybe even extend to south america.  I know you guys had to go through your own trial of independence but it never would of happened without the US shattering their death hold.  Likely spanish speaking countries would be speaking english right now as well as all of Europe speaking german if not for the US.  The anti American bs never stops...

    • Haha 1
    • Facepalm 3
  13. So griffin is unique to rag now(?), and phoenix is SE's exclusive.  So the them is 1 unique creature per dlc.  Why then is there 3 unique to aberration?  Whats more theres only 10 creatures that aberration added and 4 of them are basically the same.  So besides thos 4 we get ravagers, karks, and mole rats.  #aberration cave is worthless.  I say this because theres very lil it adds.

  14. I dont really think separation is needed really.  I think more BALANCED nerfs would make sense.  Im a pve and a solo guy.  I know a huge reason why flier nerf was implemented was because players on PVP were uping their argys speed to 300+% making them move faster then the auto turrets tracking mechanism.  Obviously something had to be done.  Their choice was to completely lock the stat, highly unbalanced nerf decision.  The intelligent choice would of been cap the speed at around 200%.  Fixes the auto turret issue as well as keep some speed for getting around keeping pve happy.  And lets be honest the majority of us still mostly use fliers despite the nerf.  Im still flying a bird 90% of the time.

    As for mana nerf, yet again stupidity in the nerfs.  Yes it was stupid op, to op for pve even, but the nerfs went a bit to far.  Add a cooldown to freeze, yes because its the only rideable dino that can 'stun' anything.  Reduce range, sure but overall, not just the dmg.  Heck i here more ppl complain about the actual freeze, not the dmg...Reduce both to lightning wyvern lvl, u dont really need more, even on pve.  Reduce speed if its going to fast for turrets, otherwise leave it be.  Its the extinction dragon, end game, pay to have, actually requires u to achieve a specific lvl dragon(thats also part tek).  It should maybe b allowed to out do wyverns a lil since wyverns are midgame, free, and a lvl 1 that gets lucky could ride tame(highly unlikely and maybe to extreme on the lvl but you get the point).  Its breath should be strong enough to match a lightning wyverns breath(considering the duration of the attack) maybe slightly weaker to balance the freeze effect from your initial hit.  Thus lingering balance on stronger enemies u cant refreeze because of the cooldown.  Needed nerfed yes, but allow it to still b worth it as an endgame tame.  End as end of ark, tho it is the highest lvl to ride extinction added creature which technically still makes it the final tame.  Gigas are available on island, wyverns on scorched, extinction is after so anything it brings is technically more endgame.  The lore also backs this considering extinction is the end of the story, and the end stuff is supposed to be better.  You dont get the master sword midgame and upgrade to rusted sword at the end.

    But 1 point im trying to point out is i dont think we need a separate layout for both, the devs just need to actually think before they nerf.  As i said above there could of been better nerfs or adjustments made that could of pleased everyone, except of course those few hardcore ppl lingering on the edges wanting permanent god mode or dark souls on expert.

  15. Ascension bug needs addressed and the argys carry has been broke since tlc2.  It can no longer carry hostile creatures safely to a taming pit because everything begins chomping on it.  The tek shield needs implemented into the extinction loot table and if you add the riot shield too, the tek 1 needs buffed to allow its superior status the rest of the tek weapons and armor have.  As with the ascension bug, im missing an ingame reward i should have that the bug caused over a year ago.  The reward is the birthday suit you get for max lvl.  Even if i wanted to reacquire it i cant because i have to ascend to hit max lvl and itll wipe me again if i do.  Whole endgame is F'd as long as this persists.  Unlike odd lil changes that arnt that important, this is actually an important core element of the game and deserves an instant reaction from the dev team.

  16. 15 hours ago, Rocketraptor said:

    Yah that is true but we did get things like war drum which is very active in the community and we get premium items and for your info you should pay more attention to read people posts  because I clearly say that we get nerfs so I do play on pc it’s just that I’ve been playing on mobile because my friends can’t play on pc?

    Ya i noticed war drums responds to ever bug report post on here to do with mobile, they obviously care.  I compliment their effort.

  17. 52 minutes ago, Rocketraptor said:

    I’m sorry that we don’t things like that on pc but think about if mobile players could get mods that would be a bit op and they want to limit another thing is we don’t get other maps or a lot of the dinos like thylas or yutys but i am happy they didn’t do the kibble rework but I do really wish they did more events on mobile

    Ya when it comes to maps and events i think you guys got shafted.  Though switch has it worst.  The only reason why id want mods is to fix the devs mistakes and maybe crystal isles which is basically rag and ab fused together.  Speaking of which, @Jatheish @Jen @Chris can we get an official statement on whether you guys are looking to add crystal isles?  Even a we are considering it but arnt certain response i think would go a long way.

    • Haha 1
  18. 8 minutes ago, Xylom said:

    See when I came back everything, was a mystery to me. Ascending, Tek, new bosses, new map creatures, new drops. Even Nitrado. A single Xbox was only the way to play. I did have a person that was a friend of a friend who hosted his other Xbox as a dedicated server. But he decided to wipe us all and give it to his wife without really letting us know so that's why I stopped

    I really never had an issue with bugs when it came to ark. When I heard they took away movement speed to Dinos, I was kinda like "ummm okay.." I've honestly enjoy the event. I just wish they didn't expand to all consoles. Even mobile before addressing the problems they currently face. I do hope they give PS4,Xbox and switch more content though. I don't play on official so it hasn't been that bad for me. Official suffers more problems than un official. People should find a a good server imo

    See thats where my situation comes in, im a singleplayer guy, theres bugs they fixed on their official that they are letting rot for SP and unofficial/dedi.  Ever since the tek cave released the skylord artifact along with all the crates refuse to spawn in the NW cave on island.  So you either cheat or the whole endgame is ruined for you.  It really pisses me off they fixed it only for their official servers.  Im ps4 btw.  Ya the flier nerf was hard, but partly needed, i think they took it way to far tho, a speed cap would of been better then a complete lock.  I too feel bad for switch, from what i hear abstract is guns ready to give switch more love but wc refuses to give them the ok.

    Dont get me wrong, i love the holiday events, i just dont think its cool to destroy so many players characters and then have new limited time content when players arnt really able to take full advantage of it with trying to regain lost ground or eventually scraping their new stuff when they regain their old character, if they ever do.  A postpone might of been a better choice for the easter event.  My beef was with the actual patching, as always i see basically nothing being done thats visually obvious to me.  Really the only thing that actually effects me is manas suck even more now.  Im thinking to myself, maybe its a good thing i never tamed 1 of these and do i even want to anymore?  I feel like the dragon i actually bought should be better then the free 1s, especially when the pay to have 1 is THE ENDGAME dragon, and the endgame tame of the endgame map.

    Tek was highly disappointing til extinction.  It wasnt upgradable so even chitin could easily out do tek before.  Now on extinction ONLY, you can get upgraded versions, finally making it the endgame armor and weapons, though they forgot the shield in the loot tables XD.

    The mobile version irritates the crap outta me, it obviously has to be scaled down and yet they add new stuff to it that i wish we had.  A special griffin that we dont have as well as the fact they can breed em...Thats so uncool wc...I want mutated griffins...With imprint.  Btw, your alright, i enjoy talking to you.

    • Thanks 1
  19. 18 hours ago, Xylom said:

    Its a sad fact because now that I know the devs have done some stupid poop for money. I've been around since launch. Took a hiatus around schorched. I'm hoping they can better themselves. I really do. They might deserve the poop their getting right now but it doesn't need to last. 

    Be professional

    Be kind

    That's the steps I see their taking

    In regards to restoring chars

    They're offering an alt to people and their still loosing their poop. Something is better than nothing. And it's not like their deleting all (said persons) tame. I'm not here to fight with your statement. I agree with what you're saying.

    Also forum autocorrect is funny

    Oh ya it is lol.  But yes, i have noticed more effort on their part recently.  They do seem a lil to preoccupied with trivial stuff though, like does the dragon of extinction really need nerfed even more?...Especially when that horrid ascension glitch with rockwell is still going on.  You lose your ascending character, all your notes and map discoveries for all your maps, your ingame rewards(skins and trophy rewards), your ab tribe so you lose your base and tames...Considering the main objective of ab is to ascend, it kinda destroys the purpose of ab and everything you do on it.  It also breaks the lore based story(sad since it has basically no story and what lil plot it has is broken by this).  Its pretty obvious this should be a priority and it seems they are ignoring it.  Whats worse theyve already fixed this same bug with the tek cave ascension a year ago.  They couldnt be bothered to make sure they didnt repeat it or just implement a slightly altered version of their previous fix...I mean someone(multiple 1s) need slapped, "what was that for", for being an idiot.  They are being kind to our face sure, behind our backs theyre being d heads.  Or at least they were, they have shown improvement since the team switched around.  Im waiting for the next patch before i deem them as worthless as the last team.  The QoL fixes they made with the land whistle and not having to wander to mate is kiss worthy XD.  Then they got right on the getting stuck on rocks and floors bug and fixed it, so they do deserve some credit for effort recently though this current patch seemed kinda pointless(the nerf/fixing part).  All in all im hopeful and willing to give em a new chance.

  20. 1 hour ago, Xylom said:

    I read you're stuff dude. You're not the person who literally had a fit about said picture. Yeah it's a problem with coding focusing on color. I re read your posts man and you must tripping up. I'm mostly just laughing at the fact so many people bitch and moan about small issues. If you lost your character then that makes more sense. Yet people are going back to the game regardless. That, right there, is what I'm addressing. 

    Indeed, a lot of people do gripe over small details.  I can understand frustrations boiling though.  Its like when you have a bunch off real problem because of jerkoffs and then some store clerk smarts off to you for no reason and you just flip on him.  Was it important, no, was it the last straw because of some careless d head, yes lol.  Wc is super careless and they F sith us by doing so.  So, they still deserve crap thrown at them because they throw it at us.  Now idk the picture your talking about, i was just agreeing their coding is crap and the likelihood of it actually being the color coding screwing up the s+ which with all the extra coding they actually did its more likely not the color coding.  Back on to how people keep coming back, i think its because theres nothing like ark, even with all the bugs its still amazing.  The bugs being unaddressed simply because they dont seem to care though is unacceptable.  Theyve had more then enough time to address old game breaking bugs.  They just dont, and  they wont until we kick em in their rears enough times to motivate them.  Thus people cursing em out.  We support the game and want it to be better, we do the only thing thats available that they seem to somewhat listen to.

  21. 1 minute ago, Xylom said:

    I said it wasn't that big of a deal. Look at OP flying off the handle xD you must confused 

    1, nice english lol 2, you also said the color was broken, implying we are worried about the color when we arnt and you should of known rather obviously. 3, you then replied like a lil salty weenie under self induced false pretense, so you had your own lil off the handle going on there.  True, theres bigger problems, like artifact issues and that horrific ascension glitch, but the initial point, which stands, is wc broke some decent semi important stuff with their patch AGAIN, showing their coding sucks.  If you actually reread my 1st post i actually tell the guy it wasnt the colors(most likely).

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