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powerstuck last won the day on September 7 2017

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  1. No one is saying that you guys aren't doing things to prevent meshing or generally speaking exploiting and cheating. But honestly, the exploits the video shown exist since at least 2-3 years. I mean, at some point it should be time you actually fix those big, popular, known by most, exploits. That will slow down cheating by 60% (at least), then you can work on the next most used method. And I say this with no mean intention. There are mods, there are ways people who understand gaming programming suggested more than once, how to easily and quickly fix most of the blatant issues. Yet...nothing has been done. Don't take me wrong, in another 6 months there will be another youtuber/streamer/twitcher who will post a way to mesh because they got tired of being meshed...and we will all have this same discussion again and again...but meshing will still be here, worse than ever.
  2. Having past experience, there is about 80% chance something goes wrong and all those structures are destroyed. Thankfully, there are server rollbacks but still, that takes time and complicates things. My current base fence is built with three pillars (one on top of each other) and then two rows of walls...rince and repeat. Looks beautiful and pillars prevent other players from building too close to my walls (fence foundations do not do that). But even then, I have few pillars missing because snap points went nuts and those pillars (even being surrounded by walls) were considered as lone structures and were auto-demoed 12 h later. I don't know what better solution there could be, but I do know that preventing us from using only a pillar+ladder / pillar + ceiling will not be a solution. I like my base and I wanna keep it jerk-free, so if need be, i'll built 2x2 houses, or if need be i'll build 4x4 houses or if need be i'll build 10x10 houses to protect what I have. Those who have means to spam pillar an area...they have the means to build castles on every single pillar+ladder location. Maybe the best solution is to finally implement Structures+ mod and give us better building mats.
  3. Any specific news on the progress of S+ integration ? Seems to me that besides WC hiring Orionsun (S+ developer), there hasn't been much technical work done.
  4. What's the point of taking down legacy servers ? I mean why not take TEA's server down permanently and save one of the servers that's supposed to be killed on March 9th ?
  5. The further it goes...the less you guys give us. Well...represents the whole WC thing I guess.
  6. Good, now should we expect XMas event's on the 24th only or will they launch it this week and thru January 2nd like usually ?
  7. Will there be an XMas even on old legacy servers ? I am hoping to see Raptor Claus drop a few gifts once again this year.
  8. Sorry man, but ON NITRADO is not yours nor mine, it's a server owned by Nitrado and they can put an end to my hosting agreement when ever they wish. Hosting it on my own server in my own bedroom is the proper term for hosting it on MY OWN SERVER.
  9. You can spin it the way you want, in every dictionary in the world, in every language in the world...those words mean the same thing. YOU doesn't mean nor define Nitrado or any other server provider but me, you, and everyone else as an individual person. YOUR OWN doesn't mean nor define that the owner is Nitrado or any other server provider but the individual. YOUR OWN doesn't mean mine if I say it, it means yours.
  10. Just realize that this company well tell whatever people wanna hear so they can sell more copies. Win10 Cross-Play was supposed to be on release, then September and is now scheduled for December 12th. As it was promised there will be no extra cost attached to it, and now its seems Nitrado is the only company getting the money for the feature. Notice, that's the case for PS4 aswell, so I wouldn't expect much. So, just realize who you dealing with and decide if you wanna keep giving them the money or not.
  11. Of course you keep quoting my answer...but hey, check what Joebl0w13 said below... as far as I remember, Windows 10 and XBox cross play were supposed to be an added feature for the game. So I assume they were also supposed to be free...except, if we're to believe the rumor (true or false you be the judge) the feature is not free because we are forced to do it thru Nitrado who is rather expensive as a server provider. So my friend, what's your take on this rumor spread ?
  12. Silly rumor ? Lack of information about this major game addition in a thread where they touched a lot of points from today till the end of year is nothing to classify what I said as rumor.
  13. S+ will be part of DLC #3...a mod DLC. All sponsored mods will be integrated in the DLC allowing everyone to buy and enjoy them on official servers.
  14. So now that the weekend is over...what about those PVE legacy saves ? Or shall I classify this among another ''Jeremy said, but never did'' things ?
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