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BigRed1227 last won the day on September 22 2016

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About BigRed1227

  • Birthday 12/27/1984

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  1. There won't be a reply from WC on here. They don't check it nor listen to our concerns. They should prioritize fixing server instability before rolling out new things. This should be their number 1 priority but its not. They don't care. And im afraid to say ark 2 will probably be the same
  2. You been on any gen2 servers lately? Crashes once per hour from what I'm gathering. It is a flaw. Been a problem since day 1 on gen2 servers. Constant crashing and rollbacks. Seems like you are WC apologist
  3. How about you fix your poopty server performance before releasing new crap?
  4. I thought the Chinese were region locked like OC servers?
  5. We need to just spam the hell out of their Twitter until they cannot ignore the problem anymore. Seriously, if all ARK players filled the feed of how Terrible the experience has been lately, maybe they would actually work to rectify it
  6. Meh, WC doesn't care. Anyone maybe wanna start spamming the hell out of their Twitter accounts? Seems the only way you get anywhere with them
  7. 1587 gen2 server performance is absolute trash. Constant ping spikes, 1+ minute lag spikes, crashes, rollbacks, and now the new thing.....NO WILD DINO SPAWNS. yes. U read correctly. 0 wild dino spawns except for the odd alpha here and there. I don't know why I'm complaining here, the devs don't even venture here to read the issues. And WC, if I'm wrong, prove me wrong and reply to me....
  8. Have submitted 10 tix today for 1587 G2....log in, crash, rollback then just to try and leave and can't bc of another DC and rollback
  9. 4th ticket I've submitted for their jank a$$ servers. Consoles don't even have the FULL gen 2 experience and you can't even give us decent servers? FFS
  10. I'm pretty sure this is a person who will bend the knee to someone who tells them too. Pitiful...
  11. I'd love to see dinos "learn". Would love to see raptor packs actually do something other than just eat everything
  12. Hahaha I'm not surprised! Can't do it with the base game. Couldn't do it with scorched. Did they do it with Abb? Don't really know, that map is dead anyway. DEFINITELY couldn't do it with Rag. What makes anyone think they could do it with their final release? Just par for the course for a sub par dev.
  13. So you are dropping more tek dinos when pve is pretty much always at server cap? Good job......
  14. Really do need to address the pve server cap issue. As it is now, if we loose a few rexs in boss fights we cannot breed more for more fights. Really sucks WC. Fix your KNOWN ISSUES
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