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BigRed1227 last won the day on September 22 2016

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About BigRed1227

  • Birthday 12/27/1984

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  1. Lost my character due to server rollback. Seems like WC customer support has closed down or at least that's the email I have been getting back. Is there a different section I should be submitting a ticket in other than their support tab?
  2. What's the likelihood of WC wonderful support network getting my character back? Lost it when server did a rollback after transfer.
  3. I'm pretty sure this is a person who will bend the knee to someone who tells them too. Pitiful...
  4. I'd love to see dinos "learn". Would love to see raptor packs actually do something other than just eat everything
  5. Hahaha I'm not surprised! Can't do it with the base game. Couldn't do it with scorched. Did they do it with Abb? Don't really know, that map is dead anyway. DEFINITELY couldn't do it with Rag. What makes anyone think they could do it with their final release? Just par for the course for a sub par dev.
  6. So you are dropping more tek dinos when pve is pretty much always at server cap? Good job......
  7. Really do need to address the pve server cap issue. As it is now, if we loose a few rexs in boss fights we cannot breed more for more fights. Really sucks WC. Fix your KNOWN ISSUES
  8. I Feel Like Yelling Like Serious Black! I've done my waiting!
  9. Seriously? 2 years of waiting and we now have to wait for the ps4 cert ? 8.8 was the definitive date, and bc ps4 may/May not pass cert, the rest of the users have to wait? It's not a patience issue at this point....
  10. I think QOL improvements are much needed in the building department, especially for us on vanilla official and consoles. S+ has my vote!
  11. Are you selling any Wyvern milk i could buy?

  12. are you selling any wyverns

  13. Thank you. And furthermore, if you were to purchase an xb1 bundle pack, like gears 4, or whichever, you could find the SAME THING at all retailers. Best buy offers the xb1 bundle in the same package, the same hardware/software as walmart. Skins and exclusives are a way for marketing departments to get sales at their stores. I see it as, we bought the game, we should get the same treatment. I'm not a fan of exclusives, because all in all, it is the same base game with a little flare. Why can't pc get the rex skin? Why can't xb1 get the giga skin? Xb1 users can only purchase the base game from 1 place. Pc users can only get it from 1 place.
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