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Everything posted by invincibleqc

  1. Unfortunately, it will not be coming to consoles (which includes MS version, as this is technically the Xbox version) until September.
  2. Countdowns: PC CONSOLES PS: My dad is stronger than yours in all timezones.
  3. The ones that clearly cross the lines are being removed, otherwise we leave some space to the community to breathe. If you think a specific post have to be removed, use the [Report] button and it will be reviewed.
  4. Please refer to the following article: https://support.survivetheark.com/hc/en-us/articles/217178337-My-character-was-erased-
  5. You will have to submit a support ticket to get in-game assistance from a Game Master: https://support.survivetheark.com/
  6. Please fill out the following form and the server team will look into it: http://ark.gg/outage
  7. Please type ccc in your in-game console and paste the output here.
  8. No. Look at the saddle icon, there is an X.
  9. It does, actually. The info you see in the in-game browser is just the info queried from the steam master server. You receive info such as: If the query can't determine whether SESSIONISPVE is 1, then it will be defaulted to 0 and your browser will assume that server is PvP, etc. For the same reason third-party tools such as battlemetrics won't have accurate data because they also rely on what is publicly queryable, etc.
  10. Nobody hacked it, that is just some networking issues between the server and steam master server. It really isn't that uncommon, I myself was kicked from my tribe multiple times, and other times I was not seeing the owner of structures at all and had my inventory flickering as well, etc. in the past. Re-logging usually fixes it when the networking get more stable. At least, it always did for me.
  11. That's not too uncommon and re-logging a few times usually put you back in your tribe. Did you try?
  12. Yeah, the odds are quite bad. But isn't it the case for anything that involves gambling? You probably have more chance gambling the T1 crates, since their prize pool is smaller and you basically can roll 3.5 times for the price of one T3.
  13. It was then added back in 309.53. Look at the table I provided above.
  14. Well, you played lotto and didn't win. The Replicator can be obtained from all 3 crates as well:
  15. They show online here. Make sure you search for them instead of relying on your favorites/history as a lot got new IP.
  16. Those files have no problem. They simply differs from the default ones shipped with the current version (such as your config files, that were modified locally, etc.), or are acquired dynamically through the webapi (such as the news displayed on the main menu, etc.). The fact it seemed to improve your transferring issues was more than likely a coincidence.
  17. This can happens due to networking issues and whatnot. Having multiple characters with the same ID on the official cluster can result into both of them being deleted. It is recommended to take the duped one to a server you never played on, commit suicide and then overwrite it by creating a new one.
  18. Try to connect directly to it: steam://connect/
  19. Make sure you search for it directly, rather than from your favorites/history as this server is up and running on my end:
  20. I explained why the posts are being merged earlier: It was encouraging spam and was getting out of control. Don't get me wrong, I totally understand that servers issues can be frustrating. But having 186 threads (yes, that is the exact amount of threads that was merged here, without mentioning the posts that were split but not merged) wouldn't help in any way. At least now issues are all centralized here, rather than buried in unrelated threads discussing whatever I guess.
  21. Whether you agree with it or not, the forums is not even the place to report any of this to begin with. The official channel to report official server issues, be it a crash like some are reporting here, or clustering issues like you are, is the http://ark.gg/outage form (you have options for transfer disabled, etc.). This is the direct line that goes straight to the server management team for investigation. The fact your posts get buried here, won't change the output if you properly reported it at the right place. Pretty much like if you are reporting your car being stolen to a barber shop; it may eventually reach the police department and get investigated through word to mouth but you will have better results going directly to them.
  22. The networking/clustering problems you are reporting are all related to the "server instabilities" officials are current suffering. This thread is not just about crashes, and all official server issues must be reported using the form linked at the top of this thread.
  23. It all goes in that thread because the forums isn't the place to report server outages to begin with. If you look on the home page, or the forums index, there is a banner that take you straight to where such reports must be done:
  24. Don't mind me, I'm just putting the salt in the salt shaker. If I had access to that magic fix all button you think exists I would press it for you!
  25. Check its IP (or query port) and it most likely changed (possibly was moved to a difference machine, etc.). That's common when a server is experiencing networking issues. If the official flag can't be resolved from steamworks, then the in-game browser default it to false.
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