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Everything posted by Luizza

  1. Cryos didn't just help with lag, they helped with dino caps too, on official we were dino capped (that means, for anyone not around back then, that you can't tame or breed anymore dinos once a certain number are on a server) for months at a time. People rushed out and tamed anything, dodos or anything quick as soon as the cap went off due to someone's base decaying so they could kill them off when they wanted to tame / breed. Others spammed rafts to 'claim' dino spots. It was a mess. Cryos solved far more than lag. And sure, there would defo be a mod, hopefully free, but what about official where dino caps were a massive problem. I personally preferred the game before tek and the kibble changes, but cryos, I don't think I've ever heard anyone moan about them.
  2. Look at what happened with legacy, those files are still available to download. You can check our how that worked here - The whole server is there, and yes you will be able to look at or claim as your own anything on the server when the save file is created. You have a choice, either destroy your stuff and walk away now or keep going and wait for the save file to be created and be able to use it in your single player world or upload to a rented server (that's on PC, it's still not clear what ppl on console will be able to do).
  3. I don't mind the nights, it's the constant gamma correction I have to do to stop the snow blindness from the bleached out bright background (especially in the distance or while flying), I hope the new lighting system gives us more control over that. We all use dark mode these days, Ark is far too bright in parts to play for long stretches (and yes, I have bloom and shafts turned off) I can't even play crystal isles at all without turning the gamma right down so I can't even see my inventory clearly. Well, tbh I don't bother, I don't play crystal isles anymore, solely due to the over brightness and bleached out backgrounds.
  4. True, (unless it's ages and then they despawn as u pick them up hehe - but that's irrelevant in this context) but they've always been there since Scorched came out and yet ppl still prefer to have a farm themselves rather than go to the trench regularly - that's a lot of eggs u need to go and find, fun...but not something most ppl do. PS. Now if they included vanilla flyer speed then...hmm
  5. - they couldn't before extinction, now they can, as a 'dlc improvement' I'd say that was a big one, and not part of the vanilla experience they seem to want us to relive. We know nothing about ASA, we can only go on what they've said. EDIT: & a base big enough to house egg wyverns is a world away from the base size you can get away with for 8 or 9 deinos on a ledge (remember deino eggs are persistent, you need far less of them for the same amount of eggs actually collected)
  6. Dollie said on discord that the team were leaning towards not introducing the DLC improvements when the Island and Scorched release on their own. No deinos for kibble so bases jam packed with kibble farms? No cryos so sleepless nights and week long marathons if you want to breed? Did they learn nothing? Or are they assuming (or hoping) most people won't bother starting again on official so the servers will be able to cope? What with the Snail scandal, (you can't fix cheating if the devs are the ones cheating), paid mods on sleazy Overwolf, &, the big one, officials being cut off so cruelly. It's like watching a car crash in slow motion. It would be comical if it wasn't so sad. Supported this game, and devs, for so long, I never thought my opinion of them would fall so low Incredibly sad.
  7. I'd say that would be optimistic for any map I would be interested in lol (I'm holding out for rag, fjordur or lost isles to be released, otherwise I just cba to start again). And no, I don't think these forums are representative, I'd say these are mostly early players who fell in love with the game and have been along for the whole ride or newer players who are highly invested in the game. Familiarity grows contempt as well as love. Newer or more casual players don't care as much.... why are they only newer players now? It really wasn't top of their wishlist of types of game they would like to play. Joining this forum is a pain, you'll only go to the trouble of complaining or joining discussions here if you plan to stick around or you're sore 'cos the devs made it so difficult for you to stick with the game for various reasons.
  8. Both still early days but icarus and smalland both going down that route, 'spect there will be many more in the works. Winning pokemon type formula.
  9. I think they want to recreate the early days of releasing things often to create hype - problem is there's far less hype if uv already played the map before. I'm starting to think more and more I just can't be bothered to go through it all again. I would with all new maps perhaps...but the same again, bit tedious. The magic is lost. Also starting to feel more solidarity with my old official friends tbh and may just boycott for the horrible way they have been treated. Not feeling very benevolent towards WC these days unfortunately.
  10. These 2 maps at launch would make a massive difference. Rag is still my favourite map, imagine being stuck on the island (with brief trips to scorched for wyvern eggs) after years of being able to access Rag, doesn't bear thinking about really.
  11. Deleted 'cos not entirely sure I was right...please remove mods if u pass by this way, ty
  12. Well, I've saved $30 so I'm happy about the change. I never wanted or liked the sound of Ark2 anyway. Souls-like games hold no interest for me. Much better to have ASA for $60 instead of $90. EDIT - couple of weeks later and just wanna say after letting it all sink in, I won't be buying anyway. Well, maybe I will after all the maps are out and the bugs fixed, and it's in the inevitable sales. But $60 to grind it all out just with the Island and Scorched Earth just doesn't sound like fun. Also the way they have done the blanket shut down of officials just leaves such a nasty taste in the mouth. Pretty scummy way to treat the player base imo - phased shut downs with proper full info for those on xbox and PS is the minimum they could do.
  13. Blah de blah, blah - DINO BABIES - blah de blah., blah. I'm sure I'll digest and have a good whinge about the rest over the next few days, but WILD DINO BABIES.
  14. Still no further word from them? I'm trying hard to remain positive but as pointed out by others, we've seen nothing of ASA. What if it's a complete balls-up or their well intentioned 'improvements' break what we love about the game - and tbh anyone who has been around here for any amount of time knows that's highly likely, especially in the first few months. They should have kept support up for Ark1 until ASA was at least established, let people see how great it is and move over naturally, then do a rolling shut down of official servers as the population dwindles, keeping a few Legacy++ up for posterity for those who's systems can't cope with UE5 or can't afford $90. Not everyone has a great PC or can afford to upgrade their console - in these times there's a lot more people in that boat than is usual. I'm tempted to find some other game to play and just get ASA after the year's bundle offer is over - don't want Ark2 (a game I know absolutely nothing about apart from it's probably got some dinosaurs in it) and ASA which could be a nightmare (we've seen absolutely nothing of that either btw). Meh.
  15. I don't know how it will work this time, but last time they did this with legacy they uploaded the server saves for us to download. We could then place those files in our local steam saved files folder and the world was available as our single player world. Note it's the whole server, you can visit other peoples bases, and they can visit yours if they download that server's saves. It's an exact snapshot of whenever they did the save. Last time they couldn't include our character info due to something to do with privacy although it was expected they could until the last minute, so maybe they will be able to this time. I just used console commands to forcejoin my tribe and used some other commands to give that character experience and engrams and that was that. It was a lot easier than the way I'm explaining it, and I bet there will be plenty of guides and youtube vods on how to do it all nearer the time. Just make sure you keep refreshing the timers until then
  16. yes, but when will each release, if they wait until all the tames from each story map match the ones in the non-canon then we will just have the centre for a while, then rag, and ages until we get lost isles or fjordur back
  17. Lol, we all wake up tomorrow to a giant download and then log in to find everything exactly the same except much prettier (not fussed about ark2 in the slightest but current Ark on UE5 tomorrow would be nice)
  18. Yes, you are right, giant file, upload it to a folder and then you can log in to the server in your single player game. You probably won't have your original character (they didn't give us those in the last sunsetting when legacy was created due to privacy issues) so you will have to forcejoin ur old tribe. And yes you will be able to take a good look at other people's bases, or let them decay more quickly with server commands.
  19. I'm really starting to think this really must be an April Fools.
  20. So our current servers being shut down, new version out but not with all maps? Which maps do u include as non-canon, we have no idea. So $50 for the island and some random maps you're not being specific on + $20 for extinction, aber and SE + $20 for gen1 and gen2 and they're not even all coming out at once? $90 for a game that is supposed to be eclipsed by the new game pretty much as soon as all the content is out?
  21. "we" - speak for yourself, TSOTF is awesome, tons of fun you can just join for an hour or so when you feel like it...love it! Was pretty disappointed as an OG sotf player, but tbh the new version is great, different but so much fun! And as for Ark2, why do u even think it will come out on time, just chill, it will be here when it arrives, nagging in forums won't speed it up any.
  22. And how about if uv conquered a boss on a map you can transfer element in and out? Let us all spread out across maps more, not just hunker down on the ones where it's easier to get element. Dunno if any of this is a good idea or not mind, could regret suggesting this if it makes things too easy.
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