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  1. Anyone else still getting this message when trying to join?
  2. I really hope that there wont be boarders between bioms on Gen 2 like on Gen 1. It made the map feel very small and limited for me.
  3. I wish they would look at the loot boxes the stuff you get is terrible, i bought a red one best I got out of it was 98 Metal ingots. Not to mention the 10 tek replicators we already have.
  4. our extinction server is the same we did a server report yesterday we get disconnected about 10 to 15 times in a hour. While doing drops all you can hope is to get to wave 5 (on a red) , because when you disconnect its gone when you log in all that work for bit of meat and poly and no loot.
  5. DAY 10 of Baby Raising. My quetz found it acceptable for me to pod it and unpod it to classify it as walking. Then it was back to base maintenance I am currently putting up plant species up our base due to recent activity on our server. We already have turrets and Velo's around as well. Anyways we are starting our new batch of babies tonight what will be Rexes and Mana's hopefully I will have my quetzes done by the weekend.
  6. We are all waiting for some kind of info on what this event will hold or what time it is starting today or what time we will get any more information
  7. Rather disappointing that we didn't get any info on the event. I was really excited to something about fear of the event ( as some of us are already in Tuesday..haha) Anyone have an idea what time the event begins ?
  8. I was not playing yet before the previous events, does the wyvern eggs hatch as skeletons then?
  9. Had a bad day in ark, we have been using ally Val server to get milk for our wyverns. I was inside the base when the server crashed. after 10 min finally got back in and i was apparently killed(even though I was INSIDE the base) my body no where to be found and i was suddenly also kicked out of the tribe. After relog my tribe status/issue was resolved, but my gear and shot gun was lost... Still grieving for my shot gun... Anyways we went back home to our main base on ext then started raise some babies as I traded for a black and red Tape.. love it!
  10. I was hoping to have some think of date for genesis this now been dragging for a bit now all the ""maybe events"" .
  11. The last two days have been sorting out babies as we are a tribe of 3(a lot of unnamed babies) to prepare if we get maturation event. And I have been judging our Island Tribe leader for having 2 cryo fridges full of babies...... soooo...... I have almost 3 cryo fridges full of babies..... Shows you not to judge your tribe mates XD So plans to expand the base begins again.
  12. I believe a few people said this before..... Everyone keeps on complaining about the bugs and lag and exploits. YET we are still playing!!!!!!! Even with all the things going on. But WC can't fix everything in one day at the end of the day they aren't Robots they cant sit 24/7 working.
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