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Rocketraptor last won the day on April 20 2019

Rocketraptor had the most liked content!


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  1. Will so get pumpkin drops and Erie creatures
  2. the first one looks like a raptoren furry can’t the world be normal for a bit
  3. Look everyone knows that they did this during extinction release and everyone was hurrying them so look how extinction came it’s buggy as hell but if they work hard on this dlc then it will probably be worth the wait
  4. True I have about 7 of there mods in my server
  5. Some people just complain much for someone that used to play on his friends ps4 cause he didn’t have one of his own. I have done quite a lot and have never lost a base or Dino’s on multiplayer so I don’t see what you guys are complaining about
  6. Boi don’t be such a grump if really was a copy of your mod then your mod would’ve blown before eternal so sit down and be humble
  7. And when I said it’s free to play I was correct you should search up the definition of this phrase because it seems like you don’t know that you don’t have to spend money if you grind out all the stuff you’re talking about
  8. Cause I’m not the salty one being all pussy and getting pissed at people for not being a try hard like you
  9. Thanks for the support ? ironically seems like you haven’t played ark on pc cause I’ve been playing single player on private servers with my friends instead of pvp and pve on random server. plus if your criticizing wardrum for requiring money let’s not forget that ark mobile is free to play so it’s one way the developers make money. Plus if you don’t want the premium things that cost cash no one said you need to buy. @usuallyafk
  10. This ark mobile there trying to stay similar to ark on console and pc and those your allowed transfer guys being so mad about transfers doesn’t make sense to me
  11. Can we get event colors like PCs does come on plz
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