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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/08/2024 in all areas

  1. New cryopod system has to be fixed. Most PvP player base is going back to Ark survival evolved instead of staying in ascended because of the major problem that brings the new cryopod system twords raiding caves and pvp.
    1 point
  2. I appreciate everyone's response. the aspect i was upset about was indeed the perceived psychological manipulation. I do not want bob's tall tales which in itself is my right. i just felt annoyed by all of the signs of marketing manipulation because normally i steer wide of any game using this. It is wierd to see it in a game that traditionally never tried to make me feel FOMO before. It is just another negative experience to add onto a growing pile of negative experiences. I do not like purchasing the "promise" of future content from a designer who has such a bad history of delivering it to me long after i forgot it even existed.
    1 point
  3. Updated to reflect "double the size of The Island" - which is really just a call-out to the original map description, didn't mean to intend it would be double the size of the previous Center.
    1 point
  4. There is nothing to be happy about. These updates break our nitrado servers with mods. When servers go down they are gone for almost 5 business days. Since SE launched my island server is kaput your dev team is trash. I can’t believe I pay for this poop.
    1 point
  5. a 70 limit on servers is perfectly fine but we do need more servers. im sure nitrodo is keeping it low so that more people will buy their servers so that they can make more money. game is basically unplayable for 16hours out of the day
    1 point
  6. need more servers wich they wont add as they assume a lot of players will tire out in a month or so leaving them with "empty" servers. so we suffer for buying this game at launch and have to wait for the "weak" minded players to give up and leave.
    1 point
  7. Does somebody have a link to submit a ticket?
    0 points
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