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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/07/2017 in all areas

  1. Managed to kite and tame three Level 100+ female Argies last night. One is being leveled up as a fighter, and the other 2 as heavy weight mules. Sadly I could not find a male over 100, so I will continue with that search tonight so I can begin breeding. After randomly seeing a Quetz near the Green OB each day since Friday, I decided that I would tame a Tapejara last night, and go tame the Quetz (I happened to have 12 shocking darts thanks to my brush with some Cnardia while on the beach.) Well After only 5 minutes of looking , I found a Tapejara...super low level, but I figured what the heck. Boa, Tranq and tame. As I am flying it back to the base, I see another beautiful pink/orange Tapejara Level 120! So I watched it from a distance as it flew around the area. Finally it landed, and I snuck up, bola, and tranq'd it. While waiting for it to starve a bit, I heart a noise from behind me. SPINO!!!! I get on my Ptera, and quickly kite the Spino away. I then returned to the Sleeping Tapejara, and built a protection ring of wood spikes around it. I also then snuck around the area killing all dilos or other potential threats that I could handle on foot. I even kited a Therazino away, which was scary as heck, but I used a rock and a small cliff to lose it. I then settled in for long wait of protecting the Tapejara while it tamed up. Finally he was at 99% tamed, I was so excited, then I heard it... the Spino was back, and he brought a friend (Alpha Raptor 8) with him! Nooooooooooo! I quickly took the first Tapejara (low level) and began kiting/attacking the spino and Alpha. I knew I was dealing with fire, as this low level Tapejara had barely been leveled up, and with Health and Stamina well below 750, I had to pay attention to those levels. I also knew there was no way I could kill them, so I had to do enough to buy some time for the Tapejara to finish taming. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the high Level Tapejara wake up, and I quickly flew over it and my Ptera whistling All Follow and ALL Passive. They got in the air literally as the Spino and Raptor attached thru the spike walls. each taking some damage, but they got free and we flew off to safety. As I closed in on the mountain base I notice two Scorpions stuck in a crease in the mountain, just meters from my base. I get the Ptera and Tapejaras all settled in safe at the base, and took an Argy over to investigate. Both were under level 50, but my Argy has spoiled meat in his belly, so I quickly KO'd the Scorpions and shoved in the bad meat. Knowing they were stuck in a crevice, I left them to tame up. Back at the base, did some grinding, to build greenhouse/crop plots/compost bins, and got that started with 4 Narco plots and then one for each Veggie. As it was well past my bedtime, I started to finish for the night. But then I thought... Those scorpions were awfully close to the base, and only got stopped by the crevice. I think I need a defense, and I don't want to leave all my animals on Neutral. Sooooooooo off I flew to find some Species X seeds. I had only ever found the seeds once before when I first started 6 months ago, and that was by accident. So I searched the swamp high and low. Finally I had to rest my Ptera, so I landed on a rock. Sitting there for just a few seconds, and BAM Titanboa bit me. "I'm sick of these raptoring snakes on this mother-raptoring map!" Grabbed my sword, fought the snake, and put my Ptera on Neutral before I passed out at its feet. I can hear fighting, and my Ptera kills two Dilos while I'm out. I wake up, look for my Ptera who is no longer next to me, and as I run around a rock, there is the Plant Species X ! I start to harvest it, but instead get some plants nearby with berries. Then BAM another raptoring snake! I use my sword to kill the snake, and quickly chomp on a few stimberries, that I had just gotten when trying to get the Species X seeds. Move back to the Plant, harvest the X seeds, find my Ptera and take off just as a Kapro and another snake are closing in on us. Fly back to the base, make up saddles for all the new tames, and call it a night. I still need to get those Scorpions back to base ( I forgot to check to see if they finished taming) and need to get me some Ankys and Doeds. Would also love a Mega-sloth, but all I can find are under level 20s.
    2 points
  2. Lol ragnarok was just release and is unfinished. Why are you hyped about another map you have to pay for being broken?
    1 point
  3. Ended up taking an anky to the underwater cave and almost didnt make it, ankys dive extremly slow, lol Looks like theres about 1k worth of crystal down there after about 10 minutes of farming (official rates) and 0 danger, i figure im going to fast travel and hit it once or twice a day then spend an hour on weekends extracting it. Ill use a shark to bring it to the surface (till I get a mosa) and transfer it to a quetz. It may be above crush depth, ill have to test it another day, if so i may be able to get a whale there to extract which carries twice what my shark does For those interested, cave is roughly at 13x23 offshore of the blue oblisk
    1 point
  4. Why come out with an expansion when bugs and glitches still aren't fixed on the center island and Ragnarok isn't even fully released?
    1 point
  5. I've been so excited to start a new Ragnarok server however they are all full. As I work full time and have 2 children I only have 3 hours a day to dedicate to ARK, last night I spent 3 hours waiting to access a server on the Xbox but was unsuccessful. Please....Please add more servers.
    1 point
  6. Ich can understand why they need 3-5 Servers, I have some friends in a mega tribe which are 400 Players, only 2 Server are too less to get them all on it, so I am realy fine with that, but with a small tribe of 8 peeps like we are, you don't stand a chance, many big tribes also prevent you even from spawning cause they built up huts at the normal spawn points so you can't even walk arround. So plz wildcard give us space to play wee payed you well for it.
    1 point
  7. Adding servers in general would be nice. Bully mega tribes have claimed everything. I really can't see why some tribes need 3-5 servers?
    1 point
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