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im trying to tame a therizinosaurus with a crossbow but idk how to

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two traps that i find useful for MANY different dinos:

trap 1 - place 4-5 stone or metal gateways down in a row with just barely enough room between them for a person to squeeze between.  then on the first and last one you install doors.  leave one door open.  shoot a dino and have it follow you in, you then squeeze out through the opening between gates and run back to close the door, the dino is now trapped inside.  you can then also shoot through the gaps between the gates to KO and tame.  if you want you can place a trap inside to help lock them down, but now that i know what i'm doing i don't find that necessary.  this is how i trapped and tamed my theri's and  argy's.  step this up from regular gates to behemoth gates for rex's and yuti's.

trap 2 - now that pillars can be turned sideways you can just carry a stack of pillars.  place one or two vertically up from the ground depending on the size of the dino, until you have it at about hip height on the dino, then turn the pillars horizontally and make a floating box.  2*3 might be fine for a theri.  leave one end open.  place a trap in it and get the dino to follow you into it.  aggressive dinos will chase you, passive dinos will wander in if you put honey on the ground for them.  once they're in and caught in the trap place the last side of pillars vertically to finish the box.  there is a nice video on youtube about this trap.  if you add a roof cage over it of more pillars you can even trap fliers.  argies will follow you in, quetz will also if you eat a rare flower to get them to agro you.


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20 hours ago, IllegalDodoSmuggler313 said:

as I said I'm trying to tame a therizinosaurus with a tranq arrows and a crossbow but idk how to tranq it in time before it kills me. pls help me and if you do your reward is that i will illegally smuggle a dodo to you.

Taming traps are an important part of ARK. There are a bunch of videos on youtube showing a variety of designs, some of them are pretty cool and sophisticated.

Having said that, for the majority of your taming you can't go wrong with a simple box with ramps leading up to it so things walk up the ramp and then fall inside. You can either build it with doorways at the bottom to make it easy to shoot inside or you can build it in a location where you can climb up above it and down down into the trap.

I've used lots and lots (and lots) of taming traps that were 2x2 or 2x3 with a dino gate on one side (so you can get the animal out of the trap after you're done taming, they're simple to build, easy to use and useful for lots of different species.

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I wouldn't bother with traps, it just clutters the server up as no one bothers taking them down.  It sounds like you are shooting it too fast and not letting it's torpor build up, I was doing this at first too.

Use a spyglass and find out it's level. Go on the Dododex website and find out the exact amount of shot required to knock it out. Put that many into it while kiting it,wait a minute or so and it should drop. If not put a couple more in because it will be very close.

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On 12/2/2023 at 1:06 AM, SoloSamir said:

I wouldn't bother with traps, it just clutters the server up as no one bothers taking them down.  It sounds like you are shooting it too fast and not letting it's torpor build up, I was doing this at first too.

Use a spyglass and find out it's level. Go on the Dododex website and find out the exact amount of shot required to knock it out. Put that many into it while kiting it,wait a minute or so and it should drop. If not put a couple more in because it will be very close.

I'd say use a trap still.  Just pull them up.  You know... the part about not being lazy.... even if someone else still does it.

Theris are lethal on foot, and dinos can get stuck.  If you are not going to use a trap.  Then next advise is shoot from the back of a sabertooth tiger.  It takes quite a few shots to bring down a theri.  

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On 12/2/2023 at 2:06 AM, SoloSamir said:

It sounds like you are shooting it too fast and not letting it's torpor build up, I was doing this at first too.

It looks like you may have  misread the OP. He's not killing the theri, it's killing him. Shooting it more slowly isn't going to help with that problem.

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On 11/29/2023 at 9:59 PM, IllegalDodoSmuggler313 said:

as I said I'm trying to tame a therizinosaurus with a tranq arrows and a crossbow but idk how to tranq it in time before it kills me. pls help me and if you do your reward is that i will illegally smuggle a dodo to you.

Best way to tame a theri with a crossbow is a trap.....you can put a "large" bear trap down, anger the theri, have it walk over your trap, and then you can place 4 stone dino gateways around it to keep it in place while you tranq it out. Got to be quick about it tho as the large bear trap "breaks" in 10 seconds. Which can feel very quick if your not fast enough.

Another idea is to use three or four pillars stacked straight up, a ceiling tile ontop of the pillars, and finally a couple of ladders to the top to climb up. Find your target, build the pillar setup, and then shoot tranqs down upon your target. It will try to come over to you and slap you around, but if your high up enough, he won't be able to reach you. Be aware tho, if you do this, there is a strong chance that the theri will "fear run" when they realize they can't hit you. Unlike torpor run, they will turn around and start attacking you again if you give chase. Just let them have a moment to think about things, and they will come back to try and attack you again.

Last but not least, don't forget to bring a BUNCH of narcotics or a decent berry harvesting tame to gather plentiful amounts of narco berries after the theri is knocked out. They wake up VERY quickly. I would also advise to try and use kibble. On official rates, a lvl 140 took me 8 hours for mejo's. x.x

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