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Dinosaur mesh deaths


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Hours of preparation go into taming a dino. From growing vegetables to crafting kibble. Crafting narcotics and darts. And finally spending hours upon hours searching the island over.. and over.. and over until you spot the one you're looking for. You quickly find a location void of foundation spam and build your trap. You trap it, knock it out, and guard it. Finally. the hours and hours of work and devotion pay off. You get your dino home and park him in your safe base so nothing can happen to him. Taming this dino was like winning the lottery for me. 

In the safety of my fully enclosed base. He dies. Some how he just falls through the floor. 


Then a few days later my 219 Ichthy falls through the ground while hes floating in water.


Why is this still a thing? ARK is literally the only game I've played where stuff just falls through the ground randomly and dies and erases hours and hours and hours of work. Its beyond frustrating. ASE had this same exact bug and now I'm seeing it in ASA. 

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