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(Art by Dilong, colorized by RiskyBiscuits)
Collab art by the Darwinopterus creator, Zci5250! (If you haven't yet, go check out Darwinopterus!)
(These sketches were made by Dekaexis!)
(Everyone aforementioned made the art in this dossier, written by me, composed by Sp_ace)

Common Name: Hatzegopteryx

Species: Hatzegopteryx kukulkan

Time: Late Cretaceous

Diet: Carnivore 

Temperament: Highly aggressive 


“Seeing a creature not fully corrupted in the wastelands is extraordinarily rare, if not thought impossible, until today that is, Hatzegopteryx Kukulkan is a savage monster of the skies, as of writing this I’m observing it tearing into the element vein towers that scatter the wastes!

Additionally it’s defending itself from any corrupted creatures with dangerously quick efficiency, be it slugging them on the ground with its heavy fists or shredding them apart with its massive maw. While it's not the greatest at flying, it sure isn’t the best to combat in the sky, as it seemingly has a tactic to effectively grapple a creature out of the skies and slam it into the earth!” 


“Despite its sheer ferocity, there does seem to be evidence that it can be domesticated, Hatzegopteryx seems to enjoy the thrill of battle, even from a young age, so any good adversary that can gain its respect may let it domesticate it. Though, you’d have to be utterly insane to even attempt that!

All things considered however, a domesticated Hatzegopteryx would in theory be excellent for taking on hordes of corrupteds and gathering their nodules, additionally it would be great for harvesting the rich amount of element those corrupted spires contain.”  



Hello Extinction survivors, I present Hatzegopteryx Kukulkan as my submission! This fierce pterosaur will show you efficiency on both land and sky combat, while also giving you an excellent counter to corrupted creatures (let's be honest, enforcers are bad) and even the titans! I hope you enjoy this submission, as it was a collaborative effort with Tweee. 

Now onto the  summary!

- Receives the “Titan slayer” buff when fighting against a titan, this buff gives it 30% damage reduction and a 15% damage boost, additionally it is unaffected by any of the special abilities the titans have, the forest titans uprooting for example. 

- Has a passive 10% damage boost and reduction against corrupted creatures. This counts for tumors as well.

- Is the best at gathering element dust, element shards, element and corrupted nodules from element veins. 

- After defeating any of the titans, you are able to make a platform saddle for it, though “outpost” saddle is more fitting. This unique tek-platform-saddle comes equipped with a built-in TEK generator, though you need to supply the saddle with element to keep it running of course. When clinged to a surface, on ground or flight it will shift its position to conform with the Hatzegopteryx body.

- This saddle also has a stationary mode for when you need creatures to come up onto the platform, this stationary mode will deploy a staircase.

- If fed element, it can become its own TEK saddle (somewhat similar to how Ferox function with element feeding, needs to be fed a certain amount) with 1 unique ability:

  - The  ability it can activate is “Element overflow” of which it is able to deal 10% more damage for 10% of its health taken away. Additionally, the attacks boosted by this cause mechanical creatures (Enforcers and what not) to malfunction and be stunned for a short while, though this has a grace period, This is essentially a trade-off type ability.   

- Can cling to surfaces similar to a Tapejara, but more like it brute forces itself onto the surface with its strength.

- Has its own unique apex drop called “Hatzegopteryx jaw” this item is required in the taming of Hatzegopteryx!

1.5-2x the size of a Quetzal
(Sizing by VaporVenator)


Suggested Base Stats:

Health: 1450
Stamina: 700
Oxygen: 150
Food: 1200
Weight: 600
Melee Damage: Found in the “Actions Section” per each attack.
Movement Speed: 100% (Not as fast as a wyvern, though it can sprint faster than a wyvern on the ground.)
Torpidity: N/A



Hatzegopteryx can be seen flying throughout the wastelands hunting corrupted creatures, though if you are spotted you will absolutely be targeted. It is most commonly found wherever an element vein may be. They may also be rarely found in the Sunken Forest.

Wild Baby Behavior:

Hatzegopteryx as babies in the wild share the same aggressiveness that adults do! However, they are a rare sight to see and have no use for Hatzegopteryx jaws (they do not drop them) and are unable to be tamed.

(Art done by Sovi)


Titan Clinging:

Hatzegopteryx are able to cling onto Titans similar to how Deinonychus are able to latch onto creatures, the cling locations for the Titans are where the tumors on them are. Once a Hatzegopteryx is clung onto the corrupted tumor, it is able to shred at it with reduced damage to the Titan itself, though be wary as it is very stamina intensive.

(Art done by Jade)


Platform Saddle Shifting:

The platform of Hatzegopteryx is different than that of Quetzal, since it is able to cling and has a different posture than Quetzal, its platform saddle is able to shift into different positions depending on if its airborne, grounded, latched onto a surface or diving! Art of it taking off and latched are displayed currently. 

(Art done by ZCI5250)


Taming Process:

To tame a Hatzegopteryx you must first challenge it to a fight with a “Hatzegopteryx jaw” in your inventory, it will sense this and then begin to fight you as it sees you as a worthy adversary. When it gets to a low enough health point it will become “tired out” you must then use this opportunity to mount it, after that it will take off into the air, you must try to not get knocked off by rapid button mashing! If you fail, you’ll have to fight it again. 

- When you start breeding Hatzegopteryx, be wary of the babies as they will attack you at random! 


Alternate Taming Process suggestion:
(This is a complete alternative, I am not suggesting it as a dual taming method type creature. It would either be one or the other.)
Alternatively the sunken forest would have an area where wild Hatzegopteryx live when away from the wastelands, in this area Hatzegotperyx eggs may be found, though not without venturing deep within the tight caverns that seldom creatures fit without the threat of Hatzegopteryx spotting you.

– This is a complete alternative, mainly due to the fact that Extinction does not have a creature with an egg-steal method, while Scorched Earth, Aberration and Genesis 1 do.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully tamed a Hatzegopteryx! 


-  LMB (Or its controller equivalent): Performs a bite attack while in the air but a hook/punch while on the ground, with a base of 75 damage. Additionally this gathers from element nodes/veins. 

-  RMB (Or its controller equivalent): Locks onto a flier of large enough size (Argentavis and up) and then proceeds to grapple onto them, this will cause it to rapidly descend into the ground and slam the enemy, the base damage increases the higher you go, ranging from 70 at the lowest to 150 at the highest, however taking 5% of health. Both Hatzegopteryx and the enemy flier will be unable to fly for a short while as well.

Though this attack can miss and will cost a chunk of stamina and may not be used immediately after, so it's recommended to only do it on near wyvern sized fliers, this counts for gliding Rock Drakes or jumping Managarmr as well.

  - This attack will also allow you to cling onto the tumors on titans and shred them, which costs heavy stamina to stay on however.

- C (Or controller equivalent): Aesthetic roar.

- X (Or controller equivalent): Activates “Element overflow” when fed with enough element.

- Spacebar (Or controller equivalent): Flight

- Shift (Or controller equivalent): Sprinting on both land and sky.

- Looking downwards: Gliding similar to Desmodus. Though this functions as a divebomb as well, as if it hits the ground it will cause a knock-back to creatures within its radius, though it does not do much damage (Roughly 30 base damage that barely scales). 


Utility & Scenarios:

PvE: While at first glance Hatzegopteryx may seem to lean far into a PvP niche, it does not, it is incredibly useful for its element vein gathering capabilities, moreover it is great for clearing out both sky and ground threats on OSD’s. Additionally, it is perfect to bring along for titan fights, especially against the desert titan. 

PvP: Hatzegopteryx has excellence in a PvP niche as well, being able to effectively tackle other apex fliers is handy, especially since it is able to close the range between it and a wyvern for example, moreover it is able to combat Managarmrs with its grapple attack. And with its “Element overflow” ability, it's able to combat Meks as well. 

Counter: Hatzegopteryx is worse at sky combat than ground combat, so you can effectively use a fast flier to dodge its grapple attack. After that, you may attack at it until it can perform another grapple, though it's still best to watch out for its attacks, as it still does a hefty amount of damage. It's best to combat a Hatzegopteryx on the ground with an equal ground mount, such as a Rex.  Additionally, flying for Hatzegopteryx costs more stamina than any other flier, so tiring one out in sky combat is viable. 

To conclude this submission, I believe Hatzegopteryx has a good niche carved out for what Extinction offers in terms of gameplay, filling in an otherwise untouched niche. While yes enforcer “covers it already” enforcers are just bad and not suited for late game, and is the main reason for Hatzegopteryx’s niche.  Additionally, I believe there is a good balance between its PvP and PvE prowess, though that's up to you of course!

Besides all that, I hope you enjoyed reading through the submission and vote for it in the end!

Other interpretations:



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My son really wanted to add to this so he asked to help him put this together



Species: Hatzegopteryx thambema

Time: Late Cretaceous

Diet: Carnivore

Temperament: Opportunistic


·        Makes enemies bleed out with it sharp teeth

·        Strong and as fast as a wyvern

·        Does fear ability like a yuti

·        You can put cannons on it like a Quetz

·        Beak that can pierce  most animals

·        60% weight reduction on resources

·        Flying smithy




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30 minutes ago, Katanaa said:

(Art by Dilong) 

Common Name: Hatzegopteryx

Species: Hatzegopteryx kukulkan

Time: Late Cretaceous

Diet: Carnivore 

Temperament: Highly aggressive 


“Seeing a creature not fully corrupted in the wastelands is extraordinarily rare, if not thought impossible, until today that is, Hatzegopteryx Kukulkan is a savage monster of the skies, as of writing this I’m observing it tearing into the element vein towers that scatter the wastes!

Additionally it’s defending itself from any corrupted creatures with dangerously quick efficiency, be it slugging them on the ground with its heavy fists or shredding them apart with its massive maw. While it's not the greatest at flying, it sure isn’t the best to combat in the sky, as it seemingly has a tactic to effectively grapple a creature out of the skies and slam it into the earth!” 


“Despite its sheer ferocity, there does seem to be evidence that it can be domesticated, Hatzegopteryx seems to enjoy the thrill of battle, even from a young age, so any good adversary that can gain its respect may let it domesticate it. Though, you’d have to be utterly insane to even attempt that!

All things considered however, a domesticated Hatzegopteryx would in theory be excellent for taking on hordes of corrupteds and gathering their nodules, additionally it would be great for harvesting the rich amount of element those corrupted spires contain.”  



Hello Extinction survivors, I present Hatzegopteryx Kukulkan as my submission! This fierce pterosaur will show you efficiency on both land and sky combat, while also giving you an excellent counter to corrupted creatures (let's be honest, enforcers are bad) and even the titans! I hope you enjoy this submission, as it was a collaborative effort with Tweee. 


Now onto the  summary!

- 1.5-2x the size of a quetzal.

- Receives the “Titan slayer” buff when fighting against a titan, this buff gives it 30% damage reduction and a 15% damage boost, additionally it is unaffected by any of the special abilities the titans have, the forest titans uprooting for example. 

- Has a passive 10% damage boost and reduction against corrupted creatures. This counts for tumors as well.

- Is the best at gathering element dust, element shards, element and corrupted nodules from element veins. 

- After defeating any of the titans, you are able to make a platform saddle for it, though “outpost” saddle is more fitting. This unique tek-platform-saddle comes equipped with a built-in TEK generator, though you need to supply the saddle with element to keep it running of course. When clinged to a surface, on ground or flight it will shift its position to conform with the Hatzegopteryx body.

- This platform saddle is smaller than the Quetzal platform saddle, and Hatzegopteryx does carry less weight so it by no means invalidates Quetzal.

- This saddle also has a stationary mode for when you need creatures to come up onto the platform, this stationary mode will deploy a staircase.

- If fed element, it can become its own TEK saddle (somewhat similar to how Ferox function with element feeding, needs to be fed a certain amount) with 1 unique ability:

  - The  ability it can activate is “Element overflow” of which it is able to deal 10% more damage for 10% of its health taken away. Additionally, the attacks boosted by this cause mechanical creatures (Enforcers and what not) to malfunction and be stunned for a short while, though this has a grace period, This is essentially a trade-off type ability.   

- Can cling to surfaces similar to a Tapejara, but more like it brute forces itself onto the surface with its strength.

- Has its own unique apex drop called “Hatzegopteryx jaw” this item is required in the taming of Hatzegopteryx!


Suggested Base Stats:

Health: 1450
Stamina: 700
Oxygen: 150
Food: 1200
Weight: 600
Melee Damage: Found in the “Actions Section” per each attack.
Movement Speed: 100% (Not as fast as a wyvern, though it can sprint faster than a wyvern on the ground.)
Torpidity: N/A



Hatzegopteryx can be seen flying throughout the wastelands hunting corrupted creatures, though if you are spotted you will absolutely be targeted. It is most commonly found wherever an element vein may be. They may also be rarely found in the Sunken Forest.

Wild Baby Behavior:

Hatzegopteryx as babies in the wild share the same aggressiveness that adults do! However, they are a rare sight to see and have no use for Hatzegopteryx jaws (they do not drop them) and are unable to be tamed.

(Art done by Sovi)


Taming Process:

To tame a Hatzegopteryx you must first challenge it to a fight with a “Hatzegopteryx jaw” in your inventory, it will sense this and then begin to fight you as it sees you as a worthy adversary. When it gets to a low enough health point it will become “tired out” you must then use this opportunity to mount it, after that it will take off into the air, you must try to not get knocked off by rapid button mashing! If you fail, you’ll have to fight it again. 

- When you start breeding Hatzegopteryx, be wary of the babies as they will attack you at random! 


Alternate Taming Process suggestion:
(This is a complete alternative, I am not suggesting it as a dual taming method type creature. It would either be one or the other.)
Alternatively the sunken forest would have an area where wild Hatzegopteryx live when away from the wastelands, in this area Hatzegotperyx eggs may be found, though not without venturing deep within the tight caverns that seldom creatures fit without the threat of Hatzegopteryx spotting you.

– This is a complete alternative, mainly due to the fact that Extinction does not have a creature with an egg-steal method, while Scorched Earth, Aberration and Genesis 1 do.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully tamed a Hatzegopteryx! 


-  LMB (Or its controller equivalent): Performs a bite attack while in the air but a hook/punch while on the ground, with a base of 75 damage. Additionally this gathers from element nodes/veins. Either of the attacks inflict a bone-break type debuff, which causes a mild slow in speed and attacks.

-  RMB (Or its controller equivalent): Locks onto a flier of large enough size (Argentavis and up) and then proceeds to grapple onto them, this will cause it to rapidly descend into the ground and slam the enemy, the base damage increases the higher you go, ranging from 70 at the lowest to 150 at the highest, however taking 5% of health. Both Hatzegopteryx and the enemy flier will be unable to fly for a short while as well.

Though this attack can miss and will cost a chunk of stamina and may not be used immediately after, so it's recommended to only do it on near wyvern sized fliers, this counts for gliding Rock Drakes or jumping Managarmr as well.

  - This attack will also allow you to cling onto the tumors on titans and shred them, which costs heavy stamina to stay on however.

- C (Or controller equivalent): Aesthetic roar.

- X (Or controller equivalent): Activates “Element overflow” when fed with enough element.

- Spacebar (Or controller equivalent): Flight

- Shift (Or controller equivalent): Sprinting on both land and sky.

- Looking downwards: Gliding similar to Desmodus.


Utility & Scenarios:

PvE: While at first glance Hatzegopteryx may seem to lean far into a PvP niche, it does not, it is incredibly useful for its element vein gathering capabilities, moreover it is great for clearing out both sky and ground threats on OSD’s. Additionally, it is perfect to bring along for titan fights, especially against the desert titan. 

PvP: Hatzegopteryx has excellence in a PvP niche as well, being able to effectively tackle other apex fliers is handy, especially since it is able to close the range between it and a wyvern for example, moreover it is able to combat Managarmrs with its grapple attack. And with its “Element overflow” ability, it's able to combat Meks as well. 

Counter: Hatzegopteryx is worse at sky combat than ground combat, so you can effectively use a fast flier to dodge its grapple attack. After that, you may attack at it until it can perform another grapple, though it's still best to watch out for its attacks, as it still does a hefty amount of damage. It's best to combat a Hatzegopteryx on the ground with an equal ground mount, such as a Rex.  

To conclude this submission, I believe Hatzegopteryx has a good niche carved out for what Extinction offers in terms of gameplay, filling in an otherwise untouched niche. While yes enforcer “covers it already” enforcers are just bad and not suited for late game, and is the main reason for Hatzegopteryx’s niche.  Additionally, I believe there is a good balance between its PvP and PvE prowess, though that's up to you of course!

Besides all that, I hope you enjoyed reading through the submission and vote for it in the end!

Other interpretations:





Spiecies: Hatzegopteryx thambema
Time: Maastrichtian of the Cretaceous.
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Aggressive 

I never imagined I would see such a big bird that seems to almost rival the mighty Quetzalcoatl in size! They do not seem to be very friendly to humans, and larger creatures don't seem to be interesting to them at all. They seem to mostly fly around the big buildings at the center of the map, it seems almost impossible for one to even come near to these flying beasts, and it seems that they almost never need to land to rest their mighty wings. Domesticating this wild creature might be near impossible.



Some survivors have attempted taming the beasts and after many failed attempts with many deaths as a result they finally succeeded in taming these flying titans. The method that ended up being a success is rather morbid though. They were taunting the beasts and since they are aggressive towards humans by nature it made them follow them home in rage. They then took out living baby dinosaurs, this made the creature stop its wrath for a short moment and it then switched target to the baby dinosaurs. The insane survivors then fed it baby dinosaurs and that kept the creature docile until it was completely domesticated by mankind. 


When a domesticated Hatzegopteryx seems to be an all around good flier although it doesn't have the mighty weight of a Quetzalcoatl or the speed of a pteradon, this bird is one of the mightiest air fighters ever seen. Even seems to have a kind of fighting instinct that lets it lock on to dinosaurs going into a kind of state of rapid positional changes much like the Tapejara way of flying through the air. They seems to have a certain ability to eat up small dinosaurs and getting more meat out of them, even getting prime meat out of smaller sized dinosaurs too, and if that isn't enough it has picked up a tendency if it is left by a creature its owner is in the process of taming, it will use its mighty wings to blow away hostile dinosaurs and scream to alert its owner. It has the will to save its owner from danger by flying over them, grabbing them with its beak and throwing them onto their saddle if called for.


It will have less weight than a Quetzalcoatl

But will be rather slower than a Pteranodon, but not as slow as a Quetzalcoatl.



  • On the ground: Left mouse button will cause the beast to attack (if done against small creatures it will instakill it).

  • While flying: Left mouse button will cause normal attacks similar to the very similar to a Quetzalcoatl.



  • On the ground: Pressing spacebar makes it take off into the air

  • While flying: Holding spacebar makes it glide down through the air, much like the Rockdrake but with the advantage of already being able to fly.

  • Gliding makes it regain some stamina since it's almost resting while gliding down which is also well combined with the 5v4J6NxXkG8l_sqXwgnmoZx82njfovpTbMNfmZSRyHxRUsEE0c_HHfldAbR4ypa6qOJZVXW107ssSRR16G8CYvJCvKf64LL6oRjeSfk-Z7acA9bBB1Sm_ZFPEGod0epDi3cWi8vUHyCcds8BxrfSIr8 button that creates a big burst of speed sending the beast dashing forward


Right click: locks on to a target for a short while, if held it will keep its focus on the nearest dinosaur(if done in the air it will hover like a Tapejara, to make combat easier)


C button 


  • On the ground: Will make it flap its win in front of it making knocking back dinosaurs, even doing a little bit of damage 

  • While flying: Will make it do a dash in the targeted direction making it dive into the target doing a good amount of damage to the target and making them bleed for a short period of time. But this will also be consuming a large amount of stamina, can also be used to give the glide more momentum and travel far distances fast.




  • On the ground: Lets the Hatzegopteryx grab creatures in certain sizes with  its beak and carry them around.

  • While flying: It will also carry creatures but if used on a bigger hostile dinosaur it will apply a temporary bleed to the target.



  • Rescue mode: Holding the d2VrbtrDpwSNjeS6i81OxPo_gOSSdgiuh6B00dWkXftuyKBcWhL_QD0ji82JynRqMbZK25hHSne6Wrb0mr2hWVyPhNyHSkFHoUk7voy5qUgglHllkj81vgSToZQnyAHx4Aaid9nyYpdrVJ8ZePDRet0 button on the Hatzegopteryx will open the interaction wheel for the dinosaur and there will be an option called Rescue mode. 


  • With rescue mode enabled: If called upon with a whistle the Hatzegopteryx will instantly fly to its owners rescue by picking them up with its beak and throwing them onto their saddle saving them from danger.


Taming protection
It has by default the ability if it is left by a creature its owner is in the process of taming, it will use its mighty wings to blow away hostile dinosaurs and scream to alert its owner.


Meat gather:
When killing small creatures such as Dodo’s, compy’s, Dilo’s and Oviraptor’s, they will get insta killed and consumed immediately. They will get more meat and have a big chance to also get prime meat from them, even though they are smaller dinosaurs.This will also apply to babies.


Well feed boost:
When the Hatzegopteryx eats a baby dinosaur it will gain temporary increased speed and decreased stamina consumption(the speed will rival that of the wyvern).


The Hatzegoperyx is by nature aggressive towards humans, so it will chase anyone in a deep rage. By luring the Hatzegoperytx to your home and show them a baby dinosaur, it will immediately switch target from you to the dinosaur, by feeding them the baby dinosaur it will progress the tamebar and the Hatzegoperytx will remain calm as long as you keep feeding it. You will have to do this until it's completely domesticated. 

My submission from last time

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While I think the various saddle options are interesting, i'm a bit confused by the sizing of this fella. If it's going to be 1.5-2x the size of a quetzal, the saddle's platform being smaller than Quetzal's is really bizarre to me. So far it sounds like a significantly better Quetzal, so personally I think just making it slightly bigger than Quetz with a bigger saddle, is a totally reasonable option.

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  • Katanaa changed the title to (NEW ART!) Hatzegopteryx Kukulkan - The corruption devourer!
  • Katanaa changed the title to Hatzegopteryx Kukulkan - Lord of the Skies! (NEW ART!)
  • Katanaa changed the title to (DOSSIER AND NEW SKETCHES) Hatzegopteryx Kukulkan - Lord of the skies!


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