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Miracinonyx, The Hazard-Deploying Speed Demon


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"Will the Miracinonyx be resubmitted if it loses?"
I'll resubmit it for Valguero.
But after that, I'm done with it.
I want move on and make new creature ideas for future votes.




From the same creator as the Ornimegalonyx and the Armadillosuchus
The Miracinonyx!
The ultimate embracer of SPEED CREEP

I used to believe that Gallimimus were the fastest sprinters of this ecosystem - that was, until I witnessed Miracinonyx rapidos. It appeared out of the bushes as a mere blur, whizzing the air behind it as it blitzed forwards. Before I had even realized it, it had already killed a Gallimimus.

I hope you’re well prepared to ride a Miracinonyx, because their speed is overwhelming. I’d compare the force of their initial velocity to the rush of a roller coaster launch - and much like any roller coaster, you better be holding on damn tight, because this fervent feline will send you shooting up nearly-vertical cliffs and speeding across bodies of water. If you can stomach the g-force, you’ll be able to take advantage of its speed in crafty ways - most notably by laying waste to everything you run past. You'll be able to leave a trail of fire in your wake, or perhaps toss aside explosives for a bombing run. Kind of reminds me of an old racing video game that I forgot the name of…



What does it do?


The Miracinonyx aims to be the fastest creature in the entire game - surpassing even the speediest DLC mounts. With it, you'll be able to rush across the surface of water, shoot right up cliffs, and bolt through any dense, complex terrain in mere seconds. So whether you're faced with the most rugged of canyons, the widest of oceans, or the densest forest floors, the Miracinonyx is sure to let you quickly overcome any landscape and get you from point A to B with lightning-fast velocity.

This is a mount made for absolute speed demons

That said, it's also capable of pulling off some craftily combative tricks. With blazing agility, it can spark up some heat and trap foes in trails of fire. Even snarkier is its ability to run up to a target and quickly slip an active bear trap, grenade, or other primed weapon right under their feet. Should all else fail, a well-timed speedy swipe is sure to deal some sufficient hit-and-run damage.

After a long day of running, the Miracinonyx would be more than happy to turn a few rocks into scratching posts, grinding chunks of it into fine sparkpowder.


Extra Notes:

  • Receives no fall damage.

  • Possesses some degree of swimming/paddling. Can transition from swimming to running atop the water.

  • Default sprinting speed is akin to that of a Managarmr.

  • Sprinting speed upon using its Maximum Boost ability lets it just barely surpass the TEK Skiff.




[C/Crouch] - Style Switch

The Miracinonyx has four different Styles that it can switch into, each with its own gimmick.

Standard Style: 

The default mode. Allows the Miracinonyx to use its standard [Mouse1] attack.


Hazard Deployment Style:

In this Style, the Miracinonyx’s [Mouse1] attack is replaced with an aiming reticle that allows the player to throw any deployable traps or explosives on the run in Mario Kart-fashion. Deployables must be in your inventory beforehand, and you can cycle through which one you wish to throw.

If you deploy a trap (such as a plant species Y or bear trap), it’ll be instantly ready the moment it hits the ground, while an explosive (such as grenades and plant species Z fruit) will have a quicker fuse time.

There is no cooldown or limit to how many deployables you can throw per second, so theoretically (and if your Miracinonyx has enough weight), you could run through an open field and completely spam it in hundreds of bombs or bear traps in mere seconds, transforming any empty space into a crazy minefield within the blink of an eye.


Blazing Style:

In this Style, the Miracinonyx sparks its claws ablaze through friction. Holding down [Mouse1] will create a fire trail as you run. The Miracinonyx requires sparkpowder in its inventory to produce a fire trail, and it depletes through it quite rapidly.


Leisure Travel Style: 

In this Style, the Miracinonyx will autonomously swerve around nearby obstacles, such as rocks, trees, and creatures.

(If auto-dodging is too much of a pain for Wildcard to program, they could alternatively just make it burst through obstacles like the Andrewsarchus does)

This would allow players to leisurely travel through the densest forest floors at high speed without the inconvenience of getting snagged on a tree trunk or rock. However, you cannot attack while in this Style.


[Mouse1] - Speed Swipe (Requires Standard Style)

Tap [Mouse1] to perform a normal attack, much like any other creature. However, if you hold [Mouse1] while sprinting, you’ll begin charging up a powerful swipe attack. While charging, a meter appears on the screen. The meter contains a slim green bar, followed by a large red bar, while an arrow glides across the meter. Time the meter correctly and land on the green bar to deal high damage!


... But if you mistime the attack and release on the red bar (or if you stop sprinting) you’ll fumble the swipe.



A good sense of distance and delay-prediction are needed to perform landing a perfectly-timed swipe on your target.


[Mouse2] - Maximum Boost 

Hold down [Mouse2] to cause the Miracinonyx to rocket forwards at speeds so great, it becomes a blur. While under the effects of this super-speedy boost, turning becomes harder, but you can zip across the surface of water. If Leisure Travel Style is selected when using Maximum Boost, it has the additional benefit of destroying trees and rocks on the run.


While speeding, you'll be able to drift by quickly readjusting your direction. If you're good at controlling the drift, then you'll be able to masterfully overcome this ability's innate turn speed reduction.


Maximum Boost can be held for as long as you like, but once you let go, a cooldown will occur. Bumping into any non-destructible objects - such as a wall, or too steep a slope - will forcibly halt the ability to an end.


[Spacebar] - Clamber Up

Press [Spacebar] to jump, or hold [Spacebar] to charge up an even greater jump.

If you double tap Spacebar] when against a wall, you will latch onto it and can climb.

If you hold [Spacebar] when against a very large creature, like a Bronto, you will also climb up it. Upon reaching its top, you’ll leap off its back and gain a speed boost.



[Melee/Pistol Whip] - Scratching Post

Use this interaction to scratch the Miracinonyx’s claws against a rock. Doing so will sharpen the Miracinonyx’s claws and grant it a temporary damage boost.

As a bonus, you’ll scrape out a sizable chunk of sparkpowder from the rock: a resource that no existing creature can farm. Alternatively, you can scratch a tree, which will yield thatch.



[Radial Menu Interaction] - Cuddle For Warmth

Give some nice pats to your fellow Miracinonyx and gain a temporary boost to insulation (thanks to Stewbarry3.14 for suggesting this humorously loveable idea).



𝕋𝔼𝕂 𝕊𝕒𝕕𝕕𝕝𝕖:


Through the use of a TEK Saddle, the Miracinonyx’s Blazing Style is modified. Instead of fire trails, it will instead produce trails of physical barriers, and require Element as fuel. Barriers persist for a long duration, but enemies can damage them to make them disappear faster.



Taming Process

Baby Miracinonyx are found hiding in bushes or tight corners in the wild, shy of everything that wanders by. Players must approach carefully and repeatedly feed it meat to gain its trust.


But beware of its parents, which lurk around the vicinity. Should the baby be startled, its nearby parents will immediately attack anything responsible for scaring it. If you do manage to tame it, the baby will be imprinted to you, and must be raised from there on.

Even when in the safety of human care, the baby Miracinonyx remains an incredibly nervous creature. You won't be able to complete the imprinting process by yourself. In order to give your Miracinonyx the full enrichment it deserves, pair it with a "companion dog" (Like a Direwolf, Ravager, or other similarly-sized creature). Much like how real cheetahs are raised in captivity, this companion will help you get the full imprint potential out of your baby.




Thanks for reading.
I'll be reading the comments of this submission whenever I can, so feel free to leave any suggestions.


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I hope this one wins, but what you should do is have the tek saddle allow this to do one of two things. Be fast enough to run on water or be fast enough to run in water. Like similar to the flight cheat commands but only in water, giving it 360% of motion as its running. This is just a weird idea that I had for it. But I don't know, it sound to hard. Anyways, I hope you do Good!!

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On 8/4/2023 at 9:28 PM, AudioDK said:

I really like this creature, but I don't know if The Center is the place for it. I think it's better suited for Crystal Isles, Valguero, or Eden on Genesis 2.

This isn't a creature solely built for open space. It's a flexible, all-terrain mount that is comfortable with virtually any terrain. The Center is full of rugged landscapes and patches of water, and travel is what came to mind for me.

Besides that, I made a promise that I was going to have it return to voting for the Center after I pulled it off the Aberration votes.

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1 hour ago, OverRannus said:

I hope this one wins, but what you should do is have the tek saddle allow this to do one of two things. Be fast enough to run on water or be fast enough to run in water. Like similar to the flight cheat commands but only in water, giving it 360% of motion as its running. This is just a weird idea that I had for it. But I don't know, it sound to hard. Anyways, I hope you do Good!!

It's already capable of running on water without needing the TEK saddle. The Center is full of water so I decided it would be too much of a hassle to get the TEK saddle for it just to overcome water. It should be already naturally capable of having some form of aquatic traversal.

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  • Shockal changed the title to Miracinonyx, The Hazard-Deploying Speed Demon


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