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6 hours ago, UnknowUserZ said:

If you Gigantoraptor regalimaia doesn't win in this creature vote, maybe it would be better next you reuse those same ideas but putting it in a creature  that would match more, like Maiasaura, would make more sense.

I would agree, if oviraptorans as a whole weren't known for fossils of them literally buried alive over their nests. The first fossils were thought to be them getting unlucky when raiding a nest, but on further research it was found that the eggs belonged to the buried parent.

Maiasaura is great and all, but people already know that they're great parents, it's literally in the name. Oviraptors still have that stigma of being egg thieves, and while some of them probably could've stolen eggs, it'd be nice to not have the exact same "I steal eggs" representation across almost all of paleo media

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my suggestion to bring a camouflage for the cubs to be more difficult to visualize and a wing push attack like the wyverns that would throw the enemy far away in addition to bringing a stomp that would intimidate smaller creatures and would do a good damage to the larger creatures coldown of 40 to 60 seconds and base damage 55


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Hey all!  🙂  Quiet monitor of community suggestions speaking up for the first time.  So be gentle in your responses!  ROFL  Ragnarok is a favorite map of mine, so I had to speak up.  I really like this entry, I believe it has a unique perspective that if applied properly, it can magnify enjoyment in all modes and playstyles.  BTW, I prefer the author's artwork concept, just a matter of opinion.  As a creature of luxury (Promising reductions in a ton of grinding as a trade to original thinking in its taming process.), I believe it also deserves some cosmetics to suit that end.  

A suggestion that I would offer would be that its usefulness is totally dependent on its level.  I mean, what is wrong with the thinking that it would take a minimum level 150 to even hatch a Gigasaurus, while a level 25 could hatch a parasaur.  But it would take a level 250 to get the Giga egg hatched in shorter time with a higher tendency towards mutations and buffs as if the egg had been hatched in the wild.  And/or that it earns its own abilities through its level or stat.  Like it must be level 125 to avoid eggs being stolen or a stat 60 melee to be able to engage parental fury buff.  Or a combo of level 140 and health stat of 45 to provide a buff to mammalians around it to shorten gestation.  Etc. etc.  The numbers that I threw out there are examples only. And obviously we don't want it overpowered so some of this may be OP, but with some of these incorporated it would be desirable in either PVE or PVP.

For my first outspoken post, this is long enough!  LOL
Just a viewpoint or two.  Laterz! 

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