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Breeding Argy


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Hey everyone. This is going to be my first time breeding to try to get a good line going, so I wanted to know if anyone had any good advice. Right now, I'm still trying to tame the initial breeding stock and am struggling with knowing what are good stats. So, if anyone has any input on that specifically that would be great. 

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Basics: You want multi air conditioners in a U shape to keep the egg at the right temperature. Once the correct temperature is achieved, you got to wait for the egg to hatch on its own and then IMMEDIATLY!!!! claim the baby and put raw meat into its inventory, do not wait and do not get overwhelmed if you have triplets or quadruplets. They will not hold much so be prepared to keep hand feeding the baby like this until it turns into a juvenile. Once it turns into a juvenile, it will eat out of the trough.
Now as for if it needs raw meat, or if it can eat cooked, Im unsure, but I always felt raw was more appropriate.
Depending on your settings in solo, or if on official, you will have a couple of "imprints" where the baby will ask for a random favor. Walk, cuddle, kibbble......if you don't have kibble, you can use a cryopod and then throw the baby out and it can ask for a different favor....Id also strongly recommend cryopodding them up if your server continues running when you log out....I had 5 yuties die on me from starvation overnight on a live server.
Keep em fed, keep on the imprints, and when they are mature, you will have a bird with some of the exact same stats from mom and the rest from dad. Plus if you did a full blown imprint without mistakes, they will do 30% more damage and take 30% less damage!

Advanced: Same as above, but you must determine if the bird has the stats you "want"....say mom has high health but poor melee, but dad has good melee and bad health, if the baby does not have both the good stats, you take it outside of your base, unclaim, and allow to starve. Then repeat the breeding process till you get the correct stats. Then breed the offspring with one of the parents to continue until you have an opposite gender of the perfect offspring. Once you get two argies with the perfect stats, you can continue breeding this set until you get a mutation.....Mutations will have a higher level than the parents, if you never allowed the parents to level up. 
Weather or not this mutation is something you want is purely up to luck and RNG....Sometimes its a good one, on an argy it can be weight, melee, or even health. However an extra stat in oxygen would be considered a wasted mutation, and thus this argy is a junk argy and should not be bred {offspring will continue to hold this mutation and thus would not be ideal to breed with}

In my honest opinion however, just getting two high level argies and breeding them, then taking those baby argies out and leveling them up should be good enough for most anyone. The mutated argies are not exactly game changing important, not like a theri or a rex.

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1 minute ago, wizard03 said:

In my honest opinion however, just getting two high level argies and breeding them, then taking those baby argies out and leveling them up should be good enough for most anyone. The mutated argies are not exactly game changing important, not like a theri or a rex.

What would be considered high level argys? Is it just their level that matters, or the actual stats?

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7 minutes ago, ArkLover7891 said:

What would be considered high level argys? Is it just their level that matters, or the actual stats?

I personally just wing it.....If its a 120 or better, Im all over it. While on legacy I had to start beating off 150's XD
But if you look up the wiki on them, use the little calculator they offer and find whats most important to you.....Some people want them for metal hauling, so they look at the weight stat.....health to take some beatings, stamina to fly longer {that one is prolly the most important}, but some want a jack of all trades, and thus they also want quite a bit of melee to do some hide or meat runs.
I liked the jack of all trades, so I went with melee and health before much else. However stamina was right behind those......gotta have the ability to fly AND kick ass.
 Argentavis - Official ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki (gamepedia.com)

After you get em tamed, aim for 5k health, and 500 melee.......after that, the rest is up to you.....I usually can take on alpha raptors and carno's easily with these stats.....You "can" try to take them on before these stats are achived, but you got to be on the uphill side of an incline, and you got to time you shots in order to take full advantage of the knock back effect.

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3 hours ago, ArkLover7891 said:

Hey everyone. This is going to be my first time breeding to try to get a good line going, so I wanted to know if anyone had any good advice. Right now, I'm still trying to tame the initial breeding stock and am struggling with knowing what are good stats. So, if anyone has any input on that specifically that would be great. 

You want to start with at least 50 tamed points in a breeding stat for flyers. Flyers don't get wasted points into movement speed so it's easier ti find 50 point starts. 

I bred Argy's a long time. I had them popping at level 325 with no mutations. 

Base stats were 4161 hp, 1560 stam, 800 wt, 431 melee (1005 Oxygen and 13000 food too but that was just to do). I'd say 4k hp, 1400 st, 800 wt, 385 melee would be minimum recommended starting stats but take your time and really hunt them down. There are so many on Ragnarok between blue ob, Ice Cave, Canyon, Murder Snow, desert, and below Wyvern cove. Just keep knocking them out and taming or be a little pickiervand only tame 30+ wild point stats. 

With a high starting weight they are super easy raises because they hold a lot of food fast and eat pretty slow. 

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