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Transfer bug!!


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So yesterday I transfered to my abberation  base on offical an when it prompted me to spawn at my tek sleeping pod I clicked the bed then I spawned in portal without a tribe same character no duplication of character my base even had the orp count down as if I was instantly  kicked from my own tribe has anyone else experienced  this after recent update?

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11 minutes ago, Lycan187u said:

I spawned In portal not at base without a tribe

Okay, so if you come back tomorrow, it is quite possible that you are back in your tribe. This annoying bug is annoying. The other way is to get somebody to let you back into the tribe. If you check the tribe from another player, you can see that your character is still in there. But it says you are offline. Basically the server fudged. But in about a day or several hours, the bug will probably correct itself.

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