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Q&A for new ark players to pvp


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So here is some things you should be aware of before we get started, the pvp aspect of this game can be intense, frustrating, and a down right pain in the ass. Ark is a survival game so no there is no fair play at all on a pvp server, that being said I'll go into some of why things are happening to you or will happen to you if this isn't heeded. 

Most(if not all) servers have an established alpha tribe that will see your little thatch house on the beach and say "Who the hell is this building on my server?" Then wipe your little base just because they can. 

Q. Why would an alpha/mega tribe do this? I'm only lvl 8 and no threat to them. My buddies and I only have a dilo and dodos.

A. They have absolutely zero reason to let you build/lvl up/ and tame to the point where you could be a problem not to mention the fact that most of them just won't want to share the resources on the map.

Q. ok, so how do I avoid this frustrating fact of ark that will lead me to server hopping/quitting the game?

A. First off, my personal recommendation is to join an already established tribe. Make friends, pay your dues. Do this and the leader of the said alpha tribe might just say "Ok these guys are cool, they aren't here to start problems. They just want to play and would be beneficial to have as an ally tribe if we let them have their own space." Second off, if you don't want to do that. Best thing to do is announce yourself when you come onto a server and ask for permission, build up, trade with the alpha. Again prove you aren't there to cause problems and can be a valuable asset to the server. Warning, this route doesn't guarantee they will give permission but it will save you time in building up just to get wiped.

Q. Alright, how do I join an already established tribe?

A. You're on the official site aren't you? Find the tribes section and start looking, I recommend being picky and trying to find the right group the first time will save you time and frustration. You can always ask on a server who is recruiting but a lot of tribes are nervous about picking up new people in game like that.

General tips: If you are new and frustrated

Take a step back and breath, just a game. 

Don't resort to trying to griefing/insiding. It never pays off in the long run and if that tribe is big enough or has enough friends you will find that reputation chasing you around. From experience(not from me doing the trolling but the hunting), pissing off a mega tribe means they will wipe entire servers just to get to you and/or they will hunt you down and have the ppl/resources to make sure you never play that character again and have to make a new one.

Alright, if you have specific questions outside of what I've covered here just ask. I'll answer as time allows

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1 minute ago, SmokeyB said:

What If I want to play with my two real life friends and don't want a tribe full of no lifers,  little kids and Americans and I want to actually pvp

Like I said, get in with an already established tribe. Maybe a small one that is cool to be on that server? idk what to tell you on your entire list of wants cause avoiding all three of those is gonna be a pain. You could be those guys that troll servers but I wouldn't expect to get much done. Besides, being in a tribe with no lifers isn't necessarily the issue. It just becomes one when they expect you to become a no lifer, find one that doesn't expect that.

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never give up. thats a good motto for PVP. because more likely than not, someone will wipe you out. when they do, you can't just lose hope and stop playing. 

thats how these big established tribes managed making it so far. how did they get past being raided and wiped over and over again? well in order to get past something on a one way street, you have to go through it. 99% of the tribes (can't confirm if accurate statistic) who have managed to grow and become big have went through the same struggle a low level beach noob has to endure. 

darwins theory of natural selection plays a major role in the PVP aspect of this game. survival of the fittest. you must adapt and learn from your mistakes. if you take the time to analyze the situation when you get raided/wiped rather than freak out or give up, you will learn so much more. think about what you should and shouldn't say in chat, who to ally with, where to build, how to properly structure your defenses, when to raid and when to observe...all of these things play an important role in the longetivity of your playtime on PVP

i remember thinking that it was the end of the world when i was a level 30 with a 3x3 stone hut and i got wiped. now i have so many turrets that it's a chore to place them all and fill them with bullets. not a soul has been able to touch my base. 

its a game of metal jujitsu. we've all lost tames and bases and resources, it's the ones who are still playing after these losses who have learned to cope with loss and defeat.

i could drag this post on and on, but writing much more than this won't help. i can't personally give you a key that guarantees that you'll be an alpha tribe or survive against one. your absolute greatest friend is experience. i hate to say it, but you absolutely must learn from your own actions and losses before you can effectively PVP

good luck to those who are giving it a go. in my opinion, PVP is leagues better than PVE and i would get bored in a single day playing a PVE server...but that's just me! there are so many people who play ark solely for PVE and that's cool, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that; however, playing PVP requires a different mindset and you have to be prepared to lose everything you have.

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30 minutes ago, Glerian said:

I don't think Velarius understands what "PVP" means. He just wants a private server, without having to pay for one. Which isn't the spirit of PVP, where you fight other players to see who is the best, not wipe other players to prevent a challenge of any kind. This is the very definition of a toxic Alpha tribe.

While you are talking your B.S. keep in mind this was an evaluation of 98% of current 'alpha' tribes and getting through to be successful as while you are accusing me of things. I don't wipe thatch houses or noobs, but most alpha tribes are in fact "toxic Alpha tribes". Also no most of them don't want you to get to the point of challenging them. As I said at the start of my topic, pvp is often a frustrating pain in the ass, due to such things. Take your garbage elsewhere if you are spoiling to argue with someone. Demigod has the right of it for the most part, and he was able to express himself in an intelligent fashion without trying to point fingers and start a fight.

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24 minutes ago, jaypak said:

iv always stood outside the little thatch and wood houses using mic to tell the occupants to come out. after like 3 minutes they feel they have no choice but to open there door and they have no idea what to expect

after the door opens i press o and unload all the sht (picks, clothes, resource) i have in my argy/whatever then carry on doing what i am doing

alpha and big enuth tribes dont need to raid little bases or or anyone on the beaches. the stuff you end up with in your flyer from alpha hunts and other stuff if nuthing to us but to a little guy on the beach its a lot... only asshats and dkheads with little cks raid beach dwellers/new players

Thats about sums up what I do unless they've proven to be a troll on the server but a lot of alpha tribes don't want new people on the server and I was trying to answer the why of it as well as offer some advice but ty for showing the others there are people who aren't just complete asshats.

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2 minutes ago, SmokeyB said:

Alphas don't wipe because scared of competition,  they wipe because you are blocking spawns,  are in the way and messing up the beach 

You'd be surprised, I've run into plenty that do. They call it server defense lol. Many of them will do it just because they can as stated before.

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1 hour ago, Velarius said:

While you are talking your B.S. keep in mind this was an evaluation of 98% of current 'alpha' tribes and getting through to be successful as while you are accusing me of things. I don't wipe thatch houses or noobs, but most alpha tribes are in fact "toxic Alpha tribes". Also no most of them don't want you to get to the point of challenging them. As I said at the start of my topic, pvp is often a frustrating pain in the ass, due to such things. Take your garbage elsewhere if you are spoiling to argue with someone. Demigod has the right of it for the most part, and he was able to express himself in an intelligent fashion without trying to point fingers and start a fight.

Nah I'm good right here. See, the point of PVP, is Player VERSUS Player. This is not something that you can get if, as you openly admitted you do, attack day 1 noobs on the beach to proactively prevent competition. The fun of PVP is conflict, competition. That is where you get those thrilling raid stories, or tales of desperate battles. What YOU do is lock your server down so you are the only ones playing on it, scouring any new sources of competition before they get fun. Cool, if that is how you want to play that is your business. But don't act like it is normal, or fun, or even all that prevalent. That kind of behavior turns a fun game where players fight players, into a lone group of guys mining resources for themselves and never actually fighting anyone, except to burn their thatch houses to the ground with a wyvern.

MOST Alpha tribes I've met are decent people, not smug noob hunters. MOST Alpha tribes don't care about a thatch house so long as you aren't blocking resources.

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12 hours ago, Glerian said:

Nah I'm good right here. See, the point of PVP, is Player VERSUS Player. This is not something that you can get if, as you openly admitted you do, attack day 1 noobs on the beach to proactively prevent competition. The fun of PVP is conflict, competition. That is where you get those thrilling raid stories, or tales of desperate battles. What YOU do is lock your server down so you are the only ones playing on it, scouring any new sources of competition before they get fun. Cool, if that is how you want to play that is your business. But don't act like it is normal, or fun, or even all that prevalent. That kind of behavior turns a fun game where players fight players, into a lone group of guys mining resources for themselves and never actually fighting anyone, except to burn their thatch houses to the ground with a wyvern.

MOST Alpha tribes I've met are decent people, not smug noob hunters. MOST Alpha tribes don't care about a thatch house so long as you aren't blocking resources.

These big tribes with servers locked down do fight other people and have competition.  Their competitors are on other servers that they have locked down. There is lots of player vs player fights for them,  they don't need to let people they don't know build up and pvp them on their farming server,  that's counter productive,  much better to have a low pop low lag server with lots of spawns and send the other tribes to one of these "cool" alphas that just let's anyone build. You can always go that server to raid them anyway.

You only have to be alpha one week to realise that these small tribes add nothing to the server. They won't help defend against trolls,  they will probably cry for help when attacked and they bring all their drama with them from other servers.

The only alphas that let random build up are the alphas that are waiting to be wiped and just don't know it yet. What do you think those beach noobs will do if left alone for months and allowed to tame 20 Gigas and quetz?  That's right they will come and offline raid you at 6am. 

Power always goes to peoples heads,  if you let them get strong enough they will turn on you. And every extra bullet they get to make is an extra minute tanking later so it makes sense to hit them early so less time standing around tanking bullets. 

The truth is as alpha you already have everything,  even if you let them build for months they still won't have any decent gear or bps that you don't have already so there is no incentive to let them grow as they are not even worth farming for stuff.


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17 hours ago, SmokeyB said:

These big tribes with servers locked down do fight other people and have competition.  Their competitors are on other servers that they have locked down. There is lots of player vs player fights for them,  they don't need to let people they don't know build up and pvp them on their farming server,  that's counter productive,  much better to have a low pop low lag server with lots of spawns and send the other tribes to one of these "cool" alphas that just let's anyone build. You can always go that server to raid them anyway.

You only have to be alpha one week to realise that these small tribes add nothing to the server. They won't help defend against trolls,  they will probably cry for help when attacked and they bring all their drama with them from other servers.

The only alphas that let random build up are the alphas that are waiting to be wiped and just don't know it yet. What do you think those beach noobs will do if left alone for months and allowed to tame 20 Gigas and quetz?  That's right they will come and offline raid you at 6am. 

Power always goes to peoples heads,  if you let them get strong enough they will turn on you. And every extra bullet they get to make is an extra minute tanking later so it makes sense to hit them early so less time standing around tanking bullets. 

The truth is as alpha you already have everything,  even if you let them build for months they still won't have any decent gear or bps that you don't have already so there is no incentive to let them grow as they are not even worth farming for stuff.


Ty for this, at least someone knows the truth of this. Glerian doesn't get it while they are pointing fingers and the like. Point being a lot of servers are locked down by some alpha or another and they have no incentives to let you build. Thus the wiping of noobs before they can actually pose a threat. As my original post suggested.

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