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Any good methods to tame a quetzel solo without another queztel


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Hey guys! First of, thanks a bunch for all the replies! Pretty amazing. ;)

Alright, so yeah I still don't know what's wrong with the scorp method, but I am going to retry that (probably today). 

On 1/15/2016 at 6:06 AM, Danouk said:

Ok without knowing where this happen I can guess you were in the area what I called the Bermuda Triangle for quetz. The area is 50/50. Some players have X plants on their quetzel so when the wild quetzel gets to that location it's like it's near the quetzel with the Xplants and it gets shot down. I know that I stay away from that area with my quetzel because my framework gets down to 0 and I have difficulty getting out of there. My quetzel does not get shot down because I am on a PvE server and Xplants can't shoot tamed Dinos but that area does effect the quetzel anyway. 

But if you check the notes for the next patch you see the mention of the quetzel problem so I hope it gets fixed. 

So until it is fix try to stay away from that area. 50/50 is around the black sand beach. Just a side note if you are there with another bird you will see poop falling from the sky and even quetz eggs. Everything gets transported from a park quetzel in a base no matter where the base is. So never let a Dino on a quetzel or yourself log out the quetzel as the Dino or yourself might be transported to 50/50.

Yes Danouk, I've noticed that for some ungodly weird reason both times I did that it ended up going for that location. It is pretty weird and I don't believe any plants killed it, but it's the most "reasonable answer" i could find. Thanks man.

BTW, a few days ago a quetz was literally flying on top of my base (epic, right? xD) and I tried A LOT of times (and I mean, a lot!) riding an argent and then deploying a parachute. I believe that method is not functional anymore. I technically landed on top of the quetz a few times but the game just won't let you. It makes you slide down and fall... :P

So say, would it be better to take a scorpion with higher attack or lower? Thanks :D

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On 1/20/2016 at 6:19 PM, RevenantKitsune said:

Lame... I feel this should be a legitimate method.

Kinda agree, kinda don't. Its not very realistic that you can just stand on it the whole time while it flails about and you shoot it. But just the sheer absurdness, danger, and skill it takes to pull it off without dying I think makes it viable.

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Its possible but difficult, the way I did it was:

1) Get an argentavis

2) Get a scorpion and level up it's melee as high as you can

3) Pick up scorpion with your argentavis and whistle your scorpion into aggressive mode

4) Fly around till you find a quetz

5) Whistle for your scorpion to attack this target(the quetz)

6) After a while, may take upwards of 30 mins, the scorpion will knock the quetz unconscious. Make sure you wait 10secs in between hits so you get max topor


Takes a while but once you have a quetz you can build a saddle and just fly around, unmount and stand on the saddle, and tranq while still in the air

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Since you arent riding the scorp, yes dino damage needs to be on.  If your ok with adjusting settings, turn player damage up, and player resistance to 0, make sure your flying mount is following you.  Get above quetzal and then dismount and shoot as many tranqs as you can.  You wont take fall damage, so remount and repeat, just keep an eye on the quetz as you fall.  If you do the scorp method, try and get a 100+ and train it up a bunch first.  After the last patch, flyers take less damage, and tamed do less, so you really need that scorpions melee cranked up.

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Playing single player I brought down a Quetz with a argent carrying a scorpion.  The Q landed without dying but before I could start taming it my scorpion caught up and killed it.  I guess that is what is to be expected with a scorpion set to aggressive.  Well I said, "to heck with that!", and spawned one in a large, enclosed area and tamed it with tranqs and a crossbow.

My second and third Q's were subdued by giving chase with my first Q.  When I got in range I would stop my Q, dismount in the air, and shoot once or twice (longnecked rifle and darts).  Then remount my Q and give chase again.  I brought down a total of 4 Q's using this method.  But two of them landed right in front of a couple of Trexes--darn.  I only slipped once and needed my parachute.

For my next trick I am planning on putting a scorpion on a Quetz platform saddle, with railings, and setting it to aggressive.  Hopefully the railings will keep the scorpion in place long enough for me to whistle "all passive".  It should save on tranq darts.

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On 1/25/2016 at 7:42 PM, boblienhart said:

For my next trick I am planning on putting a scorpion on a Quetz platform saddle, with railings, and setting it to aggressive.  Hopefully the railings will keep the scorpion in place long enough for me to whistle "all passive".  It should save on tranq darts.

Didn't work!  With a single layer of railings the scorpion kept looking like it was going to fall off.  With a second layer the scorpion appeared to be much more secure but my video was a bit jittery.  The scorpion got one really good hit in on a Quetz and then immediately proceeded to fall off the platform.  Luckily I noticed this quick enough to go recover my scorpion.  Looks like I am going to have to keep using the jump-out-of-the-saddle-and-shoot method.

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yeah well devs it too hard to solo a quetzel with bird and scorpion takes too long and 85% of the time the quetzel will die which equal that i waited time trying to tame it iknow that shorting from  flaying dinos might be a little op so why not just enable it for pve or another method like meke the quetzel land when it take like half health damg or something that just make solo tame quetzels possible PLS!!!!

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