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Wipe vs No Wipe Discussion Thread


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39 minutes ago, Volcano637 said:

I get your reasoning but that is still basically making it 2 separate games. Old players here and new players here. It would seem easier to just wipe instead of the segregation 

That's not any different than what we have now with primitive plus, orp, pvp, pve, extinction servers. Again if these servers don't bring I enough of the player base nothing stopping them from being wiped.

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4 hours ago, CyanicEmber said:

Indeed. Officials must be wiped on launch. There is simply no way to gloss over the damage caused by bugs and exploits and no way to level the playing-field for newcomers if we don't.

No such thing as a 'level playing field' in this game, 2 mins after wipe that organised 30 player alpha is going to be back on the server and built up within the hour and probably wiping everyone that dares build on their patch, you are not leveling any playing field with a wipe, just wasting peoples  time ..

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2 hours ago, Volcano637 said:

I know. I mentioned that in my post. And I get it but the thing is old players will still be able to bring their stuff over and overrun the new servers as well. And let's say they can find a way that you can't transfer over to the new servers but why segregate the new and old players. What kind of game does that? Beta stuff should not be retained after the official release 

Tbh many games that have gone through lengthy alpha/beta phases now have legacy servers...these days moe often than not servers are just added on release because customers payed full price for game and put in th hours to help development since alpha. Why should preference be given to new players anyway over a dedicated fanbase?

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2 hours ago, RilyHaryToze said:

That's not any different than what we have now with primitive plus, orp, pvp, pve, extinction servers. Again if these servers don't bring I enough of the player base nothing stopping them from being wiped.

Well I sure hope it does happen and they realize a wipe just needs to be made. Hopefully anyway. I am still surprised they they even entertained the idea of segregation and letting some servers stay.

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47 minutes ago, Azmeaiel said:

No such thing as a 'level playing field' in this game, 2 mins after wipe that organised 30 player alpha is going to be back on the server and built up within the hour and probably wiping everyone that dares build on their patch, you are not leveling any playing field with a wipe, just wasting peoples  time ..

Disagree. I don't really care about a level playing field. But at the same time once again it is a beta game. Nothing from a beta should go onto an official release. Fair or not fair doesn't matter. I wouldn't want to buy seven days to die but when I start playing it I only have 2 days left lol it's just stupid to entertain the idea of a game being launched with all the crap on the map. Lets forget about all the whiny alphas for a second, all the random foundations all over the place. Along with pillars, behemoth gates, and a lot of other trash? Some of those things stop newbies from building in certain spots. And what if they are metal? They don't have the resources to get rid of that crap and litter lol I mean come on how do people not get this? 

Pretend you are not an alpha for a second. You are the noob and you just bought a game you know nothing about and you come in and notice all of this crap all over the place. That's just dirty. And you can't just say we'll have them get rid of the unused stuff because that would take a lot longer than just wiping the server.

so yes, the reason I want the wipe isn't for a level playing field. It's to have any server to choose from to be able to get on it on not truly "waste my time" getting rid of junk that shouldn't be there on a brand new officially released game. That's what a real waste of time is.

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56 minutes ago, Azmeaiel said:

Tbh many games that have gone through lengthy alpha/beta phases now have legacy servers...these days moe often than not servers are just added on release because customers payed full price for game and put in th hours to help development since alpha. Why should preference be given to new players anyway over a dedicated fanbase?

First off we still haven't payed full price. I have only paid 50 and for the people that didn't get SE they still only paid 30. I would hope that an ethical business would put priority on people that spent more money. Loyalty and dedication don't mean a thing in the business world. What matters is money, that's why we had to pay the extra 20 for SE. Either way we haven't paid full price and we also already basically got to cheat because even if the servers did get wiped I can get to the mid to late 40's on the first day where newbies won't have a clue and will probably break level 10. If you truly belong being alpha you will easily be able to do it again.

i really don't see where the whining is come by from. One of my tribe members has put over 1000 hours in. I have not put in that much but I am still in the hundreds.

i have a feeling all of these people whining about losing their stuff never had an original Nintendo and know what it's like to never be able to save. And you know what if they are in my generation and had one and are still complaining then I am very very disappointed in them.

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13 minutes ago, BulletForce said:

Servers should have been wiped monthly anyway during the alpha. That's what most good developers do. 

In any case they will have to wipe before release. There is no way it will be fair to new players otherwise.

The only way to make it "fair" to both old and new players is to have new server...which they have already said they plan to do. That's the only logical compromise.

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My previous post which was titled yes another official wipe post had plenty of good points with no whining involved. The thing is once I started reading other people's posts I realized there is a lot more reasons to do an official wipe on the official release date. For the most reasonable and logical reasons read my previous post, this is just for the extra stuff.

ok, first off no you have not paid full price for the game. We have paid 50 and if you don't have SE then you paid 30. People say why prioritize the newbies? Well one simple reason for it is that they actually will pay full price. 

Second, there is so much junk and litter all over these maps including foundations etc. that's stops people from being able to build. God forbid that it is metal, they poor guys won't even have the resources to get rid of it. Not to mention the behemoth gates, pipelines, crop plots, etc. people say if the wipe happens then their time has been wasted. Incorrect! Spending time getting rid of litter that people left all over the place is a true waste of time, end of story!

third, and possibly the funniest. Alphas did not want a wipe but now that Chinese/Russians are coming and wiping you, you want them to do something about it ? But at the same time that is basically what you are doing to the new people. Maybe you just simply don't deserve alpha.

fourth, if you are a true alpha then you will easily become one again. You don't need the crutch of being able to save what you have. Hasn't anyone one here had an original Nintendo? My generation is the generation of no saving and especially having to repeat the same thing over and over again i.e. Building and leveling over and over. Time isn't wasted if you are have fun. And building and leveling and surviving is the core concept of the game, not trying to hold onto everything you have. That is not surviving, that is living in fear plain and simple.

fifth, I am part of an alpha tribe that has control of multiple servers. With this new new transfer we have been going to other servers and making full server alliances. With having atleast 29 dragons at a few of our servers we don't really worry about other groups too much. My tribe loves pvp but most of all they know how bad I want the officials wiped. Our goal is to get a big enough group together to start our own server purges. I would personally like to wipe all servers but that would take way too long. I will try to get as many as I can though. Don't worry I don't believe in cheating like ddos or lag switching or anything like that. I just think it would be awesome to bring in a 50 dragon army along with multiple golems and gigas. See that's fun to me, getting rid of alphas.

the bottom line is my tribe and I have many Dino's and bases and we couldn't care less if there was an official wipe or not. With all the alliances we have going we will still be on multiple servers and still easily be alphas. I mean 40 plus and we have more dragons than members lol

Hope to see you soon ?

Oh wow I had to edit this because I also forgot another important reason and that is obelisk blocking, which I do believe is a server violation that should result in a wipe. Or at the very least a complete tribe wipe of the tribe that has done the blocking. You can kill someone all you want but to actually stop them from accessing parts of the game that they should be able to is clearly grieving and once again should result in a server or whole tribe wipe. 

I'll let you guys know if I think of anything else. There are just so many reason to just go ahead and wipe, yet the only reason and I mean ONLY reason is that people don't want to lose their stuff. Pretty clear choice to me lol


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As far as the launch is concerned, wildcard already announced it would come with new clean servers. One can only hope and assume those servers would be on a separate cluster at least for the first few months. That way, no wipe is required, but the new players who play on the new servers all start at the same "physical" point. Sure they can have more experience with the game if they played on older server but they wouldnt start with anything more than knowledge, same as a wipe. 

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2 hours ago, RilyHaryToze said:

The only way to make it "fair" to both old and new players is to have new server...which they have already said they plan to do. That's the only logical compromise.

The thing is (at least with the Official OC servers) the majority of them are pretty much dead or dormant. Most of them have less then 15 players online at peak times and this is particularly because of certain cheating alpha tribes on those servers but also partly because of the DLC which has basically killed off the vanilla base game. 


It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to keep 10 servers which have on average 4-5 players on max during the day and 15 during peak hour alive. They should be wiped and some servers removed to mass the players in fewer servers.

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27 minutes ago, BulletForce said:

The thing is (at least with the Official OC servers) the majority of them are pretty much dead or dormant. Most of them have less then 15 players online at peak times and this is particularly because of certain cheating alpha tribes on those servers but also partly because of the DLC which has basically killed off the vanilla base game. 


It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to keep 10 servers which have on average 4-5 players on max during the day and 15 during peak hour alive. They should be wiped and some servers removed to mass the players in fewer servers.

They've said they plan to wipe/repurpose low pop servers but we'll have to wait and see what they consider low pop not to mention the actual release of the game. No telling how much longer that'll be :).

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8 hours ago, VDDwrekkm said:

Literally making a pointless topic when you don't know the facts.

  • No proof has been posted of this actual "item dupe" on official servers. Some Vid of a kid going through Vaults with 100 stacks of chem tables not pressing escape to show what server he is on isn't good enough. 
  • No proof of a "dino dupe" has been posted anywhere. Just a bunch of crybabys getting wiped making up any excuse they can.

In reality if they wipe / don't wipe ARK is still going to be exactly the same. 

Making up any excuse they can to try and get server transfer removed from ARK because they want to play PvE on a PvP server. When ARK was first released they had to remove the server transfer because you could go from PvE to PvP servers ect. Now that is has been fine tuned they turned it back on. It will be permanent and is apart of the core game. If you don't like that go play on Unofficial Servers or go play on PvE.

I have full proof of the dino and item dupe on transfer.  Simply because it happened to a tribe mate by accident. I reported the method to wildcard via ticket immediately. 

The sad truth is/was this was working...

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Please drop the Alpha argument when discussing this topic and think about what you are cutting and pasting from the last post like this. With the knowledge and manpower these guys have they will still be Alpha on a fresh server as they will build up much faster than anyone else, especially a new player, so what is your point there?

Also, do you seriously believe with the amount of time this game has been in EA that tens of thousands of gamers are waiting for a release so they can pay 4 times as much (compared to sale price) to play this game as a full release???? You have got to be joking. The main player base of this game on release is playing the game right now. Again, blindly regurgitating what the last person said about server wipes.


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9 hours ago, VDDwrekkm said:

Literally making a pointless topic when you don't know the facts.

  • No proof has been posted of this actual "item dupe" on official servers. Some Vid of a kid going through Vaults with 100 stacks of chem tables not pressing escape to show what server he is on isn't good enough. 
  • No proof of a "dino dupe" has been posted anywhere. Just a bunch of crybabys getting wiped making up any excuse they can.

In reality if they wipe / don't wipe ARK is still going to be exactly the same. 

Making up any excuse they can to try and get server transfer removed from ARK because they want to play PvE on a PvP server. When ARK was first released they had to remove the server transfer because you could go from PvE to PvP servers ect. Now that is has been fine tuned they turned it back on. It will be permanent and is apart of the core game. If you don't like that go play on Unofficial Servers or go play on PvE.

Bro you know full well that the things you have said is being done.....

They even know how to do the dino exploit on the new clusters bro....

Btw nice new shiny account...

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5 hours ago, Volcano637 said:

My previous post which was titled yes another official wipe post had plenty of good points with no whining involved. The thing is once I started reading other people's posts I realized there is a lot more reasons to do an official wipe on the official release date. For the most reasonable and logical reasons read my previous post, this is just for the extra stuff.

ok, first off no you have not paid full price for the game. We have paid 50 and if you don't have SE then you paid 30. People say why prioritize the newbies? Well one simple reason for it is that they actually will pay full price. 


I'm only going to quote your first post because it's pointless addressing the rest. 

So paying an extra 10 for a game makes that player a priority to please? there are plenty of empty servers, servers where the alphas are friendly and help people build up I joined one Friday and the 3 largest tribes on the server help everybody that joins whether it be giving somebody a set of metal tools or kibble to help tame their first Ptera or whatever. From friday - sunday we managed to build a completely metal base tame birds for everybody 3 high rex's, Argy's and all sorts of other tames and without the initial help of these players that probably wouldnt be the case as things wouldnt have progressed as quickly as they did. Wiping every server because of an official release is ridiculous people have put thousands of hours into this game and you suggest wiping it because somebody paid an extra 10 for the game? let them find the server that suits them best plenty of people still buy the game now and enjoy playing on full servers. Yeah i get there are servers with bully alphas but just let them enjoy there low populated servers. Alot of tribes on populated servers are friendly with one another anyway and when a alpha from another server comes over they tend to join together and get rid of them anyway (from my experience anyway).

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4 hours ago, steelshiv said:

If the Game is wiped on release the Alpha Tribes will have rebuilt on their servers in less than a week.

See now that is something I can agree to. And if they are a true alpha that's what they will do. The wipe still needs to happen for the multiple reasons I have listed though. 

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1 hour ago, Faded330 said:

I'm only going to quote your first post because it's pointless addressing the rest. 

So paying an extra 10 for a game makes that player a priority to please? there are plenty of empty servers, servers where the alphas are friendly and help people build up I joined one Friday and the 3 largest tribes on the server help everybody that joins whether it be giving somebody a set of metal tools or kibble to help tame their first Ptera or whatever. From friday - sunday we managed to build a completely metal base tame birds for everybody 3 high rex's, Argy's and all sorts of other tames and without the initial help of these players that probably wouldnt be the case as things wouldnt have progressed as quickly as they did. Wiping every server because of an official release is ridiculous people have put thousands of hours into this game and you suggest wiping it because somebody paid an extra 10 for the game? let them find the server that suits them best plenty of people still buy the game now and enjoy playing on full servers. Yeah i get there are servers with bully alphas but just let them enjoy there low populated servers. Alot of tribes on populated servers are friendly with one another anyway and when a alpha from another server comes over they tend to join together and get rid of them anyway (from my experience anyway).

Thank you. You just gave me another very important reason why the servers should be wiped. Very important.

all of us got to enjoy the game how it was supposed to be played surviving as a little level 1 and gathering berries and running away from our first raptor or solo that chased us down. 

Giving them kibble???? Are you kidding me? Metal tools? How are they really going to be able to learn the game and really enjoy it it you just give them that kind of higher level stuff right off the bat? 

That literally just made me sick. I get it. You guys want to be the "game genie" right? Just remember people that use cheat codes usually get bored with the game faster. Hey I have an idea let's ruin their experience even further by giving them stuff way above their level. That was the part of the game that was fun. 


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4 hours ago, RilyHaryToze said:

They've said they plan to wipe/repurpose low pop servers but we'll have to wait and see what they consider low pop not to mention the actual release of the game. No telling how much longer that'll be :).

I think anything that is lower than 50 on peak hours should be considered a low pop server

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3 hours ago, Cobretti said:

Please drop the Alpha argument when discussing this topic and think about what you are cutting and pasting from the last post like this. With the knowledge and manpower these guys have they will still be Alpha on a fresh server as they will build up much faster than anyone else, especially a new player, so what is your point there?

Also, do you seriously believe with the amount of time this game has been in EA that tens of thousands of gamers are waiting for a release so they can pay 4 times as much (compared to sale price) to play this game as a full release???? You have got to be joking. The main player base of this game on release is playing the game right now. Again, blindly regurgitating what the last person said about server wipes.


And coming back with the same old arguement right? But that would be mean if they wipe my server ?. You poor thing. I have mentioned over 10 different reasons, which alphas had to do with one small part of it. And once again it really doesn't matter. A beta is a beta. A fully released game is a fresh game.

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Ok so here is the thing. This game is currently on Steam and has been for well over a year. Just how many new players do you think there will be on official release? Unless they put it on a CD and sell in stores there probably wont be too many new players. The people playing right now is more than likely going to be the ones playing on release. I bet if they have new servers for new people the population will not be very high simply because there will not be very many new players.

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29 minutes ago, JaHakk said:

Ok so here is the thing. This game is currently on Steam and has been for well over a year. Just how many new players do you think there will be on official release? Unless they put it on a CD and sell in stores there probably wont be too many new players. The people playing right now is more than likely going to be the ones playing on release. I bet if they have new servers for new people the population will not be very high simply because there will not be very many new players.

Fair point. Even more reason to wipe. If not the new servers would be the low pop servers and would be wiped. That seems like a waste of time and resources. We do not need even more servers when a good chunk of them are already empty or low populated. 

What we need is a complete fresh start. If there won't be that many players joining as you say then adding more servers is pointless. Wipe low pop servers and then they become the new servers, which would still end up being low pop. It just doesn't make sense to me. 

Gotta have an official wipe. Once again fair is not of my concern and I have never used that word in my posts 

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