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  3. That sounds pretty cool. The Bloodstalker had the potential to be the most fun travel mount but the webs being so buggy and broken really dragged it down. I'd love a new grapple dino.
  4. Since the last update, had a crash now I can't load the island map, I'm on Xbox s. What do I do short of starting over or just quitting altogether.
  5. used to play on xbox a ton just now starting again on PC def wanna make this happen discord is Draco8424
  6. Have you seen Garuga’s stream about the collab? Garuga still has ownership of the Ark Addition mods and will give Wild Card the Thumbs Up whenever they make a change to something. As a result of the collab, Wild Card will pay x-amount of money to Garuga for his mods.
  7. These creatures are cool and Im glad arks roster is being expanded but some Center news next week would be nice if its actually coming June 3rd. One of my favorite maps. Please for the love of God dont delay it again.
  8. No one is begging for that expect you. PLEASE ADD MICROTRANSACTIONS , said no player ever. Go play a fibercraft server or another game entirely if you cant handle the grind of official. Stop spamming the forums with this junk.
  9. All the original from ASE 10. Archelon, Acrocathosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Ceratosarus, Concavenator, Cryolophosaurus, Deinotherium, Deinosuchus, Helicorprion, and Xiphactinus. Premiums are going to stay premium, but there's a chance Dienochirus and Velociraptor will be added when they are closer to being finished, maybe Suchomimus but no word on that crewture yet.
  10. Right, because god forbid you do something productive and risky like hunt alpha's, find explorer notes, or anything that involves playing the damn game as it was intended.🤦‍♂️
  11. Ok, thanks. A few things you need to before reinstalling everything (again); Go to settings ASE (before booting) in Steam and boot it in the lowest settings. If the crash still occurs, go to the next tip. Delete EVERYTHING. Not only thru Steam, but your entire gamefolder. Same goes for all mods. Then reinstall ONLY the game without any mods. Boot the game and see if it still occurs. Let me know if this worked out. The next tip will be a pretty longread.
  12. KasiaBunny


    is Wildcard finally about requesting battlEye to valid steamdecks? After all BattlEye doing it automaticly, but request is required by company ON ASE they finally did at somee point,but as it's ASA now it requires seperate request as separete game
  13. ASE is on a 2 terabyte external ssd and the image has the Graphics card
  14. Ok so are all of ark additions creatures/dinos going to be officially part of ASA or is it just going to be a select few or something ?
  15. Hello everyone, I have a problem and hope someone can help me. I'm playing Ark Ascended on PlayStation 5 in single-player mode. I've made some progress and was in the snow area collecting pearls when I died. Now, I should have respawned at my bed, but that never happened. Instead, I had to create a new character, which is back at level 1, while my previous character was level 98. It wouldn't be so bad if I could at least access all the items from the previous character. I'm asking for help and hope you're all doing well.
  16. There are no herbivores for underwater plus no way tog et berries underwater so something to keep in mind also knocking out dinos to get blood packs
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